story: How the church concealed Father Ridsdale's crimes
By Broken Rites Broken Rites March 18, 2014
This photo demonstrates why
Broken Rites was needed. In the photo, Catholic priest Gerald
Ridsdale (left, in sunglasses and hat) walks to court,
accompanied by his support person (Bishop George Pell, then an
auxiliary bishop in Melbourne), when Father Ridsdale was
pleading guilty to his first batch of criminal charges in May
1993. But no bishop accompanied the victims, who felt deserted
by the church leaders. Therefore, since 1993, Broken Rites
research has supported many of the Catholic Church's victims,
as shown on this website. |
This Broken Rites article is the most comprehensive account
available about how the Catholic Church harboured this
child-abuser - Father Gerald Francis Ridsdale - for 30 years
while his superiors and fellow-priests remained silent to
protect the church's public image. Gradually some of his
victims, encouraged by Broken Rites, have
spoken to detectives in the Victoria Police child-protection
squad. Ridsdale, who is serving a 20-year sentence, is
in court again in 2014 because some more of
his victims have recently come forward. He is pleading
guilty to these 30 new charges involving offences against 11
boys and three girls between 1961 and 1980. He will be sentenced
later in 2014.
This photo helped to expose the cover-up
Broken Rites believes that this photo (below) raises two
1. WHY did Bishop George Pell
accompany Father Gerald Ridsdale to court on 27 May 1993 when
Ridsdale received his first conviction for child-sex
2. WHY did no bishop, or even a priest, accompany the
Father Ridsdale (with his features obscured by dark
glasses and a cap) walked to the Melbourne Magistrates Court
with his support person, Bishop Pell (wearing clerical garb).
Unknown to Ridsdale and Pell, one of Ridsdale's victims had
alerted the media about the court case. Therefore, when the
priest and the bishop reached the court building, a Channel
Nine camera man obained video footage of their
That evening, Channel Nine's news bulletin showed this
footage of Father Ridsdale and Bishop Pell arriving at the
court. This bulletin was viewed throughout the state of
Victoria, including by many church-abuse victims. Viewers
noticed that a bishop was accompanying the criminal priest,
rather than accompanying the victims.
This publicity alerted other Ridsdale victims, many of whom
later rang the newly-established Broken Rites
telephone hotline. Broken Rites told these callers the phone
number of the Victoria Police child-abuse unit, where they could
report Ridsdale's crimes to the detectives.
As detectives interviewed more of his victims, Ridsdale
was brought back to court in 1994 and in 2006 and in 2013
to be sentenced again. After each court case, more
Ridsdale victims contacted Broken Rites and, as a result, many
(but not all) of these victims eventually spoke to the
Since 1993, the television footage of Ridsdale and Pell
arriving together has been shown in current affairs programs
(such as "Four Corners" and "Sixty Minutes")
concerning sex-abuse cover-ups in the Catholic Church.
The church knew about Ridsdale
Gerald Ridsdale (born 1934) and George Pell (born
1941) both had a Catholic childhood in Ballarat, a
"very Catholic" city, where the bishop for western
Victoria is located. Various members of the Ridsdale clan were
acquainted with various members of the Pell clan.
In 1960, Ridsdale was in the final stage of his
studies as a trainee priest, while Pell was in the early
stage. Both Ridsdale and Pell were sponsored in their
seminary studies by the diocese of Ballarat (which
covers the whole of western Victoria) and therefore both
were committed to beginning their priestly careers in western
Victoria after ordination.
Father Ridsdale began ministering in west Victorian
parishes in 1961. George Pell continued studying at the
Melbourne seminary for a while, then did further studies in
Europe, returning to Australia in 1971 to work in west
Victorian parishes.
In the 1970s, when Ridsdale and Pell crossed paths as
priests in the city of Ballarat, western Victoria had about 55
parishes, most of which had only one priest. This relatively
small team of diocesan priests knew about each other's
postings, transfers, promotions and career-disruptions.
In the 1960s, until 1971, Ridsdale's superior was Bishop
James O' Collins. In May 1971, O'Collins was succeeded
by Bishop Ronald Austin Mulkearns, who had been
O'Collins's co-adjutor (assistant) bishop since 1968.
In 1971, Father George Pell was an assistant priest in a
parish at Swan Hill in the Ballarat diocese's outskirts
in north-western Victoria. Ridsdale, too, had been an assistant
priest at this parish, shortly before Pell arrived.
In 1973, Father Ridsdale and Father Pell were both located
in a parish within the city of Ballarat, living together in the
parish house of St Alipius in Ballarat East.
Early in Ridsdale's career, according statements by
victims, Bishop O'Collins's
office learned that Ridsdale was a danger to children.
Nevertheless, the church (under Bishop Mulkearns) continued
using Ridsdale as a priest, putting more children at risk. The
diocese shifted the Ridsdale problem from parish to parish but
it never warned parishioners that their children were in danger.
In some parishes, Ridsdale lasted only months or weeks. Early in
his posting at the Inglewood parish (in
north-central Victoria) in 1975, he fled from this town
overnight after some victims reported his crimes to the
police, and he had to ask the bishop for a new posting.
Ridsdale's sudden move
from Inglewood was obvious
to his fellow priests in western Victoria.
In the 1980s and early 1990s, Ridsdale was evacuated from
the Ballarat diocese — to spend "time-out" in
Melbourne, Sydney and the United States, to get him away
from his further troubles in western Victoria. This
"time-off", especially his overseas trip, was common
knowledge among his Victorian colleagues.
His interstate and overseas stints were interspersed with
more postings in the Ballarat diocese, all of which ended in
more crimes.
Ridsdale was still protected by the church's code of
silence. One family says that when they complained to a senior
cleric (Monsignor Leo Fiscalini) in 1981 about Ridsdale
committing buggery on their son, the monsignor urged the family
to remain silent "for the church's sake".
Meanwhile, Father George Pell's career boomed. He
moved to Melbourne, where he was the rector of Victoria's
Corpus Christi seminary (in 1985-87) before becoming one of
Melbourne's four auxiliary bishops (in 1987). As a Melbourne
auxiliary bishop, Pell was no longer associated with the
Ballarat diocese but was responsible for overseeing
Melbourne's southern suburbs.
Back in the Ballarat diocese, other priests knew about
Ridsdale's removals and his times in the "sin
bin". So why did George Pell accompany Ridsdale to court in
1993, instead of supporting the victims?
54 of Ridsdale's victims achieved justice
By Ridsdale's fourth court case, in 2013, his
convictions involved a total of 54 children (mostly boys,
plus several girls), aged between six and 16, who were sexually
assaulted between 1961 and 1987. These are not Ridsdale's
only victims — they are merely those who eventually took
advantage of the opportunity to talk with detectives from the
Victoria Police and whose cases were included in Ridsdale's
pleas of guilty.
Although the first of these convictions was for a crime
committed in 1961, this does not mean that Ridsdale waited until
1961 before becoming a danger to children. The significance of
"1961" is that this is about the time he was ordained
as a Catholic priest, and this status gave him easy access to
(and authority over) children. It remains to be seen what
he was doing with children before he was ordained.
Only a few of Ridsdale's victims have contacted the police.
Other Ridsdale victims (mostly boys, but also a few girls) have
contacted Broken Rites or psychiatrists or
solicitors or (unwisely) the Catholic Church without contacting
the police.
Countless more victims still remain silent. The total
number of Ridsdale victims may amount to hundreds.
Many Ridsdale victims still remain silent because they do
not want to upset their "loyal Catholic" parents.
Others feel embarrassed about contacting the detectives.
Some of the victims in Ridsdale's later court appearances
said that this embarrassment was why they had waited so long.
However, the police detectives are very helpful to all victims,
and the court procedures ensure that the victims' privacy is
protected. In these kinds of criminal cases, victims' names
cannot be published. Four court cases from
1993 to 2014
Victoria Police laid the first charges against Ridsdale in 1993,
about the time that Broken Rites was planning
to establish its national telephone hotline. During the next 13
years, with help from Broken Rites, the police easily found
additional Ridsdale victims.
Gerald Ridsdale's four court cases were as follows:-
* In May 1993, Ridsdale was summonsed to the
Melbourne Magistrates Court, charged with 30 incidents of
indecent assault, involving nine boys aged
between 12 and 16, occurring between 1974 and 1980. Ridsdale
pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 12 months jail (with parole
after three months).
* In 1994, largely as a result of the Broken
Rites telephone hotline, Ridsdale was charged with indecent
assaults, occurring between 1961 and 1981, involving 20
boys , aged 9 to 15, plus the eleven-year-old sister of one of
the boys. He was also charged with five incidents of buggery,
involving four of these boys, and the attempted buggery
of another one of the boys. Ridsdale pleaded guilty to all the
charges. He was jailed for 18 years, with parole possible after
15 years. After this publicity, still more Ridsdale victims
phoned Broken Rites and/or the police.
* In 2006, while he was about to begin the 13th
year of his jail sentence, Ridsdale was charged with 35
incidents involving 10 boys (the youngest was
aged only six) between 1970 and 1987. These included four
incidents of buggery, 24 incidents of indecent assault and seven
incidents of gross indecency. Ridsdale again pleaded guilty and
the court added four years to his existing minimum jail term.
This sentence thus delayed Ridsdale's earliest non-parole
date to 2013, when he would be 79.
* In November 2013, Ridsdale (aged 79 and still
serving his previous prison sentences) pleaded guilty in the
Melbourne Magistrates Court to 30 further charges, mostly
indecent assault, against 14 additional victims. These offences
included three assaults on a female (Ridsdale committed one of
the assaults on this female while he was performing the Catholic
sacrament of "Confession" for her). Ridsdale is
scheduled to appear before a judge in the Melbourne County
Court in 2014 for sentencing.
Where the crimes occurred
Gerald Ridsdale's victims were sexually abused inside
the church, in the presbytery (the parish house), in the
priest's car, in victims' homes, at the home of
Ridsdale's parents in the city of Ballarat, during outings,
and on holidays with the priest. He molested one boy and his
sister a few hours after their father's funeral.
Some of the offences occurred during the sacrament of Confession
— while Ridsdale would be asking questions about a
boy's "sins". After Confession (and after the
molestation), Ridsdale would perform the rite of Absolution
— an official declaration that the boy was forgiven for the
boy's "sins".
Many offences occurred before and after the celebration of
Mass, First Holy Communions, Confirmation ceremonies, weddings
and funerals. Many of the victims were altar boys.
One altar boy was even sexually abused at the altar, when
the church was empty and locked after Mass.
Ridsdale also committed child-sex crimes in New South
Wales but NSW victims have not yet had an opportunity to have
their day in court as NSW crimes can be prosecuted only in NSW.
There were also complaints about Ridsdale offending in the
United States during a visit there in 1990.
What Ridsdale did
Gerald Ridsdale committed indecent assault or gross
indecency against all of his victims — and, whenever
possible, he committed buggery (sodomy) against some of them.
"Buggery", like rape, is a serious felony.
"Indecent assault" (which carries a lesser
penalty than buggery) is an invasive sexual touching of another
person, falling short of buggery or rape.
"Gross indecency" (which might carry a lesser
penalty than indecent assault) could be (for example) forcing
someone to witness indecent behaviour.
In Victoria's criminals statutes, indecent assault and
gross indecency are classed as a misdemeanour, not a felony.
In sex offences, if the victim is under 16 years old, the
perpetrator cannot claim consent as a defence.
The impact on victims
When the court was deciding what sort of jail sentence to
impose, many victims submitted written impact statements,
telling how Ridsdale had affected their lives. The impact
statements, plus comments by the judge, show that the
church's role in the Ridsdale affair has disrupted families,
marriages and communities.
Many victims found it difficult to tell their Catholic
parents that a Catholic priest was a child-molester. Some
parents defended Ridsdale and the church, thus alienating their
own children. Some victims remained silent, knowing that their
"devout" family would not believe them. All this
disrupted the relationship between victims and their parents.
For many Ridsdale victims, this was their first
"sexual" experience. And this first experience was
with a Catholic priest! This had adverse effects on the sexual
development of victims, some of whom ended up with sexual
Many victims were struck by the hypocrisy involved. The
church preached about "morality" but it harboured
immoral clergy. The church's anti-abortion campaign
championed the rights of "the unborn child" but the
church was not so vigilant about the safety of its altar boys.
Many Ridsdale victims have carried scars into adulthood.
Many have drifted away from the church, often losing
contact with the community with which they had grown up.
Some dropped out of school prematurely and left home,
feeling bitter about their parents' gullibility and about
the church's negligence. These victims would find it hard to
achieve a satisfying career.
Some lost their trust in all authority, eventually getting
into trouble with the law.
There have been frequent problems with alcohol and drugs.
Some victims have had marriage problems. Some victims said their
parents' marriages have suffered because of the tensions.
Several witnesses knew of former altar boys of Ridsdale
who committed suicide.
Several victims became actively homosexual as adults, and
one of these has died from AIDS. One Ridsdale victim went on to
molest children himself and spent two years in jail.
The prosecutor told the 2006 court hearing that the
effects on Ridsdale's victims and their families had been
"catastrophic". Ridsdale's
criminal career in detail
Gerald Francis Ridsdale was born on 20 May 1934 at St
Arnaud, in western Victoria, the eldest in a Catholic family of
eight children, but he grew up in the city of Ballarat, where he
attended St Patrick's College (run by the Christian
Brothers). His extended family existed in a tribal Catholic
environment. During Ridsdale's formative years, there was an
entrenched culture of sexual abuse among clergy in western
Victoria, including at St Patrick's College, as demonstrated
in various court cases in the 1990s.
Gerry Ridsdale left school at 14 and worked for three
years as a clerk in an accountant's office in Ballarat. In
his teens he became aware of his sexual feelings towards boys.
Ridsdale's sister Shirley has said that Gerald was
bossy, tending to over-control his younger siblings. He was
power-hungry, she says.
With encouragement from a Ballarat priest, Ridsdale
decided to go back to school, aiming to become a priest. He
entered Melbourne's Corpus Christi seminary (then at
Werribee), as a candidate for the Ballarat diocese.
After four years at this seminary, Ridsdale was chosen to
go to Italy for church studies in Genoa, followed by two years
in Dublin, Ireland.
Ridsdale was ordained in St Patrick's Cathedral,
Ballarat, in July 1961, aged 27. The Ballarat diocese extends
westwards from the city of Ballarat to the South Australian
border and it includes Mildura and Swan Hill in the north and
Portland and Warrnambool in the south.
From 1961 to 1993, Father Gerry Ridsdale's main
on-going placements (that is, apart from numerous short
relieving stints) were:
- Ballarat Cathedral parish, early
- Mildura, mid-1960s;
- Swan Hill, late 1960s;
- Warrnambool, 1970-1;
- Ballarat East, early 1970s;
- Apollo Bay, 1974-5;
- Inglewood , 1975;
- Edenhope, late 1970s;
- "warehoused" in Melbourne,
- Mortlake, 1981;
- Sydney presbyteries, 1982-5;
- Horsham, late 1980s;
- locum work in parishes in the USA,
1990; and
- chaplain in western Sydney, 1991-3.
Often he was removed prematurely from his main Victorian parish
appointments (evidently because of misbehaviour) and he would
then be sent to serve a few weeks as a relieving priest
elsewhere — at Port Fairy (St
Patrick's), Camperdown (St Patrick's),
Colac (St Mary's), Casterton
(Sacred Heart), Coleraine (St Joseph's), Koroit
(Infant Jesus) and various other parishes. For example, in the
mid-1970s (between his appointments at Ballarat East and
Edenhope), he made several trips to relieve at Swan Hill, where
he had ministered a few years earlier. As a result, his victims
were scattered throughout Victoria.
Ridsdale's style of operation
Early on, it became obvious that Gerry Ridsdale was
obsessed with boys. He maintained an "open house",
making his presbytery a drop-in centre for boys. He acquired a
pool table and he was an early possessor of colour television, a
microwave oven, an electric typewriter, a video-cassette player
and computer games — all these became a magnet for boys.
He would often invite a boy to stay overnight. Many
"staunch Catholic" parents permitted (and even
encouraged) this, believing that a priest is a good role model.
But the boy would find that he was forced to share a double bed
with Ridsdale.
Sometimes Ridsdale took his victims far away from their
families — on trips to other parts of Victoria, such as
the presbytery at picturesque Apollo Bay. Even after leaving a
parish, he would sometimes re-visit a family, perhaps a year
later, to take their son on an outing, during which he would
abuse the boy.
He also took boys to White Cliffs in far-western New South
Wales, where he had a mining right in an opal region.
A significant proportion of Ridsdale's victims came
from large families or families where the father was ill or dead
or working away from home or doing shift work. A busy mother
would gratefully accept Ridsdale's offer to "help"
by taking one of her sons on a trip or to stay at his
At his various parishes, Ridsdale acted as a visiting
"chaplain" at local schools, thereby gaining access to
more boys. The 1960s
Ridsdale has admitted that, even while working in his very
his first parish, he was already abusing children. The earliest
of his charged offences was for an incident in late 1961, a few
months after his ordination. This victim ("Glen") was
from Camperdown, in Victoria's south-west. The court was
told that Glen's father was hospitalised and Ridsdale was
"minding" the boy. These assaults of Glen occurred at
Camperdown and at a seaside resort, Anglesea.
Ridsdale flourished within a climate of entrenched clergy sexual
abuse in the Ballarat diocese. In the mid-1960, he spent a
period at Mildura (Sacred Heart parish), in
Victoria's far north-west, working under the supervision of
Monsignor John Day. The church has since admitted that Day was a
major child-sex offender and it has offered an official apology
to Day's victims.
Ridsdale ranged far and wide. He admits that in 1966 he
abused an altar boy from Horsham, in Victoria's far west.
The court was told that this boy's family moved to Wodonga,
on the NSW border. Ridsdale visited the Wodonga home and took
the boy camping at Mitta Mitta in Victoria's remote
north-east, where the offences occurred.
Another offence, in 1967-8, involved an altar boy,
"Julian", who lived in Swan Hill.
Some years later, Julian told his mother about the assaults but
she did not believe that a Catholic priest would do a thing like
this and she smacked him. This cover-up damaged Julian's
relationship with his mother and later with his wife. When he
made his police statement in September 1993, Julian was aged 37.
The early 1970s
According to court evidence, the Ballarat diocesan authorities
knew at least as early as 1970-1 that Gerry Ridsdale was a risk
to boys. Ridsdale was then in Warrnambool (at
St Joseph's parish).
One Warrnambool victim ("Ken"), according to a
sworn statement tendered in court, told the late Father Thomas
Martin Brophy (a priest of the Ballarat diocese) about
Ridsdale's abuse — and Brophy duly reported it to the
Ballarat diocesan authorities. Father Brophy then told a
superior, Monsignor Leo Fiscalini. Ken said that a senior
official at the Ballarat diocesan office confirmed to him in
1995 that Fiscalini knew about Ridsdale's abuse.
In 1974, Ken told the Ballarat diocesan office about
Ridsdale, and the diocese referred Ken to Father Dan Torpy, who
was acting as a counsellor.
Another of Ridsdale's Warrnambool victims was
"Glen", an altar boy who was a student at Warrnambool
Christian Brothers College (now Emanuel College). Ridsdale has
pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting Glen in Warrnambool in
1970, when the boy was 13, and he has also pleaded guilty to
committing multiple offences of buggery against Glen in 1972-3
at Apollo Bay, where Ridsdale had taken the boy for a
Psychologist Ian Joblin (a defence witness for Ridsdale)
told the 1994 court hearing that Ridsdale had some interviews
with a counsellor for sexual matters in 1970-1 while at
Warrnambool. The interviews were arranged by the church
authorities but Joblin was not sure exactly who.
This all indicates that the church authorities knew, early
on, about Ridsdale propensity.
Mr Joblin told the court that Ridsdale was also sent to a
Franciscan monk, Father Peter Evans, in the mid-1970s for
counselling for his sexual problems.
(Father Evans, who was also a psychiatrist, left the
priesthood in 1976, got married and began practising psychiatry
publicly in Melbourne. He told a journalist in November 1994
that he could not remember whether or not he had seen Ridsdale,
but it was possible that Ridsdale was at a retreat for priests
that Father Evans attended.)
In late 1971, Ridsdale was transferred from Warrnambool to be an
assistant priest in Ballarat East at the parish
of St Alipius (pronounced
"al-LEEP-ee-us") where Ronald Mulkeans himself had
been the parish priest before becoming the Bishop of Ballarat in
1971. Ridsdale was joined in this presbytery in 1973 by another
assistant priest, Father George Pell. Ridsdale
and Pell shared the house for a year or two until Ridsdale was
shunted on to other towns. This means that Bishop Mulkearns,
Father Ridsdale and Father Pell were equally well known among
the parishioners of St Alipius — and among Ridsdale's
young victims. One victim (a former altar boy at St Alipius)
said that, after being sexually assaulted by Ridsdale, he got
himself removed from Ridsdale's altar-boy roster and changed
to Father George Pell's roster.
While working in Ballarat East, Ridsdale also acted as
chaplain at the four-classroom St Alipius parish school, where
he found like-minded company. Brother Robert Best who taught
grade 6, Brother Edward Dowlan who taught grade 5, and another
brother named Fitzgerald (now dead) who taught Grade 3, were all
child-abusers. So was a later teacher there, Christian Brother
Stephen Francis Farrell. All, except Fitzgerald, were later
convicted of sex crimes. During Dowlan's County Court trial
in 1996, the prosecution alleged that three St Alipius boys were
each sexually abused by Dowlan, Best and Ridsdale.
One former St Alipius altar boy said in his police
statement, that after he was indecently assaulted by Ridsdale,
the priest gave him a piece of Holy Communion bread (as used in
Mass) as a reward. Another former altar boy said that Ridsdale
indecently assaulted the boy while the boy confessed his sins to
the priest during the "sacrament of Confession".
In 1974-5, Ridsdale was re-assigned to the coastal parish of Apollo
Bay (Our Lady Star of the Sea parish). One victim here was
"Gary" of Colac, who met Ridsdale while the priest was
president of the Colac gem club. Ridsdale took him to stay at
the Apollo Bay presbytery, where the abuse occurred.
The church evades the police, 1975
In 1975, Gerald Ridsdale was appointed to be in charge of St
Mary's parish at Inglewood, an old gold
rush town, north-west of Bendigo. Inglewood was then within the
Ballarat diocese, although it has since been re-allocated to the
Sandhurst (Bendigo) diocese. It was in Inglewood that his crimes
first came to the notice of police. Inglewood policeman Bill
Sampson received several complaints about Ridsdale and passed
them on to Detective Sergeant Col Mooney in Bendigo.
Mooney's inquiries were frustrated, however, when some
parents would not allow their son to be interviewed, and Mooney
was able to obtain only one written statement. Meanwhile,
Ridsdale disappeared from the town. Sergeant Mooney visited
Bishop Mulkearns to tell him what he had learnt from one victim
about Ridsdale's behaviour. The bishop assured Mooney that
the Ridsdale situation was under control and the church would
handle it. [Forensic psychologist Ian Joblin told the court in
the 1994 hearing that he believed that the church already knew
about Ridsdale's problem before he went to Inglewood.]
Ridsdale has admitted that he was committing buggery at
Inglewood and also before going to Inglewood. One buggery victim
in 1975 was "Larry", aged 12, who was an altar boy at
another central Victorian town. Ridsdale used to visit
Larry's town and he took Larry to stay at the Inglewood
presbytery. Larry finally contacted Broken
Rites and the police in 1994 and was included in the 1994
prosecution. Another buggery victim in Inglewood in 1975 was
"Andy" who also came forward in 1994. Ridsdale pleaded
guilty to both of these.
After Ridsdale left Inglewood, the hierarchy gave the town
a replacement priest, who (according to victims) soon heard from
parishioners about the Ridsdale scandal, which had become the
talk of the town since Ridsdale's disappearance.
It is unusual for a priest who is in charge of a parish,
as was Ridsdale in 1975 at Inglewood, to suddenly vanish after a
few months. Priests take a close interest in each other's
appointments — and all of Ridsdale's fellow priests in
the Ballarat diocese knew about his sudden disappearance from
After escaping from Inglewood, Ridsdale evidently spent
some time based at the Ballarat Cathedral presbytery, doing
relieving work in various parishes while awaiting a new
appointment. A victim (Stephen) told police in
1994 that, when he went to the Ballarat Cathedral presbytery in
1975 to seek counselling about a sexual matter, Father Ridsdale
came to the door. Stephen says that, later that day, Ridsdale
sodomised him. (Ridsdale pleaded guilty to this in 1994.).
Stephen said in his police statements that, before being
sexually assaulted by Ridsdale, he had also been indecently
assaulted by Christian Brother Edward Dowlan and another
Christian Brother at the St Alipius primary school, Ballarat
East. Late 1970s
In late 1975, despite the diocese's knowledge about the
Inglewood crimes, Ridsdale was appointed to a more remote
parish, St Malachy's at Edenhope, near the
South Australian border. As usual, Ridsdale's new
parishioners were not warned about Ridsdale being a risk to
boys. There — unsupervised and out of sight — he
committed more crimes (including buggery) until 1979.
In Edenhope, according to his victims, Ridsdale was active
and apparently undaunted by his close shave with the police at
Inglewood. Edenhope victims remember him coming into parish
classrooms and choosing boys whom he would abuse in the nearby
presbytery. Victims say the whole school knew that Ridsdale was
up to no good.
One victim in the late 1970s was "Shane", an altar
boy, who lived at in Ridsdale's earlier parish of Apollo
Bay. Ridsdale had sexually abused him frequently while at Apollo
Bay. Soon after Ridsdale was appointed to Edenhope, the priest
heard that Shane's father died in an accident. Ridsdale
returned to the Apollo Bay district to conduct the father's
funeral and then offered to take Shane (aged 12) and his sister
"Jill" (aged 11) to the Edenhope presbytery. The
children's mother gratefully accepted the offer. Back at
Edenhope, on the night of the funeral, Ridsdale indecently
mauled the girl and later the boy — while they were still
grieving their father's death. Jill told police in 1994
that, about 1990, she informed a female counsellor at the Catholic
Family Welfare Bureau in Geelong about these assaults but the
counsellor did not suggest reporting the priest to the police.
Jill said she was surprised and angry about this omission.
Shane said in his police statement: "I couldn't
speak to my mother about it [the sexual abuse] because she is
really religious... What Ridsdale did to me affected my life in
several ways. I have had to keep this secret all my life and I
believe that has affected my self-confidence. I was never able
to speak to my mother about it because of her religious beliefs
and it would have caused her too much pain."
At Edenhope, Ridsdale even sodomised one boy ("Jason")
at the altar when the church was empty and locked, after Mass.
More than a decade later — in November 1992 — it was
this Jason who phoned the Victoria Police to spark off an
investigation that resulted in the first jailing of Ridsdale in
1993. (The sad story of Jason is told at the end of
this article.)
The 1980s
A year in Melbourne
By 1980, Gerald Ridsdale's behaviour was so rampant
that the diocese sent him to have a rest at the church's
"National Pastoral Institute" in Elsternwick,
Melbourne. This removal was known to all his colleagues in
western Victoria.
Ridsdale continued offending while in Melbourne. In 1980 he met
"Peter", aged 12, who lived in
Melbourne. Peter was distressed by his parents' impending
separation. Ridsdale had a bungalow at the Institute, where he
abused Peter. Ridsdale took Peter on a trip to opal fields at
White Cliffs NSW and abused him there.
Another parish, more victims
In 1981, despite Ridsdale's record, the Ballarat diocese put
him back into parish work at Mortlake (St
Malachy's parish), in south-western Victoria. Within days of
his arrival, a Mortlake mother phoned a senior cleric at the
bishop's office in Ballarat to report that Ridsdale had just
indecently assaulted her son. According to the victim's
family, the cleric remarked that the boy must have a vivid
imagination. However, someone in the diocese evidently tipped
off Ridsdale, who promptly visited the mother and claimed
innocence [but he eventually pleaded guilty in court].
During that year, Mortlake families complained repeatedly
to the diocesan office about Ridsdale, but the diocese resisted.
The Mortlake story was finally exposed to the public in 1994.
One victim told police in 1994 that Ridsdale sexually assaulted
nearly all of this boy's mates in his class at St
Colman's primary school, Mortlake.
When he went to Mortlake, Ridsdale was still in contact
with "Peter", the boy he had abused while living at
the National Pastoral Institute. In 1981, Peter went to live
with Ridsdale at the Mortlake presbytery. Others victims say
Peter was sleeping with Ridsdale. Ridsdale pleaded guilty to
indecently assaulting Peter.
One of Ridsdale's Mortlake boys was bleeding from the
anus, so his parents complained to a senior priest (Monsignor
Leo Fiscalini) in another parish. The parents say Fiscalini
urged the boy and his family to remain silent "for the
church's sake".
After Ridsdale left Mortlake, parishioners told the next
priest (and also the one after that) about Ridsdale's abuse.
Sydney, 1982
In 1982 Ridsdale was sent even further away, to Sydney,
where the church gave him a desk job at the Catholic Inquiry
Centre. In Sydney, where he stayed until 1985, he still found
victims. He frequented various Sydney parishes and youth groups
(e.g.,, about 1985, was listed as living in the presbytery at
Woy Woy (St John the Baptist parish) in the diocese of Broken
Bay on the New South Wales central coast). Ridsdale is wanted by
the NSW police for sex offences in that State. Also, in 1994,
the church was served with a civil writ, claiming damages for
offences that occurred in Sydney.
During this Sydney period, he also served as a sea-going
chaplain on Pacific cruises.
Final parish, late 1980s
Gerald Ridsdale's last parish appointment came in 1986
when the Ballarat diocese posted him to the town of Horsham (the
parish of Saints Michael and John), in Victoria's west,
where he committed more offences. Also, in August 1987, a
25-year-old Horsham man disclosed to his mother that he had been
molested by Ridsdale while staying at the Edenhope presbytery
when he was 16. The mother immediately complained to the
diocesan office, objecting to Ridsdale's presence in Horsham
and demanding that Ridsdale be removed from access to altar
boys. The diocese, however, refused to do this and Ridsdale
continued at Horsham. Trip to the USA, 1990
Eventually, after the Horsham mother persisted, the
Ballarat diocese gave Ridsdale a trip to the United States in
1990 to stay at a residence for paedophile priests in Jemez
Springs, New Mexico (conducted by a religious order called the
Servants of the Paraclete).
Fellow-priests in Victoria knew the reason for the U.S. trip. At
Ridsdale's 1994 pre-sentence hearing, one of his colleagues,
Father Frank Madden (giving character evidence
on behalf of Ridsdale), was asked if he had been aware that
Ridsdale was sent to the USA for sexual problems. Madden
replied, "Yes."
DEFENCE COUNSEL: "You knew he had a sexual attraction
for boys and had been involved in sex activities with
DEFENCE COUNSEL: "Before he went to the USA [in
1990], you were aware he was getting counselling from a priest
who is a counsellor?"
MADDEN: "Yes, I knew that . . . I knew he went to
Sydney [in 1982] to work at the Catholic Inquiry Centre and to
get treatment."
While having his nine-month sojourn at Jemez Springs in
New Mexico, Ridsdale also did "locums" for parishes in
the local diocese — and the U.S. church has received
complaints about him molesting children while in that country.
Ridsdale a "counsellor", 1991-3
Returning to Australia, Gerald Ridsdale was re-appointed to the
ministry in 1991 in a far-away location in New South Wales
— as a chaplain at St John of God
psychiatric hospital (operated by the Catholic religious order
of St John of God Brothers) in Richmond, west of Sydney.
According to church procedures, such an appointment would
require the approval of Ridsdale's superior, the bishop of
Ridsdale's role as chaplain included counselling
patients. One wonders how it was possible for the church to
allow someone with psychiatric problems, like Ridsdale, to be
inflicted on psychiatric patients in a counselling role.
And not just that. The patients at St John of God included
patients who were suffering from the effects of sexual abuse.
That is, the church was allowing a sex abuser (Ridsdale) to
"counsel" the kind of victims that he himself had
abused. This was revealed in 2002 by former staff and
patients at the hospital in the Sydney "Daily
Telegraph" and the Melbourne "Herald Sun" on
June 4 and 5, 2002.
A former patient in 1992, Steven R, told a reporter:
"I remember him [Ridsdale]. He used to come around and sit
with us ... and console us. We had a day room with about 30
patients. Most had been sexually abused as children. He used to
touch me on the leg. I used to hate that."
In late 1992, while Ridsdale was still working at the St John of
God hospital, Victoria Police publicised a phone-in
("Operation Paradox") regarding child sex-abuse. One
caller was "Jason", a Ridsdale victim
from Edenhope. Jason signed his first police statement on 5
November 1992. Police then began making inquiries about
Ridsdale. Jason was able to nominate other possible victims
— and not just in Edenhope.
Early in 1993, Victoria Police summoned Ridsdale from New
South Wales to Victoria for his first court appearance.
A former nurse at the St John of God hospital, Jeffrey
Green, told the "Daily Telegraph" he recalled Ridsdale
being at the hospital one Friday and then "he just
disappeared in a puff of smoke". Mr Green said: "One
of the St John of God Brothers told me that Ridsdale had to
return to Melbourne because of family problems. It was later
discovered that Ridsdale had been jailed."
Mr Green said he worked alongside Ridsdale and was
"livid" when he discovered Ridsdale's background.
Mr Green said: "He [Ridsdale] was a perpetrator and
they chose to bring him back to work with victims of child
sexual-abuse. They chose to put him in this position without
anybody's knowledge. That charade was maintained until the
day he went to court.
"The hospital did everything they could to cover this
up, they were evasive about it. I asked one of the St John of
God Brothers, 'How could you allow a pedophile to work here
in this hospital?' and his response was, 'We knew
Mr Green said: "But somebody must have known. His
bishop must have known..." Ridsdale's
nephew, David
Ridsdale sexually abused several of his nephews. One of these, David
Ridsdale, was a victim in the 1993 prosecution. [David Ridsdale
later spoke in the media about his experiences, using his real
name, so that is why Broken Rites is using David's real name
in this article.]
David Ridsdale came from a family of nine children. He said it
was "very Catholic" home, and the family's friends
included a Ballarat priest, Father George Pell,
who eventually became the archbishop of Melbourne and later
Sydney. David said that originally his uncle Gerald was his
hero. At one stage, David even aspired to be a priest. But when
he was aged 11 in the late 1970s, his uncle started molesting
David said: "He offered to teach me to drive his car.
I had no idea what was going on.
"He had a great deal of trust within the family. He
told me straight that no-one would believe me if I said anything
[about the abuse]."
The abuse continued until David was 15, in 1982, leaving
scars on David's adolescence and adulthood. He became a
rebel at home and travelled the country aimlessly.
David remained silent about the abuse for many years. He
did not want his grandmother (Gerrry Ridsdale's mother) to
know about it. David Ridsdale and George Pell
Early in February 1993, when he was 25, David was considering
reporting Gerry Ridsdale to the police. David says he consulted
family friend George Pell, who by then had
become an auxiliary bishop in Melbourne. There is some dispute
about who said what during this alleged conversation. David
later claimed (in an interview published in "Outrage"
magazine in April 1997) that Pell encouraged David to remain
silent about the abuse but Pell denies doing this.
After this conversation with Pell, David decided that
he would not be able to obtain justice through the church.
Instead, David immediately phoned the police, who made an
appointment for David to talk to detectives, so that he could
make (and sign) a written statement about the crimes that
Ridsdale had committed on David. In fact, unknown to David,
detectives had already opened a file on Gerald
Ridsdale because another victim ("Jason" from the
Edenhope parish in far-western Victoria) had made a police
statement about having been abused by Ridsdale. The detectives
soon found some more of Ridsdale's victims.
So, in February 1993, police formally charged Father
Gerald Francis Ridsdale with indecently assaulting five boys,
including David and "Jason". Later, four more victims
were added to the case, making a total of nine.
The first court case, 1993
Gerald Ridsdale was scheduled to appear in the Melbourne
Magistrates Court on 27 May 1993. One of his victims alerted the
media. This is how a Channel Nine camera man happened to be
waiting for the arrival of Ridsdale and his support person,
Bishop George Pell. A reporter from The Age daily
newspaper, also, was in court; and a story appeared in the next
edition of this paper. Broken Rites still possesses a cutting of
this Age news story.
Gerald Francis Ridsdale pleaded guilty regarding nine boys
(when he was in parishes at Apollo Bay, Ballarat East, Inglewood
and Edenhope) and was jailed for a minimum of three months.
After being released from jail in August 1993, Ridsdale
spent some time staying at his family's home in Ballarat and
also at a presbytery in western Victoria, where the parish
priest was a friend of his.
Broken Rites hotline
In September 1993, Broken Rites was
establishing an Australia-wide telephone hotline. The phone
number was publicised in newspaper articles and radio programs
throughout Australia. Several victims from Ridsdale's May
1993 court case phoned us. They said that there are countless
more Ridsdale victims out there somewhere.
Gradually, Broken Rites, began hearing from additional
Ridsdale victims who had not been included in the May 1993
prosecution. We advised these newcomers to contact the Victoria
Police sexual offences and child abuse unit (the SOCA unit).
This unit began taking written statements from the victims.
Damage control
In late 1993, the church authorities realised that the
police were preparing to take Ridsdale to court again to face
more charges. The church needed to protect its image.
Ballarat's Bishop Ronald Mulkearns announced that he had
asked the Pope to "dispense" Ridsdale from his
"priestly ordination". Mulkearns said the Pope had
agreed to this, and the Pope therefore returned Ridsdale
"to the lay state". (This ensured that, next time
Ridsdale appeared in court, the media would describe him as a
FORMER priest.)
However, a colleague of Ridsdale — Father John
McKinnon, parish priest at Warracknabeal in the Ballarat diocese
— wrote in his parish newsletter that this did not mean
that the church had "dismissed" or disowned Ridsdale.
McKinnon claimed that Ridsdale himself had requested the change
of status. [Did Father McKinnon mean that, if Ridsdale had not
requested the change, the church would not — or should not
—have dismissed or disowned him?] The
second court case, 1994
Late in 1993, Detective Constable John Norris, of
Warrnambool, was gathering written statements from Ridsdale
victims with a view to prosecuting him again. On 31 December
1993, during this investigation, the Ballarat diocese wrote to
the families of some Ridsdale complainants, seeking to interview
these families. The letter was signed by Father Glynn Murphy,
who was Bishop Mulkearns's secretary and also convenor of
the Ballarat Diocese "special issues committee" on
clergy sexual abuse. [One result of this initiative would be
that the church could ascertain what evidence a particular
victim would be giving to police.]
On 19 January 1994, Gerald Francis Ridsdale appeared in the
Melbourne Magistrates Court for a bail hearing, at which he was
formally charged with some of the additional offences.
Representatives from Broken Rites were present
in the courtroom's public gallery during this hearing. That
evening's television news had footage of Ridsdale being
escorted to the court by a police officer.
This time, no bishop accompanied Ridsdale to the court.
Why not?
The new charges caused a sensation throughout Victoria,
especially in the Ballarat diocese. Bishop
Mulkearns issued an open letter to all west Victorian parishes,
defending his administration. He said: "I can say that this
past 18months or so [since the police began investigating
Ridsdale for the first court case] has been a nightmare for me
and that matters which have come to light in that time have cast
an enormous shadow over the diocese."
Mulkearns said the allegation had been made that the
church knew of the abuse that was taking place in the diocese
but did nothing about it. He said: "I hope it is
unnecessary ... for me to say that this is simply untrue."
(Warrnambool Standard, 1 February 1994.)
That is, in early 1994, Mulkearns seemed (to some people)
to be denying that the diocese knew about Ridsdale's
criminality before the police investigation of 1992-3. In May
1994, Gerald Ridsdale's sister Shirley (mother of one of
Ridsale's victims) wrote to Mulkearns, accusing the bishop
of being untruthful in his denial. Bishop Mulkearns replied to
Shirley on 2 June 1994, explaining that he had been unaware of
the "extent" of the crimes. Mulkearns admitted that he
knew in 1975 about Ridsdale's actions at Inglewood but said
he "immediately removed" Ridsdale from that parish.
[From 1975 onwards, however, Mulkearns re-assigned the
abusive priest to further parishes.]
On 13 May 1994, a preliminary ("committal") hearing
was held at the Warrnambool Magistrates Court. A Broken
Rites researcher travelled from Melbourne to study the
proceedings, and every Melbourne television channel had a film
crew there. Two fellow-priests (who had been fellow students
with Ridsdale at the seminary in the 1950s) accompanied Ridsdale
to court, but there was still nobody present from the church to
support the victims. Ridsdale was again featured on that
evening's television news.
This hearing was told that Ridsdale was facing 180
charges, including 21 of buggery, two of attempted buggery, 102
of indecent assault and 55 of gross indecency.
On 3 August 1994, the Ridsdale case moved to the County
Court (in Warrnambool), with a judge. The number of charged
incidents was reduced — to merely one or two
"representative" incidents per victim. Ridsdale
pleaded guilty to the lot.
Two fellow-priests
One purpose of the August 1994 hearing was for defence
witnesses to give evidence about Ridsdale's character and
background, so as to help the judge to decide what penalty to
impose on Ridsdale. Two priests, who accompanied Ridsdale to the
Warrnambool court proceedings, gave evidence on behalf of
Ridsdale about his background.
1. Father Frank Madden, parish priest at
Horsham in 1994. Madden, who said he was aged 67 in 1994, had
been a mature-age entrant to the Melbourne seminary, where he
met Ridsdale as a fellow student. Madden was Ridsdale's
successor in the Horsham parish after Ridsdale was removed from
there in 1988. (Therefore, Madden knew some of the Horsham
families who had been affected by Ridsdale.)
2. Father Brendan Davey of Ararat (who said he
was 58 in 1994) had been at school with Ridsdale in Ballarat and
the pair had been room-mates in the seminary.
In Melbourne on 14 October 1994, Ridsdale was sentenced to
his second jail term. Judge John Dee told Ridsdale: "The
victims were not given, in my view, any priority by your
superiors in the Catholic Church [who were] aware of your
conduct. The image and reputation of the church was given first
priority. You were given some perfunctory in-house counselling
before being shifted off to continue your criminal conduct in
other areas."
Several victims attended the sentencing as observers.
Afterwards, a priest (a friend of Ridsdale) stood outside the
court, taking photos of these victims as they left. This was a
breach of privacy and an act of harassment. The victims said
they felt they were being victimised again.
After the 1994 jailing, more Ridsdale victims contacted the
Victorian police or Broken Rites.
Police investigate the bishop
In the 1994 conviction, about two-thirds of the offences
(including buggery) occurred before Ridsale went to Inglewood.
About one third of the offences (including three buggery
offences) occurred after 1975 — that is, after the police
told Bishop Mulkeams about Ridsdale at Inglewood. Therefore,
some victims complained to police in 1995 that Bishop Mulkearns
had knowingly transferred a child-abuser to further parishes to
commit more offences.
Melbourne detectives conducted an investigation,
"Operation Arcadia", in July 1995 to determine whether
Bishop Ronald Mulkearns could be charged with 'misprision
(concealing) of a felony'.
In late 1995, Broken Rites obtained a copy of
the Operation Arcadia report under Freedom of Information
legislation. The report reveals that police received complaints
in 1975 that Ridsdale had indecently assaulted boys in
Inglewood. Detective Col Mooney, of Bendigo, investigated the
matter and tried to locate Ridsdale but was told by the church
that he was not available. Mooney was then advised by his direct
superior, Superintendent O'Sullivan, to approach Mulkearns
and notify him about the complaint. This was done the following
day, and Mulkeams was handed a written statement from one boy,
detailing the offences. The Bendigo police headquarters then
left it up to Mulkearns to "deal with" Ridsdale.
The Operation Arcadia report, in September 1995, concluded that,
as the offence in the Inglewood boy's statement (given to
Mulkearns) was a misdemeanour offence (indecent assault), not a
felony (buggery), the police were unable to charge Bishop
Mulkeams with concealing a felony. In Victoria's criminal
statutes, there is no offence of concealing a misdemeanour. The
Operation Arcadia report indicates that Bishop Ronald Mulkeams
knew in 1975 that Ridsdale was committing crimes of indecent
assault but the bishop claims he did not know about the penetration
offences (i.e., felonies).
Another interesting feature of the Operation Arcadia
report is that the police found no evidence of Ridsdale ever
undergoing proper professional therapy in the 1970s. Apart from
having discussions with his superiors, Ridsdale merely visited a
priests' retreat, which was a kind of drop-in centre. So
Ridsdale went on to offend at Edenhope, Mortlake and Horsham.
The bishop resigns
In 1996, Broken Rites circulated copies of the
Operation Arcadia report to all Australian bishops. The contents
alarmed Mulkeams's fellow bishops, who now realised that
Mulkeams was a liability.
Mulkeams finally had to write a letter to the Australian
Catholic bishops (published in the Ballarat "Courier"
on 21 December 1996). In this, he denied that he knew "in
1971" about Ridsdale's crimes but his letter dodged
the years after 1971. What about 1972 ... or 1973 ... or 1974?
He said he did not know about the felonies, but
the letter did not mention that police told him in 1975 about
the indecent assaults.
In May 1997, Bishop Ron Mulkearns took early retirement.
Announcing his resignation, Mulkeams said ("Herald
Sun", Melbourne, 31 May 1997) that his emotional energy had
been sapped "by the draining effect" of the sexual
abuse scandals.
And Mulkeams was not referring just to Ridsdale. Broken
Rites knows of other abusive priests in the Ballarat diocese
during the Ridsdale years.
The third court case, 2006
After the 1994 jailing, more Ridsdale victims contacted Broken
Rites or the police. The Ballarat Criminal Investigation Unit
(under Detective Sergeant Kevin Carson) compiled written
statements. At first, Victoria's Office of Public
Prosecutions was reluctant to spend time and money on a further
Ridsdale prosecution. But the victims persisted and eventually,
on 6 August 2006, Ridsdale (aged 72 that year) was charged again
— in the Ballarat County Court.
The offences were committed on boys when he was a parish
priest in Warrnambool, Ballarat East, Apollo Bay, Inglewood,
Edenhope, Mortlake and Horsham.
The prosecutor said Ridsdale offered one 11-year-old
victim special training so he could become an altar boy. He told
the boy he was going to make him "special enough" to
become an altar boy and that, because the priest was close to
God, he knew what to do. Ridsdale then went on to abuse the boy.
Sentencing Ridsdale to an effective four additional years
in jail, Judge Bill White criticised the Catholic Church for its
failure to act after receiving complaints about Ridsdale's
conduct, and its failure to show adequate compassion to some
victims. He said the constant moving of Ridsdale from parish to
parish only provided more opportunities for his predatory
As security guards led Ridsdale out of the court, a woman
called out: "Mr Ridsdale, I'm one of the social workers
who had to clean up the mess you made. It was horrific."
Fourth court case, in 2013 and 2014
Ridsdale was due to become eligible for parole in June
2013 after serving his long prison sentence. But by early 2013,
additional Ridsdale victims had contacted the detectives in the
Victoria Police sex-crimes squad.
So, instead of going before the Parole Board, Ridsdale was
charged in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on 18 November 2013
with multiple new offences against 14 victims. Ridsdale appeared
from a prison via video-link.
Ridsdale pleaded guilty to 29 charges including one count
of buggery, 27 counts of indecent assault, and one count of
carnal knowledge of a girl. The offences were committed between
1961 and 1980 at various Victorian towns. The victims included
three siblings.
The court decided not to proceed with more than 50 other
According to documents tabled in court, Ridsdale
indecently assaulted one ten-year-old girl numerous times
including: once at the presbytery house; once while medically
assisting her injured knee; and once during Confession when he
made her perform sexual acts after telling her that she was
wicked and naughty and had to be punished.
His victims included children who regularly attended
church or participated in after-school programs he ran. The
children were abused in various locations - in cars while
driving them around, in a bed he shared with them and at his
parish and in surrounding bushland.
Ridsdale told police he had difficulty remembering the
victims and specific allegations.
As result of this Magistrates Court hearing, the
Ridsdale case has been passed on now to a higher court, the
Melbourne County Court, where Ridsdale appeared on 18 March 2014
for pre-sentence submissons. Later in 2014 the judge will
announce a sentence.
In the Melbourne County Court's schedule for
the year 2014, Ridsdale's case ID number is CR-13-02189;
and the indictment number is D11832138.
More complaints about Ridsdale
In addition to the 54 victims in Ridsdale's four court cases
to the year 2013, Broken Rites knows of other victims who have
not contacted the police. For example, while ministering in the
city of Ballarat in the early 1960s, Ridsdale acted as a
visiting "chaplain" at a local orphanage — Nazareth
House, in Mill Street, Ballarat (operated by the Sisters of
Nazareth). In the 1960s, Nazareth House contained homeless
girls, but today it is purely an aged-care home.
At Nazareth House, the nuns allowed Ridsdale to take any child
to a private room for "Confession",
"counselling", or "sex education". Several
women have told Broken Rites that, while they
were at Nazareth House, they were mauled indecently by Ridsdale.
One victim ("Dorothy") said she was in Nazareth
House, aged from 9 to 12, after her parents separated. At age
10, Nazareth House sent her to another town to have respite care
with a temporary foster family, and the nuns allowed Ridsdale to
drive the girl there in his car. Out in the countryside, he
stopped the car and mauled her genitals.
Dorothy told Broken Rites: "I didn't know about
sex — the nuns told us nothing. When the Beatles came to
Australia, we weren't allowed to watch them on TV. We
weren't allowed to be with a male. Yet they put me in the
hands of Ridsdale.
"When I returned to Nazareth House, I didn't tell
the nuns what Ridsdale did to me. They would have hit me."
Broken Rites is doing further research regarding Nazareth
House, Ballarat.
In the early 1960s, Ridsdale was also a visiting chaplain
at an institution for homeless boys in the parish of St James at
Sebastapol, a Ballarat suburb Summing up
The Catholic Church provided a framework for
Ridsdale's crimes. The church selected Ridsdale for the
priesthood (while prohibiting married priests and women
priests), placed him on a high pedestal, advertised him as being
"celibate" and then turned him loose among the
By enforcing "high" and strict moral standards
on its congregations (regarding sexuality), the church convinced
parents that their children were safe with Ridsdale. Until about
1993, such priestly crimes were "unheard of" —
for the simple reason that the church skilfully covered them up.
Broken Rites helped to put an end to the Ridsdale
cover-up. Thus, we helped to obtain justice for his victims
— and, later, justice for the victims of other
perpetrators. Victims' stories
Here are some stories from Ridsdale victims, as told to
Broken Rites in late 1993:- 1. Daniel at Swan
Hill, 1966-9
"Daniel" (born 1956) lived with his family in
a rural community outside Swan Hill, northern Victoria. He told
Broken Rites on 5 October 1993:
"My family lived in a farming area, a few kilometres
from Swan Hill. My mother used to take us to Mass at St
Mary's parish in Swan Hill .
"I remember that Father Jerry Ridsdale used to hold
what he called 'twilight retreats' at the church in Swan
Hill, which would be attended by about 20 boys including me,
with no adults present apart from Ridsdale. His talks were all
about sex and how you should not entertain impure thoughts. He
seemed to thrive on all this dirty talk. The over-all message
was 'Don't Do It'. It's a pity he didn't
follow his own advice.
"When I was in about Grade 6, Father Ridsdale
starting coming out to our district on Sundays to say Mass in a
rural hall for the local farming community. I was made an altar
boy. He also used to visit my family's farm on Sundays, and
he often took me in his car for what he described as
bird-watching trips. He had a pair of binoculars and, when he
was getting me to look through the binoculars, he would
interfere with me. He would also molest me in his car on these
trips. He would strip me to my underpants and also strip himself
to his underpants and then lie on top of me on the front seat of
his car with the doors open. This happened on quite a few
occasions, not just once.
"He made it clear that I was not to tell anybody
— and I obeyed.
"After primary school, I dropped out of being an
altar boy. Later, I also dropped out of going to Mass. Mum was
still going but Dad used to go somewhere else on Sundays and I
started going wherever Dad went.
"It was many years before I ever told anybody about
Ridsdale. When I saw on the TV news this year [1993] that
Ridsdale had been jailed for child molestation, I discussed it
with members of my family. And then my family heard on regional
radio about the Broken Rites telephone hotline. So here I am.
"I am very aware that Ridsdale seriously disrupted my
teenage sexual development. It had drastic effects on me."
2. Andy at Inglewood 1975
In December 1993, "Andy" (born 1960) told
Broken Rites about his experiences as an altar boy for Father
Gerald Ridsdale in Inglewood in 1975:
"At Inglewood, Jerry Ridsdale made his presbytery
into a drop-in centre for youth. Nearly every boy in Inglewood
aged between 10 and 15, including non-Catholics, would have
visited him at some time.
"He had a pool table. Parents assumed that it was a
safe environment. When Ridsdale started inviting me to visit
him, my mother encouraged me to go.
"Boys were welcome to stay overnight. Ridsdale also
had boys from other parishes staying with him, including some
from Bendigo and Ballarat.
"I remember when I first found out what Ridsdale was
really like. We had just driven another boy home, and then
suddenly I was left alone with Ridsdale in his car. I will never
forget it.
"I later had many similar experiences at
Ridsdale's presbytery. Meanwhile, my family kept on
encouraging me to visit him.
"Ridsdale would have had many victims in Inglewood.
"Because of the kind of upbringing and schooling that
we had, it was difficult, even impossible, for us to tell our
parents. The clergy is on such a high pedestal that nobody wants
to hear anything negative about a priest. Many victims do not
even talk about church-abuse to other victims.
"If a child molester wants to get access to children,
the best place for him is in the priesthood. It is a perfect
cover. The molester is even aided and abetted by the victims and
their parents.
"Eventually, one Inglewood boy did tell his parents,
and this father kicked up a fuss and wanted Ridsdale to get out
of town. Evidently this father did not take it any further. He
just wanted the problem shifted out of Inglewood.
"But the result was that the Ridsdale problem got
shifted to Edenhope.
"After Ridsdale left Inglewood, the whole town soon
found out why. The diocesan authorities, who had to find him a
new parish, also knew why. They had been shifting Ridsdale
around for years.
"I never told anybody that I was a Ridsdale victim,
but the experience had a disastrous affect on me. I stopped
trying at school and I messed up my final year of studies.
"In July, 1993, when I was living in Melbourne, I saw
a 'Compass' program on ABC TV about church sexual abuse.
I rang the church authorities in Melbourne and interviewed a
senior person in the archdiocese, but he didn't seem
interested and nobody got back to me.
"I have therefore instructed a firm of solicitors to
begin a civil legal claim against the Catholic Church for
damages for negligence in having inflicted Ridsdale upon me.
"My experience with Ridsdale has messed up my life
and I am undergoing therapy." 3. Larry at
Inglewood 1975
"Larry" (born 1963) told Broken Rites on 22
November 1993:
"I am from a Catholic family of 15 children in
central Victoria. In 1975 our parish priest was away, and Jerry
Ridsdale came from Inglewood to say Mass at my local church. I
was then eleven and a half years old. I was an altar boy.
Ridsdale offered to take me and two younger brothers (aged 10
and 9) to his presbytery at Inglewood for a weekend, during
which we would serve as his altar boys.
"He drove us to Inglewood late one Friday night and
we went straight to bed. The sleeping arrangements were that my
two younger brothers would sleep in one room and I would sleep
in Ridsdale's room. On the first night, Ridsdale was in a
big bed (which seemed to be a double bed), while I slept on a
smaller bed along the foot of his bed. Nothing happened that
night because it was very late.
"On the Saturday night, Ridsdale went and bought us
fish and chips. During the evening about 14 or 15 local boys
dropped in and stayed for varying lengths of time. There was a
pool table in the house. The local boys went home, some on
bikes. At bed time on the Saturday, he told me to get into the
big bed. After going and locking up the house and putting of
lights, he came and got into the big bed with me. He started
interfering with me and then tried to penetrate me. I squealed
like mad, and this made him give up.
"On the Sunday morning we said Mass at the Inglewood
church. Then he drove us home to have lunch with our mum. I had
been expecting to receive a watch from Mum for my 12th birthday
and Ridsdale warned me that, if I told anybody about what he had
done to me, he would tell Mum that I was a bold naughty boy
— and therefore she would not give me a watch. I did not
tell my mother about it. But she could not be told anyway
because she was a staunch Catholic (and still is) and priests
can do no wrong. I still haven't told her.
"A month or so later, Ridsdale invited me and my two
brothers for another weekend visit. I said I didn't want to
go but Mum insisted, so I gave in to avoid a fuss. The same
assault happened in Ridsdale's bedroom.
"A third invitation came and again I tried to refuse
to go but I gave in to please Mum. I suffered another assault at
the presbytery.
"When a fourth invitation came, I managed to evade
it, much to Mum's disappointment.
"I never told anybody about what Ridsdale did —
not my brothers, not any of my school friends. My mother's
Catholic world would collapse if she found out.
"In recent times, I have told my fiancee with whom I
have been living.
"About March 1993, after hearing sexual assault by
clergy being talked about on TV, I went to a solicitor and told
my story to a stranger for the first time. This week [November
1993], my solicitor saw an article about Broken Rites in a local
newspaper, so I immediately phoned Broken Rites."
4. A concerned citizen at Mortlake, 1981-2
A woman who was closely associated with St Colman's
parish primary school in Mortlake, south-western Victoria, told
Broken Rites on 15 November 1993:
"A couple of days after Ridsdale arrived in Mortlake,
one mother phoned Bishop Mulkearns's office to complain that
Jerry Ridsdale had molested one of her sons. As the bishop was
overseas, she spoke to [a senior official at the diocesan
office] but he treated her like a criminal and said the boy must
be imagining it. Ridsdale must have been tipped off about this
complaint because a day or so later he visited the Mortlake
family and denied that he had molested the boy.
"Eighteen months later, the same mother went to see
Bishop Mulkearns, accompanied by her husband and another set of
parents. They threatened to go to the police. We later learned
that Sister Kate McGrath, then principal of the school, had also
complained. The result was that Ridsdale left Mortlake within a
few days.
"The next priest at Mortlake did not know why he had
been sent to replace Ridsdale. The families told him and he was
shattered. We also told the next two priests.
"In 1989, seven years after Ridsdale left Mortlake,
one mother said in a discussion that her son had been abused by
Ridsdale in 1981. She had stopped going to church. In 1990,
Bishop Mulkearns came to Mortlake for a confirmation service and
I told him about this mother— without success.
"I later wrote letters to Bishop Mullkearns about
"In 1993, after the court case, I wrote again to the
bishop about Ridsdale and sexual abuse in the church generally,
and I also sent a copy to all the priests in the diocese.
"The Mortlake parents are intimidated. They don't
want to hurt the church. Also, because they had Ridsdale
visiting their homes as a member of the family, their own
gullibility would be shown up." The sad
story of "Jason", the victim who first alerted the
Beginning in September 1993, Broken Rites received many phone
calls from "Jason" (then aged 30) who
was a Ridsdale victim at Edenhope. He had heard about Broken
Rites in the media.
It was Jason who phoned the Victoria Police anti-pedophile
campaign ("Operation Paradox") in late 1992, resulting
in the first police prosecution of Ridsdale in 1993.
When Jason made his first police statement in November
1992, he was too embarrassed to reveal that Ridsdale's
offences against him included buggery. But in late 1993, after
Ridsdale finished his first jail sentence, Jason told the police
about the buggery offences, so these were included in the second
prosecution in 1994.
"Jason" told Broken Rites on 20 September
"In 1976, when I was turning 13, I was attending the
Mercy Nuns convent (St Malachy's) at Edenhope. Father Gerry
Ridsdale lived right near the school and he was the school
manager. I was an altar boy and he was always asking me to come
to his house, saying that he had some jobs for me to do there.
My mother used to insist that I should go.
"He used to assault me at his house, in his car and
at the church (including at the altar when the church was empty
and locked). This went on for two years. He did everything to me
that you can imagine. He penetrated me countless times.
"After each molestation, he would grant me
Absolution, meaning that I did not have to tell anybody else
about the sin that I had just committed with him.
"At first, I assumed that I was the only one but
eventually another boy told me a similar story. I tried to tell
my mother but she did not welcome hearing anything negative
about a priest.
"When Ridsdale finally left the parish, he didn't
get the usual send-off. We learned later that he went on
'renewal study leave', and this indicates that the
diocesan office knew about what he had been doing.
"St Malachy's school left a lot to be desired.
The Mercy nuns were hopeless. One girl who had been going out
with a boy for a long time became pregnant. The nuns gave her
hell and made her an outcast. Yet the nuns were quite happy to
let Ridsdale remove boys from the classroom, one by one, and
take each one to the presbytery, where he talked to them about
sex before targeting them.
"In 1988 I told another priest what Ridsdale had done but
this priest told me: 'The best thing is to put it
behind you and get on with your life.' [In 2006, this
priest was still in charge of a parish in the diocese.]
"It is difficult now to get on with my life. Ridsdale
has ruined my life."
The death of Jason
In 1993, Jason engaged lawyers to seek an out-of-court
payment from the Ballarat Catholic Diocese to help him to pay
the costs of repairing his life. The church's lawyers fought
Jason's claim fiercely. The diocese eventually gave Jason a
relatively small payment and it agreed to pay his legal expenses
as well as the church's own legal expenses, but no amount of
money could undo the damage that had been done to his life. The
diocese probably spent as much on the fees for the two sets of
lawyers as it gave to Jason.
Former Senior Detective John Norris, who prepared the 1994
prosecution, believes that, of all Ridsdale's victims, Jason
was probably the most damaged. He was left a tormented mental
and physical wreck. Melbourne journalist Ian Munro, who
interviewed Jason, wrote: "Where some victims found jobs,
fought their addictions and formed families, he [Jason] lived
alone, drug addicted, isolated and haunted by his demons."
Jason died in May 2002, aged 39, after his fourth heart
attack in a couple of months, but those close to him believe the
real cause lay in the Ridsdale years.
Jason's sister "Rachel" told
reporter Ian Munro: "His whole life he could not cope with
it. He was on prescription medicine as long as I can remember.
He was on a huge amount of medication. Anti-depressants,
Serapax, Valium, and methadone."
Rachel lives with her husband and children on the farm
where she and Jason grew up near Edenhope..
Jason was a typical, fun-loving farm boy — until the
diocese sent Ridsale to Edenhope in February 1976.
Ridsdale drove an iridescent blue Datsun 240K. He
installed a pool table at the presbytery and kept animals to
amuse the children. He was big and loud. He had presence.
Rachel says of Ridsdale: "We'd had all these
old-fashioned priests. When he came, he was this modern,
high-energy fellow and he spent a lot of time at the school. He
was like a breath of fresh air. There were no more
fuddy-duddies. He was a super cool priest.
"I found him repulsive, though, because he would
often kiss me in the church yard. He would find out it was your
birthday and he would plant this big kiss on you."
Despite her own misgivings about Ridsdale — she
hated it, for example, when he arrived one night and set about
taking the family's confessions in Rachel's bedroom
— her family was happy that the priest took a keen
interest in Jason.
"I don't know how many times the car came here,
and he picked up John and off they would go," Rachel says.
The family thought how lucky Jason was.
Often Ridsdale dropped in to ask if he could have the boy
to do some odd jobs around the presbytery. "There were
never any jobs to do", Jason would eventually tell the
police. Ridsdale would lock the door and molest and, eventually,
rape him. Jason told police he was raped weekly. His mother
always insisted he go with the priest.
Jason told The Age newspaper in 1994: "He'd ask
me somewhere and I'd say: `No, I'm going to a
friend's place.' Then he'd go over my head and go to
my mother, and of course she'd always say yes. She'd
say: 'You must help the priest, they need helping.' So
he'd screw me out there.
"He once had sex with me and soon afterwards insisted
on hearing my confession. Someone analysed that for me recently.
They said he was trying to turn the blame back on to me for
turning him on."
Rachel said her mother — a devout Irish Catholic
— was the perfect dupe for Ridsdale. She said the family
suspected nothing. She noticed a change in Jason over time but
the truth was simply unthinkable.
In his early 20s, Jason tried to tell the family what had
happened, apparently confiding in a local identity who called
them to a meeting. By then his behaviour was somewhat erratic
anyway, and when he told them a priest had raped him, Jason
's father and brother walked out in disbelief.
"We just had no idea that it was all true,"
Rachel says. "Even now it's very hard to comprehend
that happened to my brother."
Perhaps, however, their mother suspected the truth before
her death in 1991. She became less emphatic in her defence of
the church, Rachel says.
Despite his long ordeal, Jason was not entirely the
impotent victim. It was his call to the Victoria Police
"Operation Paradox" that initiated inquiries into
Ridsdale in late 1992 and early 1993.
Former acting Detective Sergeant Ray Steyger, who headed
Operation Paradox, told The Age: "You could safely say that
it was his call and the information that was received from him
that initiated the investigation. As a result of that, we were
able to put the other two pieces of information (relating to
Ridsdale) together, and it went from there."
So, by phoning the police and Broken
Rites, Jason helped to obtain justice for church sex-abuse
victims in general.
Broken Rites is continuing its research about Father
Gerald Francis Ridsdale.