| Review of Catholic Church in Scotland to Hear from Abuse Victims
BBC News
March 18, 2014
Dr Andrew McLellan named the other commissioners and announced their remit
Victims of abuse within the Catholic Church in Scotland will speak to a special commission set up to look into the issue.
Andrew McLellan, a former Church of Scotland moderator, is leading an external review of how the Catholic Church handles allegations of abuse.
His recommendations will aim to make the Church "a safe place for all".
He has named 11 commissioners who will assist him, including a senior police officer, a journalist and an MP.
Dr McLellan stressed the commission would not "investigate or adjudicate" on current or historical allegations.
However, he said it would "listen to the experience of survivors of harm and abuse" and use what it learns to "bring about material change".
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I emphasise my firm commitment to discovering the truth, and setting out unambiguous recommendations that can be taken forward by the Church”
Dr Andrew McLellan
McLellan Commissioner
The review was announced last year following a series of scandals.
The Church faced allegations of abuse at a former Catholic boarding school, at Fort Augustus Abbey in the Highlands.
The former leader of the Catholic Church in Scotland, Cardinal Keith O'Brien, stepped down earlier in the year after admitting sexual misconduct.
The McLellan Commission will look at the existing systems for dealing with allegations of abuse within the Church and make recommendations on how to improve them.
It will hear from experts and interested parties and take advice on best practice.
The review will also look at how the support available to victims can be improved.
It will consider wider aspects of culture and governance within the Church and examine how effective it is at promoting "safeguarding" as a core part of its life, work and teaching.
Joining Dr McLellan on the Commission are:
Ranald Mair (deputy chair), chief executive of Scottish Care
Bishop John Arnold, Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Westminster
Malcolm Graham, Assistant Chief Constable, Police Scotland
Prof Nancy Loucks, chief executive of Families Outside and member of the Scottish government's early years task force
Lord Mackay of Drumadoon, retired judge, and former Solicitor General for Scotland
Kathleen Marshall, former Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland
Sheena McDonald, journalist and broadcaster
Roisin McGoldrick, teaching fellow at Glasgow School of Social Work
Bishop Stephen Robson, Bishop of Dunkeld
Lindsay Roy, MP for Glenrothes
Danny Sullivan, chairman of the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission
Dr David McAllister (secretary), former Assistant Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland
Dr McLellan said: "With the commissioners now in place we can begin to undertake the challenging task that will be the work of the commission.
"Of paramount concern is the contribution we can make to bringing about the best protection of many vulnerable children and adults.
"As well as setting up this commission, the Catholic Church in Scotland has also given a robust commitment to acting upon all of its findings and recommendations.
"This means that we have before us a significant opportunity to bring about material change."
Report due
He added: "Today I emphasise my firm commitment to discovering the truth, and setting out unambiguous recommendations that can be taken forward by the Church to secure the safety and security of those that rightly expect it."
The commissioners said details would be provided in due course of how victims, and others with an interest, can contact them.
Their final report is due to be delivered in the summer of 2015.
But Dr McLellan said if any areas of "immediate concern or action" arose during the course of the commission's work, he would work with the Catholic Church to progress these "more urgently".