| Packed Congregation Expected for Fr Boland’s Return
Ulster Herald
March 15, 2014
Fr Boland.
A PACKED congregation is being anticipated in St Mary’s Church, Killyclogher tonight (Saturday) for the Vigil Mass to mark the resumption of duties by Fr Eugene Boland. The Parish Priest of Cappagh stepped aside from the exercise of his Ministry on August 15, 2010, following allegations of indecent assault which were made against him. A series of legal proceedings took place over the coming two years. Fr Boland was found not guilty of all charges after a trial in Derry Crown Court in 2012 and a Church canonical process has also now been completed and totally exonerated him. The chief celebrant at the Vigil Mass, which is at 7.30pm, will be the Derry Diocese administrator, Fr Francis Bradley. He welcomed Fr Boland’s return to the parish and spoke of his gladness that the various processes had been completed. “The result now is that Fr Boland can return to the role from which he stepped aside until these matters were carefully and completely investigated,” Fr Bradley said. “I am glad that the civil and canonical process have drawn to a close. “These processes have demanded time and effort on the part of many people. They have been difficult for all involved. “I entrust Fr Eugene and all involved to prayer and the protection of God our Father and I warmly welcome Fr Eugene’s return to Cappagh.” Parishioners have been taking to Facebook and other social media to register their thanks that the popular parish priest was returning after over three years. Fr Boland has also spoken of his joy at being able to resume his ministry in Cappagh and told of how the journey since 2010 had been a ‘long and painful’ one. “It is with a sense of great joy and anticipation that I return to public ministry in my parish of Cappagh with my good name and standing in the Church fully restored,” he said.