| The Record : One Year of Francis
The Record
March 13, 2014
Pope Francis
A YEAR ago, the world was introduced to the former archbishop of Buenos Aires on a balcony in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City. Pope Francis asked the crowds to bless him. It was an act of humility, the first of many.
Pope Francis is an unlikely media rock star, but that is what he has become. Millions of people have found hope in his humble manner. From shunning the official papal apartment to driving around in a Ford Focus, the pontiff is changing the tone of the Catholic Church.
He made headlines when asked about gay clergy by responding, "Who am I to judge?" Some interpret that as a hint that the church's views on homosexuality will change. That is unlikely.
The pope is not signaling that Catholic teaching will change, but rather that the Vatican's priorities will. He wants to focus on the needs of the poor and the disenfranchised in society. He also wants his bishops to live simpler lives.
Here in North Jersey, the pope has left his mark with the appointment of Coadjutor Archbishop Bernard Hebda, the presumed replacement for Newark Archbishop John Myers. Myers has been embroiled in controversy over his handling of a priest who violated a legal agreement never to minister to children. Myers also is enlarging his already lavish retirement home.
This stark contrast to the lifestyle embraced by Pope Francis shows the challenges the pontiff faces – internally and externally. In his early years as pontiff, Pope John Paul II was a vigorous force on the world stage challenging autocratic governments and empowering democratic movements. Yet he failed at challenging the autocracy that is the Roman Curia, the Vatican's governing body.
Pope Francis must reform the Curia before he can attempt to transform a secular world focused on power and money into something more altruistic. Many people are listening to what he says and are heartened by his humility. But the Catholic Church is a large ship that does not change direction quickly. The pontiff rides in a Ford Focus, while Myers plans to retire to a 7,500-square-foot mansion with an indoor exercise pool.
The pope has much work to do.