| Jp2 Army in Puerto Rico! Plague of Pedophile Priests in Latin America! John Paul II the Patron Saint of Pedophiles, Pederasts & Rapists-priests
By Paris Arrow
Pope Francis the CON Christ
March 13, 2014
It is a coincident or God-incident that as Pope Francis celebrates his first year anniversary as Pope and prepares to canonize his “Holy father of Lies” John Paul II next month, the tiny village of Arecibo is reeling with JP2 Pedophile priests. When Benedict XVI, Francis other gay “Holy Father of Lies” first announced that John Paul II will be waived the usual 5-years wait after his death before qualifying for beatification, 7 theologians in Europe wrote him a letter of protest citing 7 reasons why John Paul II is not qualified to be a saint whatsoever. One of their reasons was the “plague of sexual abuse of children in South America”, read our related article The Beatification of John-Paul II: Appeal for Clarity."
Puerto Rico is 80% Catholic and we’d like to share an article, John Paul II Catholic Traditions
that might help break the Catholic fanaticism because if they want to be liberated from their poverty, they must first be freed from the Vatican Concordats that usurp their taxes, read here Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic
As the Devil tempted Christ in the desert, that if he worships him, he will give him the kingdom of the world, Pope Francis in his first year has already the kingdom of the world worshipping him as he ro .. That’s because the Vatican Mammon Beast control the SECRET Vatican SWISS BANKS run by the elite Vatican SWISS Guard Army graduates. These are not just tall vain handsome actors but who are lawyers, bankers, diplomats being prepared for their loyalty as future Vatican Swiss Banks managers, read our related article here Swiss Guard in Boston Boston hosted former Swiss Guard’s seminar -based on the new “Vatican Trinity”.. Swiss Guards are the financial Navy Seals of the Vatican Bank
The shame and stigma of being a victim of a pedophile priest torture the victim’s entire family and entire village. It had to take a decade of revelations in the USA and more than 3 billion dollars of compensation paid to victims – to empower Latin Americans to come out and reveal their sufferings as well. The current case of the Papal Nuncio in the Dominican Republic – whom Pope Francis is hiding at the Vatican country – also encourage neighboring South American countries to come out as well.
But it is the plight of women who are forbidden to have abortion because they are in a “Catholic country” enslaved by their constitutions that’s controlled by the Vatican Concordat that also encourage mothers to speak out. Read our related article Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
In this March 2, 2014 photo, a man gives money to a beggar after Mass outside the San Felipe Cathedral in the Arecibo Diocese in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. Prosecutors are pursuing more than a dozen sex abuse cases in Puerto Rico, including those of six priests defrocked by the Diocese of Arecibo.
It is quite an irony that the more devout Catholic people are, the more they are contnously oppressed to be poor by the Vatican Concordats, read more here