Parish Priest Returns to Mass Following Abuse Acquittal
RTE News
March 10, 2014
Eugene Boland will resume his ministry at a vigil mass this Saturday
A Tyrone-based parish priest who was acquitted of indecent assault is to return to his role in the ministry.
The Diocese of Derry has confirmed Father Eugene Boland will resume his ministry at a vigil mass this Saturday.
Fr Boland stepped aside on 15 August 2010 on foot of allegations made against him.
Two years later Fr Boland was found not guilty of five charges of indecent assault.
In a statement the diocese said legal proceedings in both the civil courts and in a Church canonical process have been completed.
“The result now is that Father Boland can return to the role from which he stepped aside until these matters were carefully and completely investigated.”
Fr Boland’s family and friends are expected to attend the mass at Cappagh (Killyclogher) this Saturday.
Administrator of the Diocese of Derry Father Francis Bradley welcomed Fr Boland’s return.
"These processes have demanded time and effort on the part of many people.
“They have been difficult for all involved. I entrust Father Eugene and all involved to prayer and the protection of God our Father.”