Furlong admits he has no "actual knowledge" of Laura Robinson
ever filing a police report
By Charlie Smith Straight March 02, 2014
Former Vanoc CEO John
Furlong has filed a statement of defence in Laura Robinson's
countersuit. |
The former CEO of the Vancouver
Olympics has claimed in several media interviews that journalist
and author Laura Robinson went to the RCMP with allegations that
he had sexually abused a former student.
But in a statement of defence filed in B.C. Supreme Court,
John Furlong revealed that this wasn't because of any
"actual knowledge".
Furlong's statement is in response to Robinson's
notice of civil claim alleging defamation.
In it, he declares that he "believes that the
plaintiff brought Beverly Abraham's allegations to the RCMP
based on his diligent review of the information available to him
and the information provided to him by the RCMP".
"The defendant Furlong has no direct or actual
knowledge of whether the plaintiff initiated a complaint with or
otherwise reported Ms. Abraham's allegations to the
RCMP," the document adds.
Furlong has sued Robinson in connection with an article in the Georgia
Straight in September 2012, in which she reported that he had
been a teacher at a Burns Lake Catholic elementary school in
1969 and 1970.
The article included no allegations of a sexual nature,
but quoted former students' claims that Furlong had
physically abused and racially taunted First Nations students.
Furlong has denied that this occurred.
After the article was published, three people claiming to
be former students, including Abraham, filed lawsuits against
Furlong alleging sexual abuse. He has vehemently denied these
claims in court documents and in public statements.
Meanwhile, RCMP Cpl. Quinton Mackie has written to Furlong
saying that the Mounties believe that Abraham's claims
"are not supported", which is why there are no grounds
for recommending charges against the former Olympics CEO in this
Furlong later made several public statements maintaining
that he had been "cleared" by the RCMP; the three
lawsuits are still before the courts.
The three plaintiffs have added a claim of defamation
against Furlong.
Furlong also sued the Georgia Straight but filed a
notice of discontinuance against the paper last year.
In a statement issued today, Robinson noted that Furlong
has "made the following statements in the media tying Ms.
Robinson to the sexual abuse allegations":
- October 29, 2013 “Enough is Enough”
statement: “After a thorough investigation, the RCMP
have cleared me of the allegations that Ms. Robinson brought
to the RCMP on behalf of Beverly Abraham in the summer of
2012. ....Given the finding of innocence by the RCMP I am
today discontinuing my legal action against the Georgia
Straight…Their publication of this reckless article
went ahead even after being warned by the RCMP about material,
serious discrepancies in Laura Robinson’s
reporting….My defamation case against Laura Robinson
will continue and be escalated – she is the perpetrator
of these defamatory allegations….In forty years of
living, working and public service in BC, there had never been
a complaint about me. Never a criminal charge, or a reason for
one. Laura Robinson then made one. The RCMP has found her
allegation against me to be completely unfounded.”
- October 29, 2013 Macleans Magazine interview:
“It was a ridiculous charge. It was a lie. And it was
placed before the RCMP by Laura Robinson.”
- October 28, 2013 interview with Chris Gailus, Global
TV: “And what’s odd about it is that this activist
in fact filed a complaint, not the student. She filed it, she
went to the RCMP and made the complaint…she was the one
that did that.”
- December 12, 2013 Statement and News Release:
“My decision to seek a trial has been made in light of
an official letter I received yesterday from the RCMP that
fully exonerates me with respect to Ms. Abraham’s false
allegations, some of which were also published by the activist
Laura Robinson…This conclusion by the
RCMP—following a 16-month investigation….is
further proof of reckless inaccuracy by the activist Laura
Robinson. On September 27, 2012 this activist published an
article in The Georgia Straight, outlining some of Ms.
Abraham’s false allegations.”
Robinson's statement maintained that Abraham filed the
police complaint "on her own volition".
Furlong's statement of defence repeats his oft-stated
claim that Robinson's allegations in a court document
"were part of a malicious act and personal
allow 'back-door' publication of defamatory comments in
a manner that may deny the defendant recourse under defamation
He also claimed that Robinson's "journalistic
techniques are highly unorthodox, prejudicial and skewed to
creating innuendo".
Robinson's statement included this reply: "The rest of Mr.
Furlong’s Response contains his usual charges against Ms.
Robinson; charges she looks forward to defending during her
defamation case against Mr. Furlong commencing March 30, 2015.
Ms. Robinson and her counsel Bryan Baynham cannot comment
further at this time."