| Gabriele Delbianco Found Guilty on Three of 18 Sexual Assault Charges 0
By Neil Bowen
Chatham Daily News
February 24, 2014
Sarnia court
SARNIA - Former Catholic priest Gabriele DelBianco, 57, was convicted Monday on three of 18 charges related to sexual misconduct involving four teenage girls during the 1980s.
Sentencing has been set for May 14.
The convictions relate to two of the women now in their 40s.
Superior Court Justice Joseph Donohue found DelBianco guilty of one count of gross indecency against one victim and sexually assaulting the other woman twice.
A pre-sentence report was ordered and DelBianco remains out of custody.
The key issues were possible consent to sexual activity and the reliability of the evidence, Donohue said.
The woman who was sexually assaulted testified the activity was consensual but Donohue ruled the evidence showed the consent was obtained due to DelBianco's position of authority.
At the time of the offences DelBianco was a trusted friend of the victim’s family. In her testimony she had described him as very charismatic and the former priest had appeared like a rock star to her.
The relationship had progressed from a surprising kiss when she was 14 to sexual intercourse years later. At one point she travelled for overnight visits at churches where he was the priest. During these visits oral sex was part of the established routine when she was staying in his room.
The gross indecency was also a case where DelBianco exercised his authority to obtain the victims' consent.
This victim was doing her homework in the church rectory when she was in Grade 8. During one of these sessions DelBianco asked her to remove ingrown pubic hairs with tweezers while he was naked on the bed in his room. She did.
Donohue said he was satisfied by the victim’s testimony that the "bizarre" act had occurred.
It left her feeling uneasy and she did not understand her feelings, she had said during her testimony.
She had described DelBianco as enthusiastic and friendly when he reached out to people to get them involved.
In acquitting DelBianco of charges against two other women, Donohue said he had difficulty with how one woman's testimony developed. She had initially said she had no conscious memories of sexual abuse.
She said her memories had become more clear through therapy but denied it was a creation of memories.
Donohue said he was not convinced the incident described by the other woman occurred. This woman had a child by DelBianco during her 20s.
This woman had testified she had felt threatened by DelBianco's talk about his involvement with the CIA and delivery of packages and letters. She testified she had destroyed the materials.
All the women testified during a one-week trial that started Oct. 16, 2013. DelBianco chose not to testify.
DelBianco left the priesthood in 1996 after serving at churches in Wallaceburg and Windsor.
Contact: neil.bowen@sunmedia.ca