Tredwell stands by rape accusations against prominent Kerala
Mutt priest
By Binduraj Kochi India Today February 23,
Gail Tredwell's photo taken
in 1981. |
Gail at the Ashram in 1984.
Gail Tredwell, the author of 'Holy Hell:A Memoir of
Faith, Devotion and Pure Madness', who alleged in her book
that she was raped repeatedly by the chief priest of the Mutt
Balu in mid-eighties and physically tortured by the God woman
Amrithanandamayi during her stay in the ashramam, told India
Today on Sunday that she will standby her allegations and have
no intention of withdrawing anything.
"I stand behind everything that is written in my book
and have no intention of withdrawing anything. I have told the
truth, without any malicious motives, and therefore they
don't have a valid case against me," Gail Tredwell said
in her e-mail sent to India Today.
On why she hesitated to file a legal complaint in the
issue, she said that she believes in higher forms of justice and
do not wish to spend years dealing with legal proceedings.
"I do not intend to file any legal complaint. I have
already spent twenty years of my life with this organization and
do not wish to spend several more years dealing with legal
proceedings. Filing a case does not necessarily guarantee
justice. I believe in higher forms of justice," Gail
Tredwell wrote to this correspondent.
Amrithanananda Mutt on Friday told India Today that they
were planning to file a defamation case against Gail Tredwell in
a New York Court. Gail told India Today that dragging the case
to the legal system would create more negative notoriety for the
Mutt. "I have no money for them to collect, so by any math,
defamation suit would only be to financially intimidate me with
costly legal proceedings. But dragging this matter through
the legal system would inevitably create more media attention
and negative notoriety for them," Gail said.
She also said that she was very disturbed by the use of
police power to try silencing freedom of speech of the many
voices that obviously agree that something is very wrong. Kerala
home minister Ramesh Chennithala on Friday told India Today that
no action can be initiated against Amrithanandamayi Mutt
based on the revelations in the book. Meanwhile, the minister
said that a case has been registered based on a complaint given
by five devotees of Mata Amrithanandamayi aganist a few Facebook
users for posting and sharing "defamatory materials"
against Amrithanadamayi. "Such an action could not only
intimidate freedom of speech but also incite violence and
retaliation against district people who speak out," said
Gail in her e-mail to India Today.
On Saturday at a function in Palakkad in Kerala, Mata
Amrithanandamayi said that the functioning of the ashramam is an
open book and refuted all the allegations levelled in the book.
"I am trying to forgive and forget such incidents. While
forgiving, we have to experience many unpleasant
situations," she said without telling the context.
"Nothing wrong has occurred in the ashramam as alleged by
some people," Amrithanandamayi said during her devotional
discourse in connection with the anniversary celebrations of the
Brahmasthanam temple in Puthur in Palakkad.