| Rocky Counsellors on Hand to Help Sexual Abuse Victims
Gladstone Observer
February 20, 2014
FREE WORKSHOP: Rockhampton counsellors Karen Briggs and Kim Smith.
The Rockhampton counsellors are encouraging people supporting victims of institutionalised sexual abuse to take part in a free workshop next week.
The one-day workshop, Beyond Survival, will take place on February 25 at The Leichhardt Hotel.
It will give an overview of the current Royal Commission investigation, and information on understanding and supporting victims of abuse.
Kim said the workshop was important because for many victims, family and friends were the most important support system.
"It's about learning the right ways to respond to those who've been sexually abused," she said.
She said it was particularly important for parents who may blame themselves if their child was a victim of abuse.
"It's about building better futures," Kim said.
But more than anything Kim and Karen want to help break the cycle of abuse.
Karen said everyone was welcome to use the confidential counselling service at Women's Health Centre in Rockhampton.
"It's breaking that silence," she said.
Kim agreed and said it was never too late to seek help or report the crime.
"The main thing is not to keep it hidden," she said.
The Royal Commission has held informal meetings with indigenous communities in Rockhampton, but is unable to confirm any future visits to the region at this stage.