| Pastor Jonathan K. Sanders Confronts Church Scandals Head on in New Book ‘sex in the Pews’
February 17, 2014
*(COLUMBUS, OH) – Cases of sexual abuse scandal within the Catholic Church continue to make headlines and Protestant black churches certainly are not unscathed when it comes to sexual abuse and other issues within the Church.
Lawsuits for sexual abuse cases of children and adults; as well as Pastor’s resignations after admitting infidelity are at an all time high. Weaving in his personal experiences, real-life lessons, and going against the grain of traditional preachers, author and Pastor Jonathan K. Sanders in his new book, “Sex in the Pews,” has put on paper what most just talk about at the restaurant after church. “There is a hidden sex culture in the Church that must be confronted if things are ever going to change,” says Sanders.
Recently in the news a large church in Gilbert, Arizona says its married lead pastor resigned after confessing to engaging in extramarital affairs with more than one woman from the congregation. Pastor Isaac Hunter of Summit Church in Orlando, the son of mega church pastor Joel C. Hunter, resigned his position recently after admitting to an affair with a former church staff member. But, it’s not just the mega churches and it’s more than affairs.
“This subject of sex in the pews goes beyond one religion” says Sanders. “From Catholic priests to Pentecostal pastors, no one is exempt in the wild church sex culture. Even at the Kingdom Hall and Mosques, there are indiscretions that would shock and amaze you.”
In his book, Sex in the Pews: An expose on the hidden sex culture in the church, Sanders pulls the cover off of sex, adultery, child sex abuse, hidden agendas, the church gay agenda, marriage cover ups, and other indiscretions in the church that most pastors shy away from discussing.
Pedophiles, molesters, adulterers, hoes, and freaks—as Sanders describes in his book, are all present in the church. After being a minister for 23 years and traveling nationally and internationally for 17 of those years, he says he has seen it all.
His advice to those that have been spiritually abused is to understand that those who are “so-called” representatives of the Church, who have hurt them, are indeed not representative. And professional counseling is suggested. “Some pastors or church leaders can only pray for you and not counsel with you because that is not their expertise,” advises Sanders.
For more information on the challenges of church scandal, victimization, and recovery and to order your copy of the book, visit his website at www.jksandersministries.org.
Pastor J.K. Sanders is author of “Sex in the Pews: An expose on the hidden sex culture in the church”, and LAPD: Life After a Painful Divorce (jksandersministries.org). He serves as a senior pastor in Columbus, Ohio and has a bachelor’s in psychology and currently pursuing his master’s in counseling. Pastor Sanders is available for interviews and to speak to organizations and audiences on controversial topics involving the Church and pastors.
Cheryl Holland
Contact: cheryl.holland@asistamedia.com