| Group Rallies against Bishop Finn
February 17, 2014
Sister Jeanne Christensen
Some area Catholics want to see Bishop Robert Finn removed from his position. They held a rally outside the diocesan offices in downtown Monday afternoon.
"Either the Pope, the nuncio, the cardinal or the archbishop in St. Louis should come back and say 'we're going to ask you to resign'," Sister Jeanne Christensen told KMBZ's Bill Grady.
"Bottom line: we'd be very happy if he'd leave this diocese."
Finn has headed the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese since 2005. In 2012, he was convicted of failing to report suspected child abuse. A priest under his supervision, former priest Shawn Ratigan, will serve 50 years in the child sexual abuse case. Finn got two years supervised probation.
Sister Jeanne says she's optimistic, but in the church things move exceedingly slow.