body was set up to ensure children were kept safe
By Shane Phelan Irish Independent February 16,
Bishop John Magee Picture:
Gerry Mooney |
THE National Board for Safeguarding Children
in the Catholic Church was set up by church authorities in 2007
as a response to the clerical sex abuse scandals.
Its aim is to offer advice on best practice in
safeguarding children to Catholic organisations, assist in the
developing of procedures, and to monitor ongoing safeguarding
Funding for the board is provided by three major religious
organisations: the Irish Bishops' Conference; the Conference
of Religious in Ireland and the Irish Missionary Union.
Although funded by these bodies, the board was set up to
be independent and has a memorandum of understanding with all
Church bodies "to enable the unfettered delivery of its
For its first chief executive, it chose Ian Elliott, the
former lead adviser on child protection at the North's
Social Services Inspectorate and a former divisional director of
the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.
A key part of the board's work has been entering Catholic
dioceses and organisations and conducting audits. This included
examining how diocesan authorities responded to abuse
allegations and safeguarded children in the past, as well as
assessing what improvements needed to be made for the future.
It wasn't long before Mr Elliott came into conflict
with a high-profile bishop after the board encountered
resistance in accessing child protection files in the Diocese of
A subsequent report on the diocese in 2008 was highly
critical of Bishop John Magee. It also found child protection
practices in the Co Cork diocese were inadequate and dangerous.
Dr Magee held on to his position for a further two years before
finally bowing to pressure to resign.
In 2009, the board published revised child protection
guidelines, which have been adopted by Catholic organisations
around the country.
It has published four tranches of safeguarding reviews to
date. These have dealt with 22 of the 26 dioceses and seven of
the major religious orders.
The latest tranche of reviews, published last December,
were broadly positive about the current approach of six dioceses
However, they found a litany of failures by two religious
orders, the Christian Brothers and the Kiltegan Fathers, in
dealing with cases of abuse over four decades.
The board found the level of abuse in the Christian
Brothers was substantial and highlighted the case of a brother
who was returned to ministry after an allegation was made.
It found there had been 870 allegations of abuse against
325 brothers, around 50 of whom were still alive. However,
despite the huge number of allegations, just 12 convictions have
been secured since 1975.
The Kiltegan Fathers were also criticised for inadequate
recording of allegations.
Concerns were raised about one missionary's abuse of
children in Kenya
as far back as 1966, but he remained in ministry for another 20
years. He remained in the order until 2002.