Commission in Child Sexual Abuse to Convene in Qld
Queensland Times February 12, 2014
Rae Wilson
THE Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to
Child Sexual Abuse will hold public meetings for the first-time
in Queensland next week.
The hearing will inquire into the response by the
Catholic Education Office in Toowoomba to allegations of child
sexual abuse at St Saviour's Primary School.
The public hearing in Brisbane is scheduled to run for
up to two weeks.
Royal Commission CEO Janette Dines said today the scope
and purpose of the public hearing was to inquire as to whether
the response by the principal and other members of staff at St
Saviour's Primary School to allegations of child sexual abuse
made against a teacher at the primary school in September 2007.
Ms Dines said the commission would also investigate the
response by officers of the Catholic Education Office in
Toowoomba to information supplied by the primary school principal
regarding the allegations of child sexual abuse received in
September 2007.
Furthermore, she said the adequacy and implementation of
systems, policies and procedures of the Catholic Education Office
in Toowoomba and St Saviour's Primary School for the prevention,
detection, investigation and reporting of allegations of child
sexual abuse since 2007 would also be investigated.