School Faulted for Halting Abuse Study
By Richard Perez-Pena The New York Times
February 12, 2014
The grave of the founder of
Bob Jones University on the campus in Greenville, S.C.
Camille Lewis, a former
faculty member, said she had tried to help several abuse
GREENVILLE, S.C. — For decades, students at Bob Jones
University who sought counseling for sexual abuse were told not
to report it because turning in an abuser from a fundamentalist
Christian community would damage Jesus Christ. Administrators
called victims liars and sinners.
All of this happened until recently inside the confines
of this insular university, according to former students and
staff members who said they had high hopes that the Bob Jones
brand of counseling would be exposed and reformed after the
university hired a Christian consulting group in 2012 to
investigate its handling of sexual assaults, many of which
occurred long before the students arrived at the university.
Last week, Bob Jones dealt a blow to those hopes,
acknowledging that with the investigation more than a year old
and nearing completion, the university had fired the consulting
group, Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment, or
Grace, without warning or explanation. The dismissal has drawn intense criticism
from some people with ties to Bob Jones, and prompted some
victims and their allies — including many who were interviewed by
Grace investigators — to tell their stories publicly for the
first time, attracting more attention than ever to the
university’s methods.
On Friday, Stephen Jones, president of the university
and great-grandson of its founder, addressed
students and employees, saying, “We grew concerned that in the
process, Grace had begun going beyond the originally outlined
intentions,” but he would not elaborate. He said the university
had not told Grace what its concerns were and wanted to discuss
them with the consultant but could do so only face to face and
felt compelled to fire the firm first.
“We terminated our agreement with Grace so that we could
sit down and get it back on track,” Mr. Jones said, vowing to
complete the investigation, with or without Grace.
Critics angrily dismissed his statement. “As always,
they’re worried about protecting the church and the university,
not the victims,” said Camille Lewis, who spent two decades at
Bob Jones as a student and faculty member before leaving in 2007
and said she had tried to help several abuse victims over that
Grace, whose leaders include lawyers and psychologists,
specializes in advising churches and other Christian
organizations on addressing abuse. It was founded by Basyle J.
Tchividjian, a grandson of Billy Graham and a law professor at
Liberty University, also an evangelical Christian school. The
group declined to comment on Bob Jones.
Bob Jones is no ordinary university. Unaffiliated with
any denomination, it is a leading force in promoting a kind of
fundamentalism so strict that the university’s founders assailed
evangelists like Mr. Graham, Oral Roberts and Jerry Falwell as
too accommodating to the larger world.
On the campus here, students are forbidden to listen to
popular music or watch television or movies; the student handbook
tells them to avoid clothing brands that “glorify the lustful
spirit of our age in their advertising”; they face sharp limits
on dating and even leaving campus; and they are told which
churches in town — usually run by pastors tied to the university
— they may attend. Faculty members and other employees are
expected to adhere to the university’s literal interpretation of
the Bible and are forbidden to drink alcohol.
And the university, with about 4,000 students and an
affiliated primary and secondary school, is having no ordinary
version of the conflicts that have rocked colleges around the
country over their treatment of claims of sexual assault. Those
controversies usually begin with outrage over highly publicized
offenses on campus, followed by an investigation.
But at Bob Jones, most of the stories that have been
made public do not involve assaults on campus. They are about
people who were abused as children and then looked for help in
college. Nor is there much sign of outrage on the immaculate
campus of low-rise beige brick buildings, covered walkways,
spreading oaks and manicured lawns (off limits to foot traffic).
Several students interviewed said they had known little or
nothing about the charges and were not concerned about them.
Mr. Jones said that the university began the
investigation not because of any particular allegations, but
because of the trouble it had seen at other schools, and that it
rewrote its policies on responding to sexual assault in 2012. But
its attitude toward sexual assault and bad publicity had come
under increased scrutiny by then because one of its board
members, an alumnus and the pastor of a large church, had been
accused of covering up a rape within his congregation and
publicly shaming the victim.
A group of alumni called for the university to dismiss
the man from the board; he eventually resigned. A student who had
criticized the university over the affair was
not allowed to graduate and alleged retaliation.
Catherine Harris, who attended the university in the
1980s, is one of several people who said it was very hard for her
to talk to Grace investigators about being abused — and she now
feels betrayed that Grace has been sidelined.
“Nearly everyone at Bob Jones grew up in a
fundamentalist environment, so if you were abused, your abuser
probably came from inside that bubble, too, which is what
happened to me,” she said. “The person who supposedly counseled
me told me if I reported a person like that to the police, I was
damaging the cause of Christ, and I would be responsible for the
abuser going to hell. He said all of my problems were as a result
of my actions in the abuse, which mostly took place before I was
12, and I should just forgive the abuser.”
Ms. Lewis said she had seen other women have similar
experiences. As a college senior, she took a friend to a
university administrator for counseling after the other student
said she had been molested by her father, a Sunday school
superintendent in their church.
“They said not to go to the police because no one will
believe you, to defer to authority like your father or especially
someone in the church,” she said. “They said if you report it,
you hurt the body of Christ.”
Erin Burchwell said that when she accused a university
employee of sexually assaulting her in the late 1990s, “their
idea of an investigation and counseling was to ask me what I was
wearing and whether it was tight, and to tell me not to talk to
anyone about it because it wouldn’t look good for me.” She said
university officials alternated between “saying it never even
happened and saying I was a willing participant.”
Randy Page, a university spokesman, said Tuesday that
university officials had not yet met with people from Grace and
that any disagreements would remain between them.
He said he could not respond to the claims about how the
university had handled abuse victims in the past, “because I
wasn’t there,” but that Bob Jones has a commitment to “a loving,
scripturally based response” for everyone.