Jones University Abruptly Terminates Relationship with Grace,
LED by Billy Graham's Grandson
By Morgan Lee Christian Post February 12, 2014
Bob Jones University of
Greenville, S.C., announced on Jan. 24, 2014, that it would be
terminating its relationship with GRACE, which had been in the
midst of conducting an investigation after some students had
come forward claiming they had been sexually abused.
Bob Jones University (BJU) abruptly terminated its
year-and-a-half relationship with a sex abuse ombudsman group
last month.
Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
(GRACE) had partnered with the university since January 2013. Led
by Boz Tchividjian, Billy Graham's grandson, the organization was
charged with providing oversight and accountability to BJU in its
efforts to
"identify any cases in which we need to exercise authentic
repentance and demonstrate biblical love to those we have always
desired to serve to the best of our ability for the Lord's sake."
BJU's actions followed students' claims of sexual abuse
in 2011. That year, a CNN
IReport article stated that the university had reported "nine
cases of forcible sex offenses." It also quoted television
channel WSPA as claiming that the university's number was
"significantly higher than any other institution in the area,"
pointing to Clemson University, which had three cases, by
comparison. BJU, a private Christian college out of Greenville,
S.C., has 2,500 students, while the nearby state school has
While acknowledging those allegations, Randy Page, the
director of public relations at BJU, denied that they influenced
the college's decision to invite GRACE to campus.
"It was because of [the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse
allegations at] Penn State. We wanted to be on the cutting edge
of processes and procedures to make sure we were responding
appropriately," Page told CP.
Though BJU informed GRACE that it had halted their
relationship on Jan. 26, the ombudsman group delayed announcing
its termination in hopes of recalibrating the partnership, though
its statement failed to say why it had disclosed the information
on Thursday.
Tchividjian declined to provide comment for this story,
citing ongoing discussions with GRACE and BJU.
According to GRACE's statement, BJU's announcement came
without warning and at a critical time in its investigation.
"There had been no prior indications from BJU that
termination was even being considered," it stated. "Furthermore,
this termination occurred days before GRACE was to conduct the
last interviews of this 13-month investigation and begin drafting
the final report scheduled for publication in March."
It further stated that it had been unable to gain more
clarity with BJU about its motivations behind its decision
"despite repeated requests."
"However, due to the fact that GRACE certainly wishes to
keep all options on the table in order to complete what has been
started, we have spent the last week in communication with BJU
and we remain open to continued dialogue," it continued.
In its termination letter, signed by President
Stephen Jones and Larry B Jackson, chairman of the board on Jan.
24, BJU failed to disclose their reasoning, except for hinting
that it could be related to the president's resignation. Citing
his ongoing health concerns, Jones, 43, announced in November he
would be stepping down,
"While undertaking these efforts, there has been a great
deal of change here at the university," stated the letter. "As
you know, I recently announced my resignation as president of the
university effective early May. As you can imagine, this has
redirected a significant amount of our focus and energy."
According to a statement released on Thursday from the
university, BJU stated that it had grown "concerned about how
GRACE was pursuing our objectives" and said that it was
"disappointed a resolution could not be reached before our
differences were made public."
In an email to The Christian Post, Randy Page, the
director of public relations at BJU, affirmed that the university
wished "to resolve our differences with GRACE."
"In an email to to CP Page affirmed that the university
wished "to resolve our differences with GRACE."
"However, if that is not possible, we are committed to
moving forward—either with GRACE or another third party—to finish
the project and publish a public report," he added.