Francis Picks Queens Priest to Lead Albany Diocese
By Bob Gardinier Albany Times Union February
12, 2014
Scharfenberger will be
introduced later Tuesday as the new Bishop for the Albany
Roman Catholic Diocese
Monsignor Edward
Scharfenberger, a 65-year-old Brooklyn-born, Vatican-educated
priest and pastor of a parish in Queens, will become the 10th
bishop of Albany on April 10. His selection by Pope Francis to
succeed Bishop Howard
Hubbard was announced Tuesday.
Scharfenberger, who also has been a lawyer for more than
two decades, played a significant role in how the Diocese of
Brooklyn handled the clergy sex scandal as a member of the Diocesan
Review Board for Sexual Abuse of Minors.
"I want to be a healer. I want to be a listener. I want
to be a reconciler, but I can't do it alone," Scharfenberger said
when he was introduced at a morning news conference at the Pastoral
Center of the Albany Roman
Catholic Diocese.
"Let's just get to know each other...walk together,"
Scharfenberger said, adding that he wants to bring back those who
have been alienated by the church.
And in a reference to the closing of parishes with
dwindling congregations, he said: "If we had more people coming
into the churches, we wouldn't have to close any churches."
He leads St. Matthias
Church in Ridgewood, a multi-ethnic church with a large German
congregation, which offers services and hears confessions in
German. In addition to German, Scharfenberger speaks Spanish,
Italian and French. His recent assignments also included vicar
for strategic planning and episcopal vicar for Queens.
The next bishop showed that he is an engaging
conversationalist, quick to smile and laugh, as when he told of
his surprise a week ago on learning of his new assignment.
"I got a call that in a few minutes I was going to get a
call from a priest," he said. "I asked 'What did I do?' "
"Did I think I would be here in Albany?" Scharfenberger
said. "No, maybe in Lake George."
Hubbard demonstrated his own brand of humor at
the lectern.
"Good morning. I'm Howard Hubbard, and I used to be
bishop of Albany," he said.
Hubbard, as required of all bishops, submitted his
retirement last fall on his 75th birthday. But he remains bishop
until his successor is installed on April 10. Officially, the
church referred to Scharfenberger as bishop-elect.
Hubbard contrasted Scharfenberger's diocese, which
includes Queens, with his own. "Brooklyn is one of the few
dioceses in the United States that is totally urban. Albany
covers 14 far-flung counties."
"You are going to have a bit of an adjustment to make
here in Albany," he said, then gave Scharfenberger a map of the
diocese and a zucchetto that his predecessor, Bishop Edwin
Broderick, gave him in 1977 when he was elevated from Albany
priest at age 38.
Hubbard rummaged around in his bag for effect and pulled
out a Mets
cap. Scharfenberger is a big fan. Hubbard, who was born and
raised in Troy, has always rooted for the Boston
Red Sox.
E. Barnes, executive director of the New York State Catholic
Conference, welcomed the pope's appointment "with great joy," and
said his legal training and work as a pastor in the melting pot
of Queens would serve him well in Albany.
"We are excited to get to know our new local bishop and
we look forward to his strong voice impacting the important
pastoral and public policy issues facing the church in the entire
state of New York."
Barnes also said the bishops wished Hubbard "a long and
healthy retirement and look forward to many more years of his
wise counsel."
A member of the group of Capital Region Catholics who
recently launched the website albanybishopsearch.org
to ask people of the Albany diocese to share their thoughts on
what they wanted to see in a new bishop said he was impressed
with Scharfenberger's deep spiritual and educational background.
"I look forward to having a person who will lead the
Albany diocese in a progressive and open way so we can all draw
closer to God," said Bill
Halligan, who is a parishioner at St.
Vincent DePaul in Albany.