Fires Firm Reviewing School's Handling of Reported Sex Abuse
By Ron Barnett Greenville Online February 12,
Bob Jones University on
Bob Jones University has terminated its contract with an
independent ombudsman one month before the firm was expected to
issue its findings in a 13-month review into the school’s
handling of sexual abuse reports, according to statements
released by the fundamentalist Christian school and the company.
The university had contracted with Lynchburg, Va.-based
GRACE, or Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment,
in November 2012, saying, “In light of national media reports of
the mishandling of sexual abuse, including on college campuses,
(BJU President Stephen) Jones wanted to make absolutely certain
BJU’s policies and procedures both fully comply with the law and
ensure a loving, scripturally based response.”
GRACE was to “review past instances in which it was
alleged that the university may have underserved a student who
reported they had been abused at some point in their lives.”
GRACE posted an announcement on its Facebook page
Thursday that BJU had terminated its agreement.
BJU responded with a news release that said, “Over the
last several months, we grew concerned about how GRACE was
pursuing our objectives” and decided to terminate the contract on
Jan. 27.
“It is BJU’s intention to resolve its differences with
GRACE, and we are disappointed a resolution could not be reached
before our differences were made public,” BJU said in its
“Both BJU and GRACE desire to raise sexual abuse
awareness and minister to victims whose lives have been ravaged
by abuse. GRACE has been helpful in assisting us in focusing our
efforts in this area.
“BJU sincerely appreciates all current and former
students who participated in this initiative thus far, and the
university regrets any delay BJU’s cancellation of its agreement
with GRACE may have on this important project.”
GRACE, which specializes in working with churches and
other Christian organizations on minimizing opportunities for
abuse and assisting in responding to abuse disclosures, said in
its Facebook post that the termination “took GRACE by complete
surprise as there had been no prior indications from BJU that
termination was even being considered.
“Furthermore, this termination occurred days before
GRACE was to conduct the last interviews of this 13-month
investigation and begin drafting the final report scheduled for
publication in March.”
GRACE’s statement said BJU hasn’t told the organization
why the agreement was terminated.
“At this point, we are most concerned about the
potential impact of this termination on those who participated in
the investigation and are waiting for the final report,” the
GRACE statement says. “We grieve with those whose hopes will be
crushed should this independent process remain incomplete.”
BJU’s release says the university has implemented
several initiatives to raise awareness of sexual abuse,
independently of the GRACE initiative, including sex abuse
awareness training for all its more than 3,000 students and more
than 1,000 faculty and staff members.
It said the school also is creating guidelines “to
assist present and future students who work with minors in the
community and on campus” and is planning to provide a
comprehensive child safety workshop for local church leaders.
“We grieve with those who have suffered abuse in their
past, and we desire to minister the grace of Christ to them,” the
BJU statement says. “Our prayer for the abused is that God will
be their refuge and strength.”