Jones University Halts Abuse Probe
By Bob Allen Associated Baptist Press February
12, 2014
Boz Tchividjian
Bob Jones University has pulled the plug on an
independent investigation into the school’s handling of
allegations of sexual abuse, the group hired to conduct the probe
announced Feb. 6.
Godly Response to
Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE) said they received
the “notice of termination” of an agreement signed in November
2012 just days before the group planned to conduct final
interviews and begin drafting a report.
“Despite repeated requests, GRACE has not been informed
of why the agreement was terminated,” the GRACE team said
in a press release. “However, due to the fact that GRACE
certainly wishes to keep all options on the table in order to
complete what has been started, we have spent the last week in
communication with BJU and we remain open to continued dialogue.”
Bob Jones contacted the group founded by Basyle
“Boz” Tchividjian, a law professor at Liberty University and
grandson of Billy Graham, after nine cases of sexual assault were
reported on the campus in Greenville, S.C., in 2011.
That news came on the heels of a controversy about a
student expelled
nine days before his graduation who claimed it was in retaliation
for holding the first-ever student protest
at Bob Jones University.
The “Do Right BJU” protest targeted a member of the
school’s board of trustees accused in a “20/20” report
of covering up the rape of a 15-year-old girl in his congregation
and allowing her rapist to stay in the church for years.
Chuck Phelps, at the time pastor of Trinity Baptist
Church in Concord, N.H., and now serving at Colonial Hills
Baptist Church in Indianapolis, later stepped
down as a trustee after alumni circulated a petition calling for
his dismissal.
Bob Jones University President Stephen Jones, who
announced his resignation last fall at the age of 43 citing
health reasons, said in the termination letter
that the decision, which takes effect in May, “has redirected a
significant amount of our focus and energy.”
“While remaining resolute in our desire to achieve our
stated objectives, in view of ongoing challenges in leadership
change … Bob Jones University hereby notifies GRACE that we are
terminating the Nov. 16, 2012, Engagement Agreement for
Independent Investigation,” the letter said. “This termination is
effective immediately.”
The GRACE investigative team visited
the Bob Jones University campus to meet with administrators and
student leaders last February. An online confidential survey
was accessed 914 times, and 236 were completed and submitted,
when the survey officially closed April 30. In its most recent report
in November, the team reported completing about 80 interviews and
having reviewed all written statements and other materials
submitted to GRACE.
The termination letter asks “that all work by GRACE be
halted” and “that all documents, information and interviews be
kept confidential.”
The university website carried a statement
saying “over the last several months, we grew concerned about how
GRACE was pursuing our objectives” and terminated the contract on
Jan. 27.
“It is BJU’s intention to resolve its differences with
GRACE, and we are disappointed a resolution could not be reached
before our differences were made public,” the university’s
statement said. “Both BJU and GRACE desire to raise sexual abuse
awareness and minister to victims whose lives have been ravaged
by abuse. GRACE has been helpful in assisting us in focusing our
efforts in this area.”
The GRACE team said the termination was a “complete
surprise” and there had been no prior indications that it was
even being considered.
“At this point, we are most concerned about the
potential impact of this termination on those who participated in
the investigation and are waiting for the final report,” the team
said. “We grieve with those whose hopes will be crushed should
this independent process remain incomplete.”
“Please know that we heard your voice and it was not
spoken in vain,” the team addressed those who took part in the
study. “GRACE offers its assurance that we will do our utmost to
protect your confidences in the interviews and surveys from
unauthorized use or disclosure. You have honored us with your
courage and trust. We are privileged to have sat with each of