Vatican Still Protects Pedophile Priests
By Lauren Carasik Aljazeera February 11, 2014
The Vatican’s former chief
prosecutor of clerical sexual abuse, Charles Scicluna, center,
before answering questions from the U.N. Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Jan. 16, 2014.
Urging a sprawling religious institution to take
immediate remedial action to redress a scourge of pervasive
sexual abuse within its ranks is unlikely to generate global
controversy. Unless that organization is the Catholic Church and
the edict is issued by a secular watchdog and muddied by the
Vatican’s unique status as a hybrid sovereign state ruled by its
own religious laws and mores.
On Feb. 5, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of
the Child issued a stern rebuke of the Holy See for its
failure to comply with its international obligations under the
Convention on the Rights of the Child. The panel’s observations
in its second periodic report on the Vatican accused
it of systematically protecting pedophile priests and showing
greater concern for preserving its own reputation and protecting
the perpetrators than for upholding the best interests of the
children. It called on the church to remove abusive clergy from
official duty, turn abusers and those who shielded them over to
state authorities for prosecution and release its voluminous
archives of sexual-abuse complaints.
The U.N. report has reignited a lingering debate between
defenders of the church and critics who deplore its handling of
the sex-abuse crisis. Survivor groups and their supporters hailed
the report as a watershed development in their arduous and
lengthy battle to seek redress for past and ongoing abuses as
well as efforts to prevent future ones. They have long criticized
the Vatican for hiding behind a stony and impenetrable wall of
secrecy, obstructing justice, protecting abusers and punishing
Barbara Dorris, outreach director for Survivors Network
of Those Abused by Priests, lauded the report’s long overdue attention to
a troubling issue for which the church has never publicly
The church has also been censured for its utter failure
to acknowledge the incalculable toll of these crimes, including
the staggering number of victims, the global reach and the
lasting and profound nature of the harm inflicted on victims.
‘Limited legal authority’
The report drew an initially curt official response
from the Vatican spokesman, who said the Holy See would study
the document closely, according to the precepts of international
law. Subsequent comments by officials and their surrogates
doubled down, casting doubt on the report’s accuracy and
The Vatican’s U.N. Ambassador Archbishop
Silvano Tomasi decried the committee’s failure to take into
account the reforms that the Holy See has already implemented,
suggesting that the report may have been written before church
officials appeared before the committee last month and clarified
its actions. The Vatican claims that cases of abuse have been
sharply reduced. But it declined to answer the committee’s
request for data on abuse investigations and statistics, stating
that the church released such information only when
required by legal proceedings.
Critics note that the Vatican’s claim of comprehensive
reforms was undermined by lapses in its policies and procedures
that belie its public proclamations. In 2010 the church conceded that its
hierarchy does not require bishops to report abuse to
authorities. Instead, it defers to local laws to dictate
reporting policy, thereby abdicating its responsibility to
assist in identifying, removing and punishing predatory priests.
In a recent instance of elevating self-interest over
the needs of victims, last year the Catholic Church in
California lobbied against proposed changes to
California’s civil statute of limitations. The bill would have
granted sexual abuse victims who missed an earlier deadline a
one year extension to file lawsuits because of the delayed
discovery of psychological problems resulting from abuse.
Evidence demonstrates that survivors often need years to come to
grips with the trauma and develop the resilience and
determination necessary to endure the pain and stigma of seeking
The Holy See claimed it possesses limited legal
authority to dictate the conduct of its clergy outside the
geographical boundaries of tiny Vatican City. Critics call this
defense disingenuous, and the U.N. committee agreed, concluding
that the Vatican is the “supreme power of the Catholic Church,”
in which “subordinates in Catholic religious orders are bound by
obedience to the Pope.”
The church must fully answer for its past failure to
protect children from the clergy entrusted to shape their moral
and spiritual development.
Supporters of the church say the report was distorted by
special-interest groups and that the committee’s ideological
bias blurred the distinction between universally held norms and
ideological preferences. In addition to addressing sexual abuse,
the report urged the church to consider how the rights of
children are affected by its teachings on sexual orientation,
given the violence perpetrated against adolescent members of the
lesbian,gay, bisexual and transgender community and
discrimination against children of same-sex parents. It also
raised the issues of reproductive health, abortion and gender
equality. The Vatican and supporters pointedly rejected the
U.N.’s suggestions for changes to core church doctrine, which
they deem sacrosanct and protected by religious freedom.
Some observers predict that the committee’s inclusion
of these contested topics will blunt the impact of the report. While
commending the U.N.’s attention to the issue of child sexual
abuse, Sister Mary Ann Walsh of the U.S. Council
on Bishops said the committee lost credibility by venturing into
the culture wars.
But credibility cuts both ways, and the church’s
selective willingness to mete out discipline against its bishops
sheds an unflattering light on its internal priorities. As NPR’s
senior European correspondent Silvia Poggioli quipped, “Speaking out
publicly in favor of women’s ordination, for example, has
triggered removal (of a bishop). Not so for covering up sex
abuse of minors.”
Last month, Bishop Charles J. Scicluna, the Vatican’s
former chief prosecutor on sex crimes, told the U.N. committee, “It is not a
policy of the Holy See to encourage cover-ups. This is against
the truth.” Yet the Vatican’s efforts to cast the scandal as
history and claiming that the church now gets it was undercut by
contradictory signals from the church. As Scicluna was
testifying in Geneva, Pope Francis was celebrating Mass and meeting privately in
Rome with Cardinal Roger M. Mahony, the disgraced former
archbishop of Los Angeles who was publicly accused of protecting
abusive priests.
The church claims it is taking unparalleled efforts to
protect children. But the sex-abuse scandal became public only
through persistent and courageous efforts of survivors and their
advocates who came forward to demand justice and protect others.
Hence the church’s mea culpa was forced, at a considerable cost
to those who suffered sexual violence at the hands church
officials and were often revictimized in telling the truth of
their experiences.
It is not enough to prevent future abuse: The church
must fully answer for its past failure to protect children from
the clergy entrusted to shape their moral and spiritual
development. The Vatican must fully cooperate with prosecutors
in seeking accountability for abusers and for those whose
misguided protection enabled priests to continue inflicting
unspeakable damage on young victims. The church must open its
archives to shatter the code of silence that shrouded this
shameful scandal in secrecy and continues to impede truth and
It would be a shame if the report’s inclusion of
sexual orientation, gender equality and reproductive health is
used to undermine the legitimacy of its withering critique of
the systematic protection of pedophiles. The countless young and
vulnerable victims of this church deserve better.
Lauren Carasik is Clinical Professor of Law and
Director of the International Human Rights Clinic at Western New
England University School of Law.
The views expressed in this article are the author's
own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera America's
editorial policy.