Report on Child Rights Challenges Vatican to Mend Its Ways:
Toronto Star February 9, 2014
UN report will help Pope
Francis amplify his message that the Vatican must get tough on
clerical sex abusers.
It’s a scathing report, bound to shake up Catholics who
are comfortable in their pews. But the United Nations committee
that has just lambasted the Vatican for letting clerical sex
abusers get away with their crimes will help amplify Pope
Francis’ message that the church in its entirety needs to clean
up its act because its credibility is on the line.
Three popes now have forcefully condemned clerical abuse
of children. John Paul II denounced it as “appalling sin” and
outright “crime.” Benedict XVI promised to rid the church of such
“filth.” And Francis has ordered Vatican prosecutors and bishops
to “act decisively” to make sure that minors are protected and
abusers are held to account. The Church’s moral witness and
credibility is riding on this, he warned.
It is indeed, and the UN’s Committee on the Rights of
the Child has forcefully reminded Catholic clerics and laity
alike of just how harshly the wider world judges the church’s
tragic failings in this area, including here in Canada, and its
slowness to come to terms with past abuses. Stinging as it is, the high-profile UN report issued this past
week serves to highlight some of what remains to be done. It
stems from a routine review of how signatories to the Convention
on the Rights of the Child are living up to their obligations.
The Holy See signed on in 1990.
The report bluntly faults the Vatican for
“systematically” putting the church’s reputation above the
protection of children. Clerics molested “tens of thousands of
children worldwide,” it says, while bishops failed to hold them
accountable, imposed a code of silence and covered up the crimes.
The UN wants the Vatican to order the commission on sex abuse
that Francis set up last year to function as a sort of truth
panel, investigating the hierarchy’s response to past cases of
abuse, holding senior clerics to account and throwing open
The UN also wants the Vatican to establish clear,
church-wide “best practices” rules that compel bishops and
pastors across the vast 1-billion-member church to report abuse,
remove offending clerics and alert police. And it urges
compensation for victims. That certainly makes sense. It would
formalize and universalize practices that the Canadian church adopted two decades ago.
Clerics are screened, church volunteers face background checks
and abuse must be reported to the authorities. That should be the
strict rule everywhere.
And while the UN report pays tribute to the church’s
good work providing vulnerable kids around the world with
schooling, health, social care and other services, it says more
can be done to advance their basic rights.
It urges the Vatican to remove gender stereotyping from
Catholic school textbooks. To ban corporal punishment. To remind
parents and teachers that kids have the right to express their
views freely, and deserve to be taken seriously. To condemn
discrimination against gay children and those raised by same-sex
couples. And to make sure that kids are taught about safe sex,
family planning, and preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
In places, the UN report over-reaches. It urges the
Vatican to soften its stand against abortion, for example. That
is expecting too much. Vatican officials have pushed back, too,
on aspects of the report that challenge church teaching on
homosexuality, sexuality and contraception. They also point out,
reasonably, that the UN doesn’t give enough credit for reforms
that have been made.
Yet for all that the UN’s basic judgment about the abuse
scandal is sound. As Pope Francis recognizes, the church needs to
be honest about its failings, protective of its children and
awake to the modern world. This report helps make his case.