Scandal at North Beach Church...
By Chris Roberts Examiner February 9, 2014
The National Shrine of St.
Francis Assisi, located in North Beach, has become the focus
of worldwide attention not for its shrine to the patron saint
of San Francisco, but for accusations of lurid sex happening
within the church.
Bill McLaughlin, right, with
Father Harold Snider, the National Shrine of St. Francis
Assisi’s current rector.
A fraternity-style paddle
with initials that reportedly stand for “Boys’ Night Out,” was
allegedly used in the abuse.
Angela Alioto, a trial
attorney and former San Francisco supervisor, launched in the
late 1990s a campaign to reopen the shuttered church as a
shrine to St. Francis, helping to raise more than $2 million
for the effort.
In a time of trials that have tested the will of the
faithful worldwide, the Roman Catholic Church in San Francisco
has emerged relatively unscathed.
The sex abuse scandals staining archdioceses in Boston,
Los Angeles and now Chicago have had no parallel in San
Francisco. Instead, the local archdiocese's reputation has
recently been sullied across the world by lurid claims of sexual
battery and harassment, all allegedly committed within one of its
most sacred spaces.
Late last month, a lawsuit filed late by a 33-year-old
woman formerly employed by the church accuses her ex-bosses of
harboring a veritable den of sin underneath the roof of a shrine
dedicated to The City's patron saint. Jhona Mathews alleges that
one of the men, who is in his 60s, hired and used her for sex.
And a charming and popular priest who wielded significant
influence as the archdiocese's second-in-command let it all
happen, the suit claims.
The lawsuit contains lurid details, including paddling
the woman's bare bottom, and comes after years of chaos at the
North Beach church, including a fight over interring dead pets
and a holy order's dismissal from the chapel.
Catholics have worshipped at what's now the corner of
Columbus Avenue and Vallejo Street since the Gold Rush days. Once
a thriving parish for the Italian-Americans who still lend their
culture to the area, damage from the Loma Prieta earthquake and
the steady exodus parishioners from the church led the
archdiocese to close the Church of St. Francis in the 1990s. It
was reborn a few years later in with a new mission, and special
status, from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops as the
National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi -- the namesake and
patron saint of San Francisco.
On a hill that allows it to greet the daily gaggle of
guidebook-clutching visitors hiking up to North Beach from
downtown, the shrine includes the Norman Gothic church -- parts
of which date to 1849, and survived the 1906 earthquake and fire
-- with interior frescoes that depict St. Francis' life. The
shrine also includes in an adjoining building the Porziuncola, a
scaled-down replica of the tiny stone chapel that St. Francis
himself adopted as his own in the early 13th century and that
still stands inside a cathedral in Assisi, Italy.
It was at the shrine that Mathews, a 33-year-old single
mother who had worked as a clerk at a carpet company in Marin,
was hired as an administrative assistant in 2012. Despite having
no training and little formal education, she held the job for
about a year.
Mathews was fired last November, she alleges in a
lawsuit filed Jan. 29, after refusing to continue to submit to
the sexual demands of Bill McLaughlin, a 67-year-old Marin
construction contractor and volunteer chairman of the shrine's
board of trustees, who allegedly made Mathews submit to routine
"oral, anal, and vaginal sex" as conditions of her employment.
(Scroll down to read the full text of the
These acts were allegedly consummated in the church's
sacristy, a private area behind the altar generally only open to
priests and select attendants. "Punishments" were delivered to
Mathews via bare-bottomed spankings with a wooden paddle when she
resisted, the lawsuit claims.
That fraternity-initiation-style paddle, according to
the lawsuit, was given as a gift to McLaughlin by Monsignor James
Tarantino. Tarantino was named to the position of vicar general,
Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone's chief deputy, after
Cordileone's arrival in San Francisco in 2012.
A legend in Catholic circles in Marin County for his
leadership at the helm of Marin Catholic High School and St.
Hilary Catholic Parish in Tiburon, Tarantino received the
honorific title of monsignor and held significant power over the
archdiocese's day-to-day operations after arriving in San
Francisco in 2010. When not working 12-hour days at the
chancellery near St. Mary's Cathedral, he resided in the
refurbished rectory next door to the shrine. The lawsuit claims
that he knew about the quid-pro-quo sexual relationship between
McLaughlin and Mathews but did nothing to stop it.
Church leaders -- as well as parishioners who remember
Tarantino from Marin -- deny most of the allegations in the
Mathews was fired from her job Nov. 6, church leaders
say, but for allegedly embezzling a "substantial" amount of money
eight months prior to her firing. It wasn't immediately reported
to police. The investigation is now with the District Attorney's
Office, according to the San Francisco Police Department.
And church brass ousted McLaughlin that same month after
they learned of his alleged "inappropriate actions," according to
Larry Kamer, a crisis communications expert who was brought on to
the shrine's board of trustees in May 2013. Kamer is now serving
as the church's spokesman during the lawsuit.
"She was fired for issues of financial impropriety and
for no other reason," said Kamer, who added that "the church
acted quickly and responsibly" in removing both individuals from
their posts.
Neither archdiocese officials nor Kamer would give
details about what actions resulted in McLaughlin's removal. They
also would not elaborate on how Mathews could have embezzled such
a large amount of cash months prior -- and why Father Harold
Snider, the brown-robed Capuchin friar who serves as the shrine's
current rector, waited until Nov. 13 to file a police report at
nearby Central Police Station about the alleged theft.
The current imbroglio implicates the church Angela
Alioto, the daughter of a former mayor, calls her own. But it
does not vex her, though perhaps it should. Catholicism is at the
heart of the former San Francisco supervisor's identity. The
trial attorney and daughter of one of The City's most famous
mayors, her sons, daughter and grandchildren are all named after
popes and saints.
Alioto has family ties to Tarantino, whose father worked
with her uncle at the Alioto-Lazio Fish Co. near Fisherman's
Wharf. They share Sicilian heritage. But San Francisco is a small
town -- and North Beach is a smaller village. Upon Tarantino's
arrival at the shrine, which Alioto considers her home turf, they
tangled almost immediately.
Alioto has a special, unique love for St. Francis, to
whom she fondly refers to in conversation as "Francesco." She
tells why: Away at school in Italy at the age of 15, with a
period of partying among the fashionable boys of Florence ended
by her parents, a sulking Angela arrived in Assisi. On a cold,
windless day, she made an unwilling pilgrimage to the church
where St. Francis is laid to rest -- and was greeted by a warm
breeze that she said was the breath of the Holy Spirit blessing
Since then she has considered herself not merely
Catholic. "I am a Franciscan," she proclaims with a beatific wave
of her arms. This means charity to the poor and homeless, medical
care for all -- and honoring the patron saint of her hometown.
It was Alioto in the late 1990s who began the campaign
to reopen the shuttered church as a shrine to St. Francis, she
said, raising more than $2 million from Dede Wilsey and others
among The City's gentry. And it was Alioto who formed a volunteer
group dubbed the Knights of St. Francis to watch over the
Porziuncola and the church, to welcome visitors and shoo away
The knights would also have some dominion over the rest
of her vision for the area: A planned pedestrian piazza on the
block of Vallejo Street that would be closed to traffic and link
the church with nearby Caffe Trieste, and a Franciscan University
of Political Thought in the run-down rectory next door.
Alioto's clout helped the shrine receive a papal
blessing from Cardinal William Levada, who served as archbishop
of San Francisco when she was at the height of her political
power in the mid-1990s, as well as a prized relic -- a piece of
St. Francis's original shrine, on display now. But her outsized
personality -- she is a self-proclaimed "loudmouthed Sicilian
woman" -- helped lead to the beginning of trouble at the shrine.
Upon his arrival in San Francisco in 2010, Tarantino as
vicar general chose the run-down rectory next door as his
residence. That building, too, was renovated and retrofitted,
with the work overseen by alleged sexual abuser McLaughlin, who
also managed construction work at St. Hilary's as a volunteer.
That thwarted Alioto's plans for the Franciscan think
tank. So Alioto clashed with the newly arrived priest and his
active layman friend about who exactly had sway over what went on
at the shrine, according to accounts from both sides.
And she was not winning. Along with the Porziuncola,
Alioto had opened a shop of St. Francis-themed religious gifts
and trinkets -- called Francesco Rocks -- set up in the basement
of the shrine beginning in 2011. In a May 2013 letter from
Tarantino, the shop was told to vacate the premises by July.
At the same time, the shrine grabbed international
headlines for something that had nothing to do with St. Francis.
After the shrine's designation, great cost was expended to make
the building seismically safe -- money spent by the archdiocese
on a church that is splendid but, as the sparsely attended Masses
show, not self-sufficient.
The idea to make the basement of the church into a pet
columbarium -- a final resting place for the ashes of dogs, cats,
and other animals that the wildlife-loving St. Francis might have
appreciated -- came from McLaughlin, according to news reports.
The idea received Cordileone's blessing, and could have raised as
much as $125,000 toward keeping the church afloat, church
newspaper Catholic San Francisco reported at the time.
The pet cemetery idea made Alioto furious. From there,
things worsened. A friendly priest who had served as the shrine's
rector, in charge of day-to-day doings, was reassigned. The new
Capuchin friars put in his place put down new rules: any
religious activities conducted at the shrine needed approval from
the archdiocese -- that is, Alioto says, from McLaughlin, a daily
presence at the shrine while Tarantino worked long hours at the
archdiocese chancellery offices. Meanwhile, Monsignor Tarantino,
a talented preacher (his sermons are available online as
podcasts) began celebrating a Sunday evening Mass at the shrine
in early November.
With the new overseers, Alioto was out. But not down.
In an October letter to the top Vatican officials in the
U. S., she accused the shrine's new leadership -- "Monsignor
Tarantino and his right-hand man, 'Bill'" -- of forcibly removing
members of the knights as they tried to pray in the chapel.
A war of words ensued, played out in local media. The
church seemed to gain the upper hand. On Oct. 4, the feast day of
St. Francis, the Capuchin friars began a new docent program that
made the knights superfluous. Then, the final straw: The next
day, a sign appeared on the shuttered door of the Porziuncola
announcing that it was "temporarily closed."
"I can put up with a lot," she says, recounting the tale
of the time that the front of her childhood home in Presidio
Terrace was "blown off" by a bomb possibly intended for her
father, then-Mayor Joseph Alioto. "But when you kick the Knights
of St. Francis out, you have a problem with me."
Tarantino oversaw only a few drama-free Masses at the
shrine before alleged victim Jhona Mathews was fired Nov. 6. A
week later, Father Harold Snider, who became the shrine's rector
in the summer, went to police to report that a massive amount of
funds had gone missing in March.
Then, on Nov. 18, Mathews filed a complaint with the
state Department of Fair Employment and Housing, alleging that a
"violent" and "abusive" McLaughlin had used her as his sexual
plaything for the prior year.
The details of her accusations, repeated in the Jan. 29
lawsuit filed by attorney Sandra Ribera -- the daughter of a
former San Francisco police chief who has litigated several cases
with Alioto -- and in news outlets around the world, read like a
salacious novel: rough sex in the church and sacristy, sexually
explicit emails and text messages, including photos of a bare
rear end reddened by blows from a wooden paddle.
The paddle -- engraved with the initials "BNO," for
"Boys' Night Out," and the words "To Bill M. From Fr. T." -- has
been a focus of news reports. And it's the paddle that enrages
Tarantino's defenders.
"This is a really wonderful man, vilified," said Tiburon
resident Bill Ostenton, a close confidante of Tarantino's from
his tenure at St. Hilary's who claims that he gave McLaughlin the
paddle without Tarantino's knowledge. "The only thing that Father
Tarantino did at St. Francis was live there."
Mathews said she took the job in order to provide for
her daughter on McLaughlin's suggestion, and was hired despite a
legal history that includes credit card fraud, according to
church officials, with little formal education or training and no
knowledge of the Catholic religion or church. She is now
destitute and legally homeless as she sleeps on friends' couches,
according to Ribera.
Tarantino, too, has moved on since the scandal
allegations first broke.
On the day Mathews' lawsuit was filed, church officials
announced Tarantino's removal from his role as Cordileone's
vicar-general. That powerful post allowed him great control over
the day-to-day doings of the archdiocese while Cordileone --
disliked by some of The City's liberals, Catholic and apostates
alike, for his active support of gay-marriage ban Proposition 8
and, more recently, his opposition to the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act passed in November -- concerned himself
with the national stage.
Beginning in July, Tarantino will serve a much more
modest role of parish priest at a church in Belmont, residing in
the rectory on Vallejo Street in the meantime. On vacation in
Hawaii, he could not be reached for comment last week. In the
meantime, Alioto and her Knights of St. Francis have returned.
She held court in the Porziuncola on a recent morning, talking
eagerly of an upcoming trip to Rome to meet with Vatican
There is even talk of welcoming the current pope,
Francis, to the shrine.