Their Care
By Natalie Holmes Dubbo Photo News February 8,
Dubbo man Paddy* is haunted
by the memories of his boarding school days, where he was
abused and tortured at the hands of his primary educator. He
talked to NATALIE HOLMES about the bitterness and the
Paddy* was just a kid when he was abused by a staff
member at the Catholic college he attended. At first, it seemed
like a lovely place, but the dream quickly turned into a
nightmare. Now, more than half a century later, those memories
still haunt him and Paddy recalls some of the horrors of that
time at the hands of someone into whose care his parents had
entrusted him.
“I was a skinny little boy all of 13 years old. He was a
fully grown man; he must have been a coward to bash up a skinny
little boy in this way. There was something wrong with him.”
Paddy recalls his first taste of violence at the hands
of his educator.
“One day, I was walking with my hands in my pockets and
he came up from behind and punched me in the back of the head.
After that, every chance he got he would give me the cane.”
Singled out time after time, Paddy suffered countless
bouts of humiliation, raps over the knuckles, hundreds of
canings, beatings with a rubber hose, and even sexual assault.
“I received a lot of caning over the time I was at
“I remember getting 18 cuts in the one day, for what, I
can’t remember. It was so much that I remember my hands were too
sore from the caning and I couldn’t complete my homework.
“(Another day) I had 12 floggings with the cane in five
minutes. It hurt something terrible, so I took my mind off (by
thinking about) rabbiting with my dog up the paddock. When I had
received six more cuts of the cane, I was told to get back to
“I shed no tears and showed no emotion.”
Dragged out of bed to face the brutality of the
teacher’s ways, Paddy decided he’d had enough of the intolerable
cruelty and ran away from school on more than one occasion.
Back in his home town, Paddy still struggled. He turned
to fighting, drinking, and generally getting into mischief. And
he was still only 14.
Since then, he has lived with depression, anxiety and
has sometimes struggled with personal relationships, including
with his father. For the duration of his adult life, he has
relived and suffered from the pain he endured as a teen at the
hands of a man who was supposed to be his carer and mentor.
Two weeks ago, Paddy became one of the many people to
give evidence to the Royal Commission investigation into
Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Telling his story has been cathartic for the
“They were very sensitive into what you’ve been going
through,” he says.
“They actually listened; it was a relief to have someone
listen to you and believe you for the first time. For all the
years I’ve been going through this, it’s a good feeling.”
Remembering and reliving those horrible days is
something Paddy has been forced to endure over and over again.
“I have always had so much hatred for this bloke. The
experience has always been there, it’s in your mind. He
threatened to run over me, cut me up on the Hargan Saw and throw
me in the brick pit, smother me in my bed. I would be so scared.
I seriously thought he was going to bash me to death.
“He was a very cruel and vicious man. He was insane. No
sane person would do that.”
Many times, Paddy and the other children who were
victimised should have gone to hospital. But nothing ever
“He would always strike when no-one else was around and
the other (staff) turned a blind eye,” he recalls.
Paddy believes he suffered brain damage and said there
have also been times since then when he would “wake up screaming
his lungs out” but not making a sound.
“I suffered anxiety; you feel like you’re not worth
anything anymore. You’ve done your best to get rid of this huge
thing. I was getting very depressed but I took it as it came.”
Although it’s been emotionally draining to retell his
story, Paddy believes the current investigation is a positive
“The Royal Commission didn’t just say get over it and
move on; they were very understanding.
“I can’t say that about the Catholic Church and the
healing process. They have protected their own all the way down.
They are so powerful – that’s why no-one has taken them on
before. I’ve been asked why I didn’t tell somebody, and my
response is “who are you going to tell?” I just wanted to get
away from it.”
Paddy greatly admires former police investigator Peter
Fox whose work as a Detective Inspector within the force led to
his public allegations of child sexual abuse in the Catholic
Church and subsequently the end of his policing career.
“Peter Fox is my hero,” he says. “I look up to and
admire him.”
According to Paddy, his suffering was nowhere near that
experienced by the other children. He also feels it has been a
David and Goliath battle for too long.
“No-one looked into it because they (the Church) were
trusted. (And) I wasn’t aware there was so much of it, but I only
suffered one tenth of what other kids did. Some went through
hell. Before, they had nobody to protect and believe in them.
“The Catholic Church can do whatever it likes and get
away with it. There’s violence in every religion, in the Catholic
Church and other organisations, and the children are under their
“Now that the Royal Commission has stepped in, they
While he has struggled, Paddy is happy with how the
official investigation is going. Finally, he feels he can move on
with his life.
“I’ve always tried to put it behind me. I went back to
church but I lost faith. The Royal Commission does give you a lot
of satisfaction that something is being done; you can’t go any
higher than that. A lot of people have been sexually abused.
“(For me) I know he’s too old to be brought to justice.
But now that I’ve been to the Royal Commission, it’s done and
The Violence
Paddy describes an incidence of abuse:
A big voice cried out: “Get down here son. Have you ever
had a flogging before?”
He asked me that about five times.
Then he said, “You are going to get one now.”
I had not done anything wrong, but that didn’t matter to
him. As I walked through the first door, he punched me violently
in the back of my head. Then he pushed me through the next door.
Then he began to punch me around the head. I quickly covered up
as best as I could, but I was up against the wall and his big
hands would come crashing through my guard. He hit me on the
forehead, sending my head back violently; sometimes it would hit
the wall behind me.
When I covered up my head, he would punch me in the
It seemed to go on for a long time.
He would even grab hold of me and bash my head against
the door knob behind me. He would also bash my head against the
He punched me in the testicles and the other punch was
in the groin. He also tried to grab me by the testicles but he
missed and grabbed the top of my penis instead. I tried to pull
away but I couldn’t so I told him he was a dirty bastard. He let
go and started bashing me violently. My legs were getting weak
and I struggled to stand...I thought he was going to bash me to
*Paddy’s name has been changed
to protect his identity. He has also chosen not to name his
attacker or the school he attended.