How a
Pope Called Pius ...
By John Cornwell Daily Mail February 8, 2014
A priest at John Cornwell's
Catholic boarding school asked if he was ever tempted to
'commit sexual sin' (picture posed by models)
Pope Pius X decreed in 1910
that children must make their first confession at the age of
Circa. 1903 - Portrait of
Pope Pius X on the Day of His Coronation
Pope Pius X in 1904, Vatican
City, Rome, Italy
At my Catholic
boarding school in the late 1950s there was a jolly priest who
heard my confession in his room rather than in a vacant
confessional box. After I had recited my laundry list of petty
sins, he asked if I was ever tempted to 'commit a sexual sin by
He suggested that
I take out my penis so that he could examine it to see whether I
was prone to sudden erections. I left the room immediately. The
next year, his proclivities discovered, he was removed by his
bishop to another school.
As a child barely
out of infancy, I had joined the long queues in our parish
church every Saturday to confess my sins. The confessor sat
behind a grille inside a dark box like an upturned coffin,
smelling of stale perfume and nasty body odours.
I did not realise
that we child penitents were guinea-pigs in the greatest moral
experiment ever perpetrated on children in the history of
When I started my
investigation into Catholic confession I was shocked to discover
that young children were not allowed to go to confession before
the 20th Century - in previous eras children did not make their
first confession until their teenage years.
It was the
anxious and pessimistic Pius X, Pope from 1903-1914, who decreed
in 1910 that children must make their first confession at the
age of seven. Evidently he had taken to heart the Jesuit maxim:
'Give me a child at seven and it's mine for life'.
Pius also
declared that all Catholics, including children, should confess
weekly rather than once or twice a year, as was traditional.
Adult Catholics
responded enthusiastically throughout the next five decades.
Children had no option.
That papal decision was to prove calamitous for
generations of young Catholics. Childhood confession prompted
complexes about sex and unwarranted guilt and,
catastrophically, it created ideal opportunities for paedophile
By lowering the
age at which children made their first confession, Pius exposed
children to priests in unsupervised situations of extraordinary
privacy and intimacy. A significant minority of those
confessors proved to be sexual abusers.
Statistics of
offences have revealed that the age group most prone to attack
was seven to 13 - the precise child cohort admitted to
obligatory confession by this papal decree.
The assumption
was that priests were to be trusted. But cut off from women and
the outside world, ignorant of child psychology, convinced of
unearned privileges and entitlements, many clerics were trapped
in emotional immaturity.
The French author
and former seminarian (theology student) Georges Bernanos wrote
that seminary (theological college) 'made schoolboys of us,
children to the very end of our lives'.
The intimate
relationship between children and their confessors was at best a
recipe for inappropriate encounters; at worst it became a
potential paedophiles' paradise.
confession, and the ideas it put into young heads, was
oppressive. Instructions for the sacrament began at the age of
five or six.
We were taught
that sins which broke the ten commandments or the Church's rules
were 'mortal'. In other words these sins killed the soul and
earned punishment in the eternal fires of Hell. Unless they were
forgiven in the dark box.
What possible
sins could a Catholic child commit to deserve Hell for all
eternity? Many of these 'mortal' sins were to do with breaking
the Church's rules - such as being late for Mass on Sunday, or
missing Mass; or breaking the Holy Communion fast.
This fast, when I
was child, meant that you could not eat a crumb or drink even a
minuscule drop of water from midnight the night before going to
holy communion. Many children would agonise over whether they
had swallowed a trace of toothpaste, or swallowed a bitten
finger nail.
The writer
Anthony Burgess recalled that he had joyfully looked up and
opened his mouth on the way to his first communion. He swallowed
a drop of rain water, then realised that he had broken the fast.
He went to communion all the same, and thereafter believed that
he was damned.
Above all, there
were those mortal sins of 'impurity' in thought, word and deed.
The nuns taught us that 'touching ourselves', or having a 'dirty
thought', was 'impure'.
I remember
wondering whether I had committed a mortal sin because I caught
a glimpse of a girl's knickers as she high-kicked an Irish jig
in front of the class.
The imposition of
frequent confession as children approached puberty was even more
Many of my
hundreds of respondents spoke of prying confessors. Priests
asked bewildered girls indecent questions about their sexual
thoughts. Some 60 per cent of the men who wrote to me recalled
their confessors' prurient obsession with the 'mortal sin' of
The generalised
oppression of children through guilt constituted a form of
abuse in itself. But the most insidious consequence of childhood
confession was the crime of priestly sexual abuse.
It has been
calculated across many developed countries that the incidence
amounted to four per cent of the priest population, although in
some places the incidence spikes to ten per cent.
Some Catholic
apologists claim that this merely reflects the average
proportion of paedophiles in the population at large. Given the
vocation of a priest, this is like saying that the incidence of
obesity among marathon runners should be the same as that in the
general population.
More crucially
the apologists overlook the profound impact of sexual abuse in a
religious context, like confession. A leading
priest-psychotherapist, Richard Sipe, has characterised clerical
abuse in the confessional as 'soul murder', arguing that such
attacks undermine not only the physical and psychological
integrity of the victim, but spiritual integrity as well - and
for life.
An ordained
psychotherapist who has treated many paedophile priests in
Britain wrote to me: 'In all those cases of clerical abuse I
dealt with, the sacrament of confession was used by the
molester to discover vulnerability and groom candidates for
By the late 1950s
priests were becoming not only confessors but mentors and
counsellors, on trips, retreats, country walks, parties,
journeys alone or in groups by car.
The exploitation
of confession to seduce the young was often devious in the
extreme. A 'Mrs GC' wrote to me of the sexual abuse inflicted on
her sister in a parish in South London.
Mrs GC was seven
at the time, several years younger than her sister. The priest,
Father Brown, was a former missionary and popular in the
When Mrs GC
started going to confession, Father Brown would use her as a
go-between to set up assignations with the elder sister.
'He would ask me
in the confessional box, “Where is your sister... tell her to
come up to my room.” '
Mrs GC said: 'It
all came to an abrupt end when he took my sister to the races
and sexually abused her on the train coming back. She became a
depressive. I'm convinced it was because of this experience that
she eventually committed suicide.'
Accusations of
abuse within the confessional have involved a wide constituency
of clerics and a variety of types of offences against boys and
girls, as revealed in the Database Of Publicly Accused Priests
in the US.
The material
comprises a detailed list now familiar in many countries -
including kissing, digital penetration of girls, sodomy of boys,
the practice of 'scouting for victims' and 'using the
confessional to learn children's weaknesses', the practice of
'masturbating young penitents seated on the confessor's lap' and
'plying children with alcohol'.
The most detailed
reports of routine abuse in the confessional, typical of
thousands of instances around the world and in Britain, have
come out of Ireland. For example, in the course of a trial in
Cork in 2010 a complainant told police that in 1983 he was on
retreat and went to confession in a private room where the
priest asked him to take off his clothes. The priest touched
his genitals and kissed his lips.
A report
contained in a child welfare document published by the Diocese
of Cloyne told of an incident involving a girl and a priest at a
retreat house in Ennismore. 'She was instructed to lie on the
bed for her confession to be heard. The priest then abused
According to the
Murphy Report on paedophile priests in Dublin, a parish priest
used to 'run his hands all over girl penitents inside their
clothing and then kiss them all on the lips at the end of
confession which was conducted in a private room'.
Attacks in
confession frequently took place within institutions where
children were vulnerable and had no parents to report to.
In a case
publicised through the 2012 documentary film Mea Maxima Culpa,
Father Lawrence Murphy, a serial abuser at a school for the deaf
in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, used the confessional, and his ability
to sign, to groom and debauch boys in his care.
accusations have been levelled against highly placed clerics in
different parts of the world. Cardinal Hans Hermann Groer of
Vienna was accused of abusing up to 12 boys in the
Some priests took extraordinary risks. In 1988, an
entire class of girls at a Catholic school in Monageer,
Ireland, complained that they had been sexually molested by a
Father Grennan when he heard their confessions in the sanctuary
of the parish church. He told the girls in the pews to keep
their eyes shut.
During each
confession he grasped the penitent child's hands in his hands
and pulled her towards his private parts. He was also accused
of 'putting his hands under their skirts and fondling their legs
to mid-thigh level'.
The late Father
Marcial Maciel, the Mexican founder of the international order
of Legionaries of Christ and regarded as a saint during his
lifetime, ordered boys of 12 and younger to masturbate him.
Sometimes he
would encourage the boys to confess to him after the act and
give them absolution.
Interviews with priests jailed for sexual abuse reveal
that they exploited confession to square the circle of their
offending and pastoral lives. A priest in Australia admitted in
court that he had committed acts of sexual abuse against
children 1,400 times with 32 different confessors.
From the
mid-1970s, Catholics in their hundreds of millions ceased to
confess their sins.
sociologists of religion, like the late Father Andrew Greeley,
believe that the ban on contraception, confirmed by Pope Paul VI
in 1968, was the reason.
Most sexually
active Catholics simply refused to believe that contraception
was a mortal sin. They carried on practising their faith, going
to Mass and communion, but ceased to go to confession.
Many more rejected the faith along with papal teaching
on contraception, sex before marriage, homosexuality, and
My investigation
revealed that the majority of practising Catholics born before
1970 detested the oppression of confession, and gave up on it
when they became adults. Many cite how the liberations of the
1960s had encouraged a repudiation of authoritarianism within
The astounding
irony is that while most Catholic parents never go to confession
themselves, they still allow their children to make their first
confession before receiving their first holy communion,
typically aged seven.
Moreover, the
Church insists that no child can make the important step of
first communion until after he or she has been to confession.
These days
priests hear the child's confession in the pews, or in a private
room with armchairs. The instructions preceding the ritual are
much less harsh than they were in the past, but there are
catechists who continue to inculcate the teaching on mortal sin
and Hell.
Not so long ago,
one of my grand-daughters, aged eight, came back from a first
communion class asking: 'Grandpa, is it a mortal sin to be late
for Mass?'
Many Catholic
schools encourage children of primary school age to attend
confession as part of the religion curriculum.
And there are
moves on the part of Pope Francis, and many bishops, to bring
the faithful back to frequent confession.
Hundreds of
Catholics who have written in response to my investigation
accept that confession, now known as 'reconciliation', can have
a beneficial part to play in their adult religious lives.
Most, however,
would prefer to acknowledge their sins and receive a blessing in
token of forgiveness as part of a congregation rather than in
a one-on-one relationship with a confessor.
Some value
'reconciliation' as spiritual counselling at important
junctures of their lives, for example before marriage, or in
sickness, or times of life crises. But many, including child
psychologists, see the persistence of obligatory childhood
confession as both preposterous and fraught with danger.
Not only does it
trivialise this ancient religious ritual but it continues to
expose children to virtual strangers in situations of
inappropriate intimacy and secrecy.
Backed by the
convictions of many hundreds of lay Catholics, I have sent an
open letter to Pope Francis and top cardinals in Rome, seeking a
ban on childhood confession.
Francis is a
listening Pope who wants to know what Catholics really think. I
am confident it will reach him. I hope that he will act.