Trust When 'Holy' People Abuse the Children in Their Care
By Kay Campbell Al.com February 8, 2014
Effective children's leaders
in a church are probably also going to be people who hug the
children they work with. How do church leaders make sure it's
innocent and healthy and prevent sexual predators from
infiltrating their leadership ranks? And is it possible to
bring a congregation back together after a criminal breach of
trust? Local experts consider the responsibility of nurturing
Protecting the innocence of
childhood can mean having some uncomfortable conversations,
say experts in the field of preventing and responding to child
sexual abuse.
t's possible to preserve the
innocence of children while you protect them from abuse, says
Chris Newlin of the National Child Advocacy Center in
Huntsville, Ala.
How can a congregation survive the arrest of one of its
ministers on charges of child sexual abuse? And how can it
prevent something like that from happening? Only through rapid
response, open communication, humble re-assessment of its child
safety policies -- and faith, say local experts.
The recent arrest in Muscle Shoals of two ministers has
prompted religious leaders and parents across North Alabama to
ask those questions.
Join the waiting list for the
next free, half-day seminar offered by the
National Child Advocacy Center, “Preventing Child Sexual
Abuse in Youth-Serving Organizations, at NationalCAC.org
or call 256-533-5437. The seminar being offered by the NCAC on
Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 8:30 a.m. until noon is full.
Sure, open communication is key, says Pastor Brian
Mayfield, lead pastor at The
Brook Church in Madison, but that doesn’t mean that he, as a
pastor and a parent, doesn’t resent the necessity of initiating
that kind of conversation.
“This kind of situation will rip a church apart – or
pull it together,” said Mayfield, who dealt with the aftermath of
sexual abuse as a pastoral intern when a member of his youth
group came forward with allegations of abuse by a former pastor.
“In a situation like that, parents have to figure out how to have
a conversation that no one should have to have with their
Talking habit
But having that conversation early and often with
children is crucial to preventing and limiting abuse, says Chris
Newlin, executive director of the National Child Advocacy
Center in Huntsville. The NCAC is a nationally respected
resource for preventing and responding to child abuse of all
“Parents should be having those conversations on a
regular basis, as uncomfortable as it might be,” Newlin said. “It
is just a short conversation: ‘Certain parts of your body are
private and no one should touch you there, unless it’s a doctor
who’s trying to help you, and then your mom or your dad will be
with you. Nobody else, no matter how much you love them, should –
and if anything like that happens, you should tell me.’”
“We have those kinds of conversations with our children
all the time,” Newlin said. “Every time you cross the street with
your kids, you ask them, ‘What do you do before you cross?’
Having frequent, short conversations is much more effective than
having one 45-minute conversation.”
Closing the breach
In the case of a breach of trust at a church, reacting
similarly to how ministers at both of the churches involved in
Muscle Shoals have reacted is key both to preventing future abuse
and to begin to help a congregation heal, Mayfield said.
“Even the police have commented on their exemplary
responses,” Mayfield said. “They have realized that a crime may
have been committed and turned that part over to people trained
to deal with it while they deal with the spiritual aspects.”
Both congregations have cooperated with police to turn
over church records or equipment that can be used in the
investigations. Both have held special meetings, prayer services,
and are offering individual counseling to members, according to
reports from Muscle Shoals media. Leaders at both churches have
declined further comment, but both, speculates Mayfield, are
probably re-assessing what protections they need to have in place
– as should all youth-serving organizations everywhere.
“If someone if determined to abuse a child, you might
not prevent it entirely, but you do everything you can to make
certain it won’t happen at your church,” Mayfield said.
Trust – but verify
At The Brook, Mayfield said, anyone in leadership in the
church, whether paid or volunteer, is subjected to a background
check. And leaders are also asked to sit through a 90-minute
presentation, “Reducing the Risk,” to emphasize that everything
they do has to be above reproach, both to protect the children
and also to protect themselves against false accusations.
Leaders are never to be alone with anyone, he said.
That’s why Mayfield’s office has a sound-proof window, he said.
When he’s counseling someone, his secretary can see him from her
desk. And a youth leader is never to, for example, give a child a
ride home without someone else in the car, too.
But after all the preparation and prevention, Mayfield
said, ministers, both lay and ordained, have one more vital
important message of hope to give to a congregation rocked when a
beloved leader has committed a crime and shattered their trust.
“In the midst of all this, when people don’t know who
they can trust, you have to remind them: You can always trust the
Lord -- that’s the only sure thing,” Mayfield said. “That might
sound cliché, but it’s true, and it’s why it’s so important for a
congregation to come together after something like this to find a
way through together.”
For resources for churches looking to protect their
children, Follow this link to GRACE,
Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment, an
organization founded by Billy Graham grandson, the lawyer Boz
The Southern Baptist Convention and other denominations
offer resources for congregations. Follow this
link to the SBC resource page.