Vatican Respond to U.n. Report That Scolds Church on Sex
Abuse, Urges Change to Opposition to Abortion and
By Greg Garrison Al.com February 7, 2014
Monsignor Charles Scicluna,
the Vatican's sex crimes prosecutor, left, and Vatican
spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi talk to the media on July
15, 2010, during a briefing to present a new set of norms The
Vatican issued to respond to the worldwide clerical abuse
scandal, cracking down on priests who rape and molest minors
and the mentally disabled.
[with video]
BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - Commentators on EWTN Global
Catholic Network, headquartered in Irondale, have been responding
critically to a United Nations committee report this week on
clergy sexual abuse that also urged the church to change its
stance on abortion, contraception and homosexuality.
The Vatican, stung by the scolding report, responded
today with spokesman Federico Lombardi on Vatican Radio accusing
the committee of "grave shortcomings."
Lombardi spoke about the report issued by an 18-member
panel of independent U.N. experts who monitor implementation of
the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child. Their report on
Wednesday accused the Vatican of disregarding the welfare of
child victims of sexual abuse to protect abusers and the
reputation of the church.
The U.N. committee ignored the church's efforts to
address the abuse crisis, as documented to the committee,
Lombardi said. Although the Vatican objected to the report,
Lombardi said the church is committed to continuing to work for
the good of all children.
The committee recommended immediately removing priests
suspected of abusing children, opening archives on abusers and
bishops who protected them, and turning cases over to law
enforcement agencies.
The committee also urged the Vatican to change its
policies on access to contraception for girls, including offering
sex education on HIV in Catholic schools, and to protect gay
children or children living with same-sex couples from being
discriminated against.
Lombardi said the committee "appears to have gone beyond
its competence and interfered in the moral and doctrinal
positions of the Catholic Church."
Commentators on EWTN's "World Over With Raymond Arroyo,"
also criticized the report Thursday night.
Contact: ggarrison@al.com