| Un Condemns Vatican for Crimes against Children.. Hoorah. 10 Reasons to Abolish the Papacy and Why There Should Never Be Another Pope
By Paris Arrow
PopeCrimes&Vatican Evils.
February 6, 2014
The UN condemned the Vatican for its well-recorded factual half century crimes against children and asks that “it should open its files on members of the clergy who had "concealed their crimes" so that they could “be held accountable.” No Vatican Pied Piper and Opus Dei PR stunt army can discredit this UN condemnation no matter how much they try to bully it or pray thousands of robotic Rosaries. We’ve chosen the TOP 10 Vatican Pied Pipers who are rebuking the UN report. We also chose the TOP 20 honest journalists who outnumber the Vatican Pied Piper deceivers this time. See our yellow highlights and comments in their articles in the news updates below.
In its painstaking findings, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child condemned the Vatican for its crimes on “tens of thousands of children worldwide for decades”. Kirsten Sandberg, chairwoman of the Committee on the Rights of the Child delivered the long-awaited condemnation on the Vatican that gave countless victims a taste of justice: “The UN Committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed… The UN Committee laments the “code of silence”that has allowed both abusers and those who have covered it up to “escape judicial proceedings. The Holy See adopted policies and practices that led to continued abuse by, and no punishment for, the perpetrators…on tens of thousands of children worldwide…for decades. The Vatican should immediately remove all clergywho are known or suspected child abusers, and turn them over to civil authorities. The Vatican must open its files on members of the clergy who had "concealed their crimes" so that they could “be held accountable.” At last, the Goliath-tyrant Vatican has been hit on the head like a snake.
Surprisingly from its statements, it seemed that after all, those secular well-learned members of the UN panel did not buy the Vatican delegation Hollywoodian travesty and it did not agree with Monsignor Charles Scicluna’s famous catchphrase that “The Holy See gets it”. That the Vatican is a tiny country of 800 priests and some employees, that it has no jurisdiction over thousands of bestial pedophile priests (of the JP2 Army- John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army named aptly after the longest reigned 27-years pope who did nothing to save children) – didn’t sell at the UN.
Perhaps we can’t ask for more from the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child with their just scathing declarations and condemnations on the Vatican… except… that this UN Committee can and must ask the UN to finally abolish the Vatican as a “country” – composed of elusive 800 homosexual gays prelates living in the lap of luxury – because the end of the Vatican “country” is the only way to stop the tyrannical monopoly rule of the Vatican SECRET Swiss Banks all ruled by Vatican Swiss Guards Army graduates and the Vatican Concordats that oppress poor countries into perpetual poverty, read our related article - Abolition of Vatican Concordat in Dominican Republic and bring pedophile Papal Nuncio and other pedophile Polish priests to justice
UN did not buy the Vatican Delegation travesty
Soon after the Vatican rebuffed the UN in person on January 16, 2014, the media was swamped with Vatican Pied Pipers who were quick to release their Vatican pre-approved news articles with sweet feel-good titles, led by John Allen with his typical brainwashing title, “Church wants to model ‘best practise’ on fighting abuse, Vatican says”.There was only one journalist who sided with victims. (See compilation of news below with our highlights and comments). It seemed on that day, the half century of bestial JP2 Army – John Paul II Pedophile Priests Army’s Sodomy of Biblical Proportions in Vatican Catholic churches worldwide became extraneous.
The well-staged Holy See Pope Francis delegation not only seemed to have out-dressed in priestly black expensive suits the 20 independent children's experts in the respected United Nations panel, they also outfoxed them with well-prepared Vatican deceitful rhetoric that made the tiniest country the“model of ‘best practise’ inn fighting abuse”. Monsignor Charles Scicluna who with his arrogant grin said “The Holy See gets it” made it sound like that‘s the end of the story for the most heinous crimes of the Vatican against children in the 20th century. The Vatican wanted the UN to forget its past odious chapter so it can go on business as usual in their World Tyranny on who goes to Heaven or to Hell - by wielding their most important power of cloning Christ in the Eucharist even if they cannot even clone an ant or a cat.
But three weeks later, on February 5, 2014, the media is swamped with are more honest journalists who reported the UN Report that condemned the Vatican - as is. Read our TOP 20 honest journalists with highlights and comments versus the TOP 10 Vatican Pied Pipers in the news updates below.
This time, the top 10 Vatican Pied Pipers are outnumbered by more than honest 20 journalists.
VATICAN PIED PIPERS makes the Devil’s Bowels smell like roses in the Vatican and in stupid robot Catholicsminds worldwide.
The Vatican Pied Pipers led by John Allen (his two consecutive articles are cited below) it mildly headlined today’s historical report as“UN report on Vatican and sex abuse may hurt reform cause”. Allen is already accusing the UN of hurting Pope Francis reforms. His first brainwashing line was the Vatican’s Goliath bull headed stand: “Because the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child has no police power, it relies on moral pressure to get states to adopt its child protection recommendations.”
But the Vatican is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy. So John Allen’s job is to propagate Vatican Imperialism – by reiterating that the UN that has“no police power” over it. Allen’s deceitful words here are “reform” taken from his own coined-word of the C-8 Cardinals reform of Pope Francis and he wanted to point out that the UN has no power whatsoever over the Vatican Empire and that the Vatican is “above the law” and above the UN.
This time John Allen is writing for Boston Globe which has sold its soul to the Vatican Deceits Media Empire. The Vatican Titanic is sunken deep in the ocean of moral bankruptcy and therefore Pope Francis is clinging on to Hollywood like Rolling Stone for some relevancy and so the Vatican bought the Boston Globe through Opus Dei secret lay members.
Read also our related latest article: Women. Legion of Christ. Opus Dei. Francis Hypocrisies...Legion of Christ feeds Vatican Mammon Beast. Opus Dei Mafia of Cardinals and Bishops. G-8 Cardinals are phony reformers recycling old Vatican Deceits
See the Top 10 Vatican Pied Pipers versus The TOP 20 HONEST JOURNALISTS in the February 5, 2014 news updates below.