Un Works
to Break through Vatican Impunity on Child Abuse Cases
Women News Network February 5, 2014
People walk past the main
street entrance to Vatican City near the area where the Swiss
Guard stand. Image: Wikipedia
(WNN) United Nations, Geneva,
SWITZERLAND, WESTERN EUROPE: As the UN monitoring Committee on
the Rights of the Child issues a pointed, detailed and critical
report on Wednesday February 5, the centuries long Vatican
policy of impunity
to report child predators may be cracking open ‘a tiny bit’ as
the UN Committee asks for the impunity to stop for officials who
have been given authority by the Holy See.
Reviewing numerous reports and child sexual abuse cases
that provide a window into the tortures of secrecy and guilt for
children under child abuse within the Roman Catholic Church, the
UN Child Rights Committee is bringing the Holy See to
Asking that the office of the Pontiff open the files to
bring detailed information on child sexual abuse cases forward,
the UN Committee also asked for details showing how the Holy See
is restricting members of authority within the Church after
knowledge of their sexual predatory behavior against children has
been discovered.
While some measures to begin to discuss the decades old
problem have been put
in place more recently by the Church, the issue of child
predators who remain hiding inside the Church is a concern for
child advocates who are now also trying help adult survivors of
sexual abuse.
“The pope has made many feel hopeful with his personal
humility, down-to-earth gestures, and obvious deep compassion for
the poor,” said Barbara Blaine, president of SNAP – Survivors
Network of those Abused by Priests, who works closely with
programs to help abuse survivors. “But he has not made a single
child safer. He hasn’t exposed one predator priest or disciplined
one corrupt bishop,” she continued.
The problems still basically comes down to impunity,
outlines the UN Committee for Rights of the Child.
“The Committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See
has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not
taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual
abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and
practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and
the impunity of the perpetrators,” the Committee said in their
recent report release.
This is not the only request the UN is asking of the
Holy See. The UN wants to know details, specific details on: “The
type of support and protection provided by the Holy See to child
victims of sexual abuse testifying against their sexual abusers
and the cases where children were silenced in order to minimize
the risk of public disclosure,” as well as any “investigations
and legal proceedings conducted under penal canon law against
perpetrators of sexual crimes and their outcome.” These and other
questions have been put to the Holy See directly, but a detailed
response to the questions to date has not been made.
Offering a response that has been seen as both
philosophic and compassionate, yet evasive and vague, the Holy
See’s response to the Committee to date continues to outline its
wide concern for all children who have been subject to abuse, but
swift public remedial actions by the Church under child abuse
cases is yet to come forward. In the meantime some advocates feel
that dangerous members of the clergy may still be out there in
close proximity to children.
“We think it is a horrible thing that is being kept
silent both by the Holy See itself and in the different local
parishes,” said Committee on the Rights of the Child Committee
Chairperson Kristen Sandberg in a public statement made during a
Wednesday February 5 press meeting at UN Geneva.
So the question remains: Does the Holy See ultimately
hold legal responsibility for the actions of those in authority
who work under the vast wings of the Roman Catholic Church in
locations around the world?
Currently the Holy See policy says no, it holds no legal
responsibility. It is only responsible in legal terms for the
actions of those who live inside the Vatican City, not outside
the City’s boundaries, outlines the Holy See. That policy may
work to keep the Vatican an ‘arms length’ away from any civic
legal responsibilities under the law, but child advocates
worldwide say justice cannot be ignored for those who continue to
As the issue of errant priests presses down on Pope
Francis, who has been widely popular worldwide, the Pontiff wrote
a special November 24, 2013 message to his Bishops, clergy and
parishioners on the topic of the “Temptations Faced by Pastoral
“I feel tremendous gratitude to all those who are
committed to working in and for the Church. Here I do not wish to
discuss at length the activities of the different pastoral
workers, from bishops down to those who provide the most humble
and hidden services. Rather, I would like to reflect on the
challenges that all of them must face in the context of our
current globalized culture. But in justice, I must say first that
the contribution of the Church in today’s world is enormous. The
pain and the shame we feel at the sins of some members of the
Church, and at our own, must never make us forget how many
Christians are giving their lives in love,” said Pope Francis in
November 2013 Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) message.
In addition to the United Nations Committee on the
Rights of the Child monitor of the Holy See on mismanagement of
its child predators, the issue in the of abuse of women and girls
at Ireland’s now infamous Magdalene
Laundries is not being put to rest. The Committee has also asked
for the Holy See to respond to inquiries in what reports made to
the UN Committee against Torture have described as ‘cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment’ of the young women who were
forced to live in Ireland’s Church-run institutions for unmarried