Says Plan for Transparency in Sex Abuse Cases Is Forthcoming
UPI February 5, 2014
Pope Francis waves from the
papamobile as he arrives for his inauguration mass at the
Vatican at St Peter's Square on March 19, 2013. . UPI/Stefano
MADRID, Feb. 5 (UPI) -- Improvement in the Catholic
Church's handling of child sex abuse cases is forthcoming, a
Vatican spokesman said Wednesday after a U.N. condemnation.
Speaking in Madrid at a national bishops' conference,
Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said a plan to
improve the Church's transparency in dealing with sex abuse cases
will be released soon.
His comments came after the United Nations Committee on
the Rights of the Child denounced Vatican behavior in allegedly
shielding clergy in decades of sexual abuse incidents. The
committee urged the Vatican Wednesday to hand over its archives
on sexual abuse to the United Nations so suspected abusers and
"those who concealed their crimes" can face justice.
Lombardi said the Church's plan would be revealed "in
the coming days or weeks," the Italian news agency ANSA reported.
While Lombardi offered few details, Pope Francis said in
2013 that dealing with sex abuse in the Church was crucial to
maintaining its credibility. The pope announced in December a
committee would be organized in the Vatican to offer advice on
how the Church could protect children and help victims of sexual
abuse by clergy.
The U.N. report faulted Church leaders for putting
reputation ahead of children's interest by failing to acknowledge
the prevalence of sex-abuse by priests. It said the Vatican "has
not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not
taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual
abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and
practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and
the impunity of the perpetrators."
The panel expressed particular concern that the Holy
See, when dealing with allegations of abuse, "consistently placed
the preservation of the reputation of the church and the
protection of the perpetrators above children's best interests,"
the New York Times reported.
The criticism was included in the concluding
observations of the panel that looked into the Vatican's
compliance with the Convention of the Rights of the Child during
a hearing in December attended by senior Vatican officials,
including Monsignor Charles Scicluna, who was the Vatican's chief
prosecutor of sexual abuse until 2012.
It was the first time the Catholic Church was forced to
answer questions at an international hearing dedicated to the
issue of pedophile priests, Voice of America reported.
While recognizing the Vatican's commitment to upholding
the "inviolable" dignity of children, the U.N. panel said priests
who are known child abusers were shifted to different parishes,
allowing them to remain in contact with children and continue
their abuse, the Times said.
During last month's hearing in Geneva, Switzerland,
Scicluna said "the Holy See acknowledges "that certain things
need to be done differently" but argued prosecuting and punishing
abusers rests with civil authorities.
The panel challenged that position and criticized the
Vatican's lack of transparency in dealing with the issues, the
Times said.
It also rejected the Vatican's position that it was
responsible for implementing the Convention on the Rights of the
Child only within the Vatican. Because it ratified the
convention, the Holy See was responsible to ensure its
implementation through individuals and institutions under its
authority, the U.N. panel said.