Knew of Qld Abuse Millionaire
SBS February 5, 2014
A former assistant police
commissioner says he was aware of allegations a Queensland
millionaire sexually abused boys and flew them to Sydney.
Queensland police were aware of allegations boys held in
state care were being flown to Sydney to be abused by a
millionaire and a chef in the mid 1970s, a former assistant
police commissioner says.
Retired assistant commissioner David Jefferies has told
the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual
Abuse he received information a Queensland millionaire, known as
JA, flew boys to Sydney to be abused as part of a pedophile ring.
"This JA was certainly known as a millionaire and had, I
believe, a construction business, and we certainly had received
information about children actually going to his home," Mr
Jefferies said.
"We were aware that boys in state care and from some
institutions had in fact been flown to Sydney."
Mr Jefferies said he had a hazy recollection a chef was
involved in the allegations, but could not speak to whether the
man lived in the Sydney suburb of Paddington.
Working for Queensland's Juvenile Aid Bureau from 1968
to 1989, Mr Jefferies said he investigated allegations four
pedophiles were operating in the northern Brisbane suburbs and
the Gold Coast in the early 1970s.
One, JA, was a millionaire, and the other was a school
teacher known to the commission as JB.
He said four suspects were arrested, but he and his
partner were waved off investigating JA and JB and told to hand
the case to more experienced officers.
"In the event the only conviction that resulted were
against the two suspects that (partner Dugald) McMillan and I
dealt with," Mr Jefferies said.
Earlier this week, retired Salvation Army major Clifford
Randall told the commission a boy who absconded from the Alkira
home for boys in Queensland said he and his friend had been flown
to Sydney by a wealthy Brisbane shop owner and taken to the home
of a "top chef" in Paddington.
But Mr Jefferies said he could not categorically say
whether the boys in the allegations he investigated came from he
The commission is examining the Salvation Army's
response to child sexual abuse at four of its homes.
Also on Wednesday, a former supervisor at the Queensland
department of children's services told the commission some
Salvation Army institutions were "fiefdoms unto themselves", but
there was a reluctance within the government to close problem,
church-run schools.
Jan Doyle said while there were concerns within the
department about the physical state of the Riverview Training
farm, it was unlikely to have been aware of a slew of abuse
complaints against it.
But had they been aware, there would have been
resistance on a political level to remove their licences to care
for children.
"We were a government department and we were controlled
by a minister, and ministers are very much aware of who they will
upset," Ms Doyle said.
"The churches at the time, in the early 1970s, were very
powerful - not just the Salvation Army, the Anglicans, the
Catholics, the Baptists, and I don't think any politician wished
to read about themselves on the front page of the daily paper."
The commission also heard the department was told of an
inflexible, excessively punitive and authoritarian approach to
child care at another Salvation Army boys home, Alkira in the mid