| Mo. Supreme Court: Archdiocese Must Release Names
By Mike Rush
February 5, 2014
[with video]
ST. LOUIS - After a months-long legal fight, the Missouri Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the Archdiocese of St. Louis must reveal the names of priests accused of sexually abusing minors. This all comes on the same day the United Nations is denouncing the Vatican for how they've handled sex abusers.
On the world stage, the Catholic Church is pushing back against the UN's scathing report, but locally, with its legal options appearing to be exhausted, the Archdiocese of St. Louis is giving in, agreeing to reveal priests' names it fought so hard to conceal.
The priests' identities must be provided not to the public, but to lawyers suing on behalf of a female victim.
In a statement following the Missouri Supreme Court's ruling, the archdiocese said, in part, "We appreciate the concern given this case throughout the appellate process, and although we share the disappointment of the many innocent individuals who will be affected by it, the Archdiocese of St. Louis will comply with the court order entered by the Missouri Supreme Court."