Grills Vatican over Cleric Pedophiles
RT February 5, 2014
AFP Photo / Yasuyoshi Chiba
Pope Francis waves to
pilgrims gathered at Saint Peter's square in the Vatican, upon
his arrival to lead the general weekly audience on February 5,
2014. (AFP Photo / Vincenzo Pinto)
The UN Human Rights Committee has blamed the Vatican for
indulging longstanding policies enabling priests to sexually
abuse children, and called to open pedophile files and disclose
the names of those clergymen who assisted in concealing such
A scathing UN report published on Wednesday accuses the
Holy See of a systematic blackout concerning the molestation of
children, claiming that tens of thousands of children have been
raped by priests.
“The Committee is gravely concerned that the
Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes
committed, has not taken the necessary measures to address cases
of child sexual abuse and to protect children, and has adopted
policies and practices which have led to the continuation of the
abuse and the impunity of the perpetrators,” said the report.
The UN Committee recommended the Holy See to implement
the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child properly. It is the
world’s most important international treaty protecting children's
rights. The UN also called for suspected clerics to be handed
over to the police.
The report accuses the Catholic Church of putting the
organization’s reputation ahead of the duty to protect children
and ensure their access to health care.
The report followed a harsh interrogation in January of
two high-ranking Catholic clerics on known cases of child sex
abuse by clergy. Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, the Holy See’s
representative to the United Nations in Geneva, and Bishop
Charles Scicluna, the Vatican’s former chief prosecutor of sex
abuse cases, were interrogated by an 18-member committee for many
To help the clergymen avoid justice, Church hierarchy
arranged transfers and other cover-ups for clerics, sometimes
simply defrocking them.
“Due to a code of silence imposed on all
members of the clergy under penalty of excommunication, cases of
child sexual abuse have hardly ever been reported to the law
enforcement authorities in the countries where such crimes
occurred,” the UN body said.
It must be noted that over the last two years in the
Vatican, former pope Benedict XVI defrocked nearly 400 priests
for raping and molesting children, but that was presumably only
the tip of the iceberg.
The Vatican is expected to issue its own statement on
the report later on.
In December last year, Pope Francis, who called the
decades-long sexual abuse of children by priests “the
shame of the Church,” created a commission to investigate child
sex abuse in the Catholic Church, and the UN watchdog has called
on to the Holy See for more actions on the issue.
Also, the Catholic Church must investigate cases of
forced labor in so-called laundries and other similar
institutions and prevent a repeat of such cases, prosecuting
those responsible and paying full compensation to the victims and
their families.
The most notorious case of forced labor in Catholic
Church institutions took place in Ireland, where more than 10,000
women, passed through the so-called Magdalene laundries against
their will between 1922 and 1996, receiving no pay, pension or
social protection. Girls and young women who were homeless,
orphaned, unmarried mothers or labeled as ‘fallen’ or ‘troubled’,
were sent to ‘Maggies’. Ireland has officially apologized for the
forced labor in church-run institutions.