Un Slams
Vatican for Protecting Priests over Child Abuse
BBC News February 5, 2014
Vatican officials were
questioned in December over why the Holy See would not open
its files on priests known to be child abusers
The UN has demanded that the Vatican "immediately
remove" all clergy who are known or suspected child abusers, in a
report released on Wednesday.
The UN watchdog for children's rights denounced the Holy
See for adopting policies allowing priests to sexually abuse
thousands of children.
It heavily criticised the Vatican's attitudes towards
homosexuality, contraception and abortion.
The Vatican has set up a commission to fight child abuse
in the Church.
It is expected to issue a statement on the report later
on Wednesday.
The committee's recommendations are non-binding and
there is no enforcement mechanism.
'Offenders' mobility'
In its report, the UN Committee on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) said the Holy See should open its files on members of
the clergy who "concealed their crimes" so that they can be held
The committee said it was gravely concerned that the
Holy See has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed.
In the report, the committee expressed its "deepest
concern about child sexual abuse committed by members of the
Catholic churches who operate under the authority of the Holy
See, with clerics having been involved in the sexual abuse of
tens of thousands of children worldwide".
It also lambasted the "practice of offenders' mobility",
referring to the transfer of child abusers from parish to parish
within countries, and sometimes abroad.
The committee said this practice places "children in
many countries at high risk of sexual abuse, as dozens of child
sexual offenders are reported to be still in contact with
It also called on a commission created by Pope Francis
in December to investigate all cases of child sexual abuse "as
well as the conduct of the Catholic hierarchy in dealing with
The report's findings come after Vatican officials were
questioned in public last month over why they would not release
data and what they were doing to prevent future abuse.
The Vatican has denied any official cover-up. However,
in December, it refused a UN request for data on abuse on the
grounds that it only released such information if requested to do
so by another country as part of legal proceedings.
The BBC's David Willey in Rome says the Vatican has set
up new guidelines to protect children from predator priests.
But, he adds, bishops in many parts of the world have
tended to concentrate on protecting and defending the reputation
of priests rather than listening to the complaints of victims of
paedophile priests.
Meanwhile several catholic dioceses in the US have been
forced into bankruptcy after paying out huge sums in compensation
to victims of abuse by clergy.
Barbara Blaine, president of a group representing US
victims of abuse by priests, told the BBC the UN report
"reaffirms everything we've been saying. It shows that the
Vatican has put the reputation of church officials above
protection of children."
"Church officials knew about it and they refused to stop
it. Nothing has changed. Despite all the rhetoric from Pope
Francis and Vatican officials, they refuse to take action that
will make this stop."