Report on Vatican and Sex Abuse May Hurt Reform Cause
By John L. Allen Jr. Boston Globe February 5,
Kirsten Sandberg (center)
chairwoman of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of
the Child, at a press conference at the United Nations
headquarters in Geneva on Wednesday.
Because the United Nations Committee on the Rights of
the Child has no police power, it relies on moral pressure to get
states to adopt its child protection recommendations. That’s
obviously what it hoped to accomplish with a Feb.
5 report on the Vatican and the child abuse scandals that have
rocked Catholicism over the last decade, issuing a stinging
indictment of what it called a culture of “impunity” for
There’s a strong possibility the fusillade from the UN
panel may backfire, however, by blurring the cause of child
protection with the culture wars over sexual mores.
In several sections of its report, the committee joins
its critique on abuse with blunt advice to Rome to jettison
Church teaching on matters such as abortion, same-sex marriage,
and contraception. At one stage the panel even recommends
repealing a codicil of Church law that imposes automatic
excommunication for participating in an abortion.
Not only are those bits of advice deeply unlikely to be
adopted, they may actually strengthen the hand of those still in
denial in the Church on the abuse scandals by allowing them to
style the UN report as all-too-familiar secular criticism driven
by politics.
That could overshadow the fact that there are, in truth,
many child protection recommendations in the report that the
Church’s own reform wing has long championed.
For instance, the panel suggests that a new papal
commission on child protection, created by Pope Francis and
announced in December, should be charged not only with
investigating abuse charges, but also instances in which bishops
are alleged to have dropped the ball in applying the Church’s new
“zero tolerance” policy.
That’s something Catholic reformers have long
championed, including one of the Vatican officials who appeared
before the UN panel in Geneva on Jan. 16, Auxiliary Bishop
Charles Scicluna of Malta. Scicluna is known as the Elliot Ness
of the Catholic Church when it comes to child abuse, for his role
as a Vatican prosecutor in bringing down a powerful Mexican
cleric accused of abuse, Fr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, founder of
the Legionaries of Christ religious order.
Maciel had a vast network of Vatican friends and allies,
but Scicluna went after him anyway. In 2006, Benedict XVI
sentenced the priest, who died two years later, to a life of
prayer and penance.
“A bishop can’t be a true steward if he doesn’t make the
protection of children one of his top priorities,” Scicluna said
in a recent interview, conceding that the Church needs a stronger
mechanism to hold bishops accountable if they fail to act on
abuse complaints.
Boston’s own Cardinal Sean O’Malley has said the same
sort of thing, repeatedly. In a May 2010 interview with the
National Catholic Reporter, for instance, O’Malley bluntly said
that any bishop who knowingly transfers a priest facing credible
charges of abuse “should be removed.”
Had the UN committee restricted itself to that sort of
observation, it would have strengthened the hand of the
O’Malley’s and Scicluna’s of the Church, leaders who are pushing
it to steer a new course. Blurring those points with an attack on
Catholic teaching on sex, however, may muddy the waters.
Make no mistake, there’s a strong camp in Catholicism
that believes the Church has been unfairly singled out with
regard to the abuse scandals, and that, if anything, it’s gone
too far already in accommodating its critics.
The powerful Italian bishops’ conference, for instance,
finally adopted a set of anti-abuse guidelines only last month,
and they don’t include a requirement that bishops must report any
credible accusation of abuse to the police. The new secretary of
the conference appointed by Pope Francis, Bishop Nunzio
Galantino, said that a bishop “isn’t a public official or a
public minister” and shouldn’t be expected to denounce his own
Galantino, by the way, is hardly an old-guard figure.
He’s the bishop of a small diocese known for the simplicity of
his personal manner and his love of ordinary people, very much in
sync with the style of the new pope. That even churchmen such as
him aren’t on board with a comprehensive “zero tolerance”
approach indicates the uphill climb still facing reformers.
The danger is that when Catholic leaders such as
Galantino read the UN report and stumble over the parts on the
culture wars, they may be tempted to file the whole thing under
the usual secular axe-grinding. That drumbeat has already
started, as the Vatican’s envoy to Geneva today suggested in an
interview with Vatican Radio that liberal NGOs in the UN system
“reinforced an ideological line” in the drafting of the report.”
Over the years, the Vatican sometimes has been accused
of being spectacularly tone-deaf in its response to the abuse
crisis, and God knows there’s merit to those perceptions. Now it
may be the UN that’s off-key, restocking what had been the
diminishing ammo of those inclined to defend the status quo.