Condemns Vatican Child Abuse Cover up
Aljazeera February 5, 2014
The Vatican is accused of
adopting policies that allow priests to rape and molest
thousands of children [Reuters]
UN says the Vatican places reputation of the church
and protection of the perpetrators above the interests of
The UN has rejected the Vatican's argument that it can
not implement a children's rights convention beyond its walls,
saying the church has "placed the reputation of the church and
the protection of the perpetrators above children's interests."
The Vatican was denounced on Wednesday by a UN human
rights committee for adopting policies that allowed priests to
rape and molest tens of thousands of children, and that these
practices also allowed the abuse to continue once detected.
There was not, the committee said, adequate provision
to ensure cases like Ireland's Magdalene
laundries scandal, where girls were arbitrarily placed in
conditions of forced labour could not be repeated.
Offenders are moved around to new churches or
locations, in order to protect them, while putting more children
at risk of abuse, the report said while also condemning the
"code of silence" imposed on child victims and the fact that
those exposed almost always avoided prosecution.
"The Committee is gravely concerned that the Holy See
has not acknowledged the extent of the crimes committed, has not
taken the necessary measures to address cases of child sexual
abuse and to protect children, and has adopted policies and
practices which have led to the continuation of the abuse by and
the impunity of the perpetrators," the report said.
Compulsory reporting of cases to local law enforcement
has consistently been rejected by the Church, something the UN
body condemned, highlighting cases of priests and nuns being
ostracised for speaking out.
'Full compensation'
The report recommended that a new commission, set up by Pope Francis,
should ask for civil society help and share all its data in
public, ending a culture of failing to provide information about
private investigations. It also ordered a rehabilitation centre
be set up and "full compensation" be paid to the victims and
their families.
A claim by the Vatican that it can not implement the
convention beyond its walls was flatly rejected. The UN said
that signing the convention meant a responsibility to see it
implemented "everywhere you have a priest or a school or a
mission that comes under Catholic supervision."
The UN demanded that all clergy known or suspected to
be child abusers be removed immediately. The committee also said
archives containing details of past abusers should be handed
over so that culprits, as well as "those who concealed their
crimes", could be held accountable.
The Holy See was also criticised for its attitudes
towards homosexuality, contraception and abortion, with the
report finding that its attitudes often increased the risks
faced by gay or transgender children
UN investigators subjected the Holy See to a daylong
interrogation last month on its implementation of the UN
Convention on the Rights of the Child, signed by the Vatican in
1990, the main international treaty ensuring children's rights.
It is one of 193 countries that have signed the UN
convention, giving the international body the jurisdiction to
investigate the Holy See's standards of child protection.
The Vatican submitted a report in 1994 outlining how
it intended to implement the convention, but a progress report
was not seen until 2012 after a series of sexual abuse cases
within the church and allegations of a cover-up.