Army in Disbelief over Abuse Complaints, Inquiry Hears
The Australian February 4, 2014
Salvation Army workers Cliff
Randall and wife Marina at the Royal Commission into
institutional responses to child sexual abuse in Sydney.
Picture: Sam Mooy Source: News Limited
THE Salvation Army reacted with
disbelief and suspected people were money-grabbing when they
began receiving complaints about abuse in their homes for
Major Marina Randall, who with her husband Major
Clifford Randall blew the whistle on extreme abuse by two
Salvation Army managers at a Queensland home for boys, said there
was a naivety in 1999 about the handling of abuse allegations.
She was giving evidence at a royal commission hearing
into how the Salvation Army Eastern Territory responded to
allegations of child abuse at two homes in Queensland and two in
Mrs Randall and her husband were house parents at Alkira
Home for Boys in Indooroopilly in Queensland from 1973 to 1975.
The then young couple were shocked at what they
witnessed - a regime under Captain Lawrence Wilson and then
Captain John McIver in which children were brutalised.
Both said they decided to leave when a boy had his arm
dislocated during a beating by Mr McIver. They reported the
assault to Queensland Children's Department social worker Jan
Doyle, who visited the home regularly.
After that, Mr McIver gave the couple 48 hours to leave
and banned them from talking to the boys.
Mrs Randall said she and her husband stayed clear of the
Salvation Army for years.
The decision to return was "actually quite a long
journey that we had to go through within ourselves ... because we
were really, really very badly hurt by the Salvation Army." Both
witnesses said their complaints were ignored by high-ranking
In 1999, Mrs Randall took part-time work in the
organisation's social service section and then went on to work in
the council which dealt with complaints of historical abuse.
"I think that there was this feeling that was expressed
more by a sigh or a look or maybe even a side word that these
complaints couldn't have been real, they were just attempts at
money-grabbing," she said.
Mrs Randall, who is part of the army's Royal Commission
liaison group, said that attitude had changed and now the whole
process was "geared towards trying to find a way to help people".
She said no processes and procedures were in place in
the '70s. "We did not know it was as bad as it was and probably
most Salvationists would be in shock, even today, to know that
it's as bad as it was," she said.
The commission has been told that Mr McIver was moved on
from Indooroopilly after the complaints to the Queensland
government. Evidence has also been given that a former manager,
Don Schultz, was moved in a hurry for fear he would end up in