Ex-Bishop Accused of Luring Teen Boy
By Phil Benson KPHO February 4, 2014
William Coleman (Source:
Mesa Police Department)
A former bishop with the LDS Church was arrested by Mesa
police last week on suspicion of luring a 16-year-old boy for
sex, officers said.
The Jan. 16 arrest of Michael Wayne Coleman, 53, stemmed
from an investigation that began on Nov. 2.
A representative from Educatius International, a foreign
exchange student business, notified police about a complaint the
student had filed. The boy alleged Coleman made comments during a
Facebook chat about getting a hug and kiss from him, police said.
The company immediately suspended Coleman. The company
computer and cell phone he had were turned over to detectives.
Authorities obtained a search warrant and detectives
began to examine the information.
Authorities said they discovered conversations on the
computer where Coleman was allegedly having elicit sexual
conversations on the internet with a separate 17-year-old boy.
Police said the conversations between the 17-year-old
and Coleman began on Jan. 6, 2013 and continued through the end
of the month. In one of the exchanges, Coleman allegedly wrote he
had figured out a way to delete conversations. When the student
asked why, Coleman allegedly responded, "because of the obvious -
I may say something I shouldn't because I know I can delete it
let me just say this I will delete this but I do love you," based
on the Skype records.
Based on the evidence found on the computer, Coleman was
taken into custody.
Bond was set at $5,000 for Coleman, who was also ordered
to wear an ankle tracking bracelet. He was also prohibited from
talking with minors or using the internet.
Police said Coleman acknowledged the conversations, but
did not admit to the sexual content. He declined to speak any
further, officers said.
Detectives said their investigation continues with the
potential for additional victims.
Coleman at the time of the investigation was the Bishop
of the Lehi 2nd Ward and the regional manager of Educatius
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints released
the following statement Friday on Coleman's arrest:
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints has zero tolerance for abuse of any kind. Any person who
engages in abuse is rightfully subject to both legal prosecution
and formal church discipline. When the Church became aware of
these charges, Coleman was released as a bishop to allow him to
attend to legal proceedings. We are supportive of the efforts of
authorities to ensure this situation is addressed
Educatius International issued this statement in the
wake of Coleman's arrest:
"On Jan. 16, 2014, Michael Coleman - a former
Regional Manager of Educatius, Inc. in Mesa, AZ - was arrested
and charged with luring a minor for sexual exploitation.
Coleman's arrest followed an investigation by the Mesa Police
Department that commenced in November 2013, after Educatius
informed the MPD that an Educatius-sponsored minor student had
complained to Educatius leadership about inappropriate social
media messages sent by Coleman.
"Within hours of receiving that student's
complaint, Educatius removed all students from Coleman's
supervision, placed Coleman on administrative leave, and seized
his company-issued laptop and mobile phone for forensic
analysis. When our internal review showed evidence of additional
inappropriate communication, we immediately terminated Coleman's
employment and notified Mesa police. Educatius cooperated fully
with the police investigation, providing Coleman's computer and
cell phone to MPD and maintaining confidentiality about this
matter in order not to jeopardize the progress of the MPD
"While our leadership team does not know the
full scope of what police investigators uncovered in the course
of their investigation, we're saddened to learn that the MPD
apparently found sufficient evidence to file criminal charges
against Coleman. We will continue to cooperate with the police
in every way possible, and cooperate with prosecutors in any
subsequent criminal prosecution against Coleman.
"Educatius conducts thorough background checks
of every single applicant, whether or not the person has student
contact. We had no reason to be concerned about Coleman prior to
the student's complaint. Educatius stands vigilant at all times
to ensure the safety of all sponsored students."