Beat Boys Who Ran Away from Salvation Army Home, Hearing Told
The Guardian February 3, 2014
One former resident of the
Salvation Army home said his face had been rubbed in the wet
sheets when he wet his bed as a five-year-old. Photograph:
Dean Lewins/AAP
New South Wales police beat boys who ran away from a
Salvation Army home where they were being abused, a hearing in
Sydney has been told.
Mark Stiles told the royal commission into child sexual
abuse he was 12 when he was sexually abused at the Gill Memorial
Home in Goulburn, NSW, by Captain Russell Walker, who would
create circumstances to be alone with him.
Stiles said he would be woken up at 3am and taken to the
bathroom by Walker. He said the abuse happened four times a week
over the 14-month period he was at Gill, in 1971 and 1972.
He was too scared to tell anyone, the commission heard.
He ran away twice. The first time he and another boy were picked
up by a police car not far from the home.
Stiles said he had told police he had been physically
abused by Captain Lawrence Wilson, who was managing the home, and
sexually abused by Walker.
The commission has received numerous allegations about
both men. Wilson died in 2008, while Walker has been notified of
the hearing.
"Police just gave us a flogging by belting me across the
neck and the side of the head and took us back to the home,"
Stiles said.
After police informed the management at Gill about
complaints "the beatings and punishment was so severe that I said
nothing from then on", Stiles said.
He told John Agius SC for the NSW police he would be
willing to help identify the police officers.
Stiles described Wilson as a violent man who had once
kicked an eight-year-old boy down the length of the dining hall
and Walker had kicked him back again.
Another witness said when he was five years old at the
home he was punished repeatedly for wetting his bed. His face was
rubbed in the wet sheets. He was also forced to sweep the
playground with a toothbrush.
The commission also heard from Kevin Marshall, a
resident at a Salvation Army boys home in Bexley, in southern
Sydney, for eight years from 1966.
He said the manager of Bexley at the time was a Captain
Wilson and he had arranged for boys to go to a camp on weekend
"I was also aware of boys being sexually abused at camp
and in some cases being sent to Salvation Army members' houses
after church where sexual abuse occurred," he told the