Pit' Mentality at Salvo Home
SBS February 2, 2014
A former resident at the
Salvation Army boys home has described the home as a 'bear
A Salvation Army worker who blew the whistle on a
manager meting out extreme punishment to boys in a Queensland
home was fired, an inquiry has been told.
Retired Salvation Army Major Clifford Randall told the
royal commission into child sexual abuse that in 1975, while a
house parent at Alkira, a boys' home at Indooroopilly in
Queensland, he saw one boy's shoulder become dislocated during a
The manager of the home, Captain John McIver, was
whipping a 12-year-old boy with a strap, when the boy put his
hand back and Mr McIver broke a cufflink, Mr Randall said.
"He went ballistic, McIver grabbed the boy and threw him
up against the wall, bruising his face and dislocating his
shoulder," Mr Randall said on Monday.
"I lost it and threw him (Mr McIver) into his chair."
Mr McIver forced the boy's arm back into its socket, the
commission heard.
When he reported the incident to the department of
children's services in Queensland, Mr McIver told Mr Randall and
his wife their services were no longer required.
They were given 48 hours to leave Indooroopilly.
The Randalls were house parents at the home for two
Mr Randall said during that time children were viciously
beaten by two managers, Lawrence Wilson and Mr McIver.
Both men are among five against whom many allegations of
physical and sexual abuse have been made, the commission heard.
Mr Wilson died in 2008. Mr McIver, who is retired, was
suspended by the Salvation Army on Friday.
Mr Randall said he was not long at Indooroopilly when he
complained to Brigadier Reddy, the army's state social service
He said this and future complaints were met with the
advice that all complaints had to be made to the manager, even
when the complaint was about the manager.
He was also told that punishments did not go beyond what
the state approved.
Mr Randall told the commission a boy told him he had
been sexually abused by a former manager, Don Schultz.
Mr Randall said he reported it to Mr Wilson, who said
the Salvation Army had moved Mr Schultz back to NSW in a hurry,
"otherwise he would have ended up in jail".
Mr Randall will continue his evidence on Tuesday.