Calls Church Patriarchal, Bishops Dismissive of Child Sex
Abuse Claims
By Joanne McCarthy Sydney Morning Herald
February 2, 2014
Endured much: Sister
Lauretta Baker. Photo: Marina Neil
The Catholic Church was ''patriarchal'', regarded women
as useful for ''cooking the Sunday lunch roast'' but not much
else and even today left women feeling ''fairly well
overlooked'', a senior nun has told the NSW Special Commission of
A former congregation leader of the Sisters of St Joseph
in Lochinvar, in the Hunter Valley, Sister Lauretta Baker, said
she was not a feminist because the word was divisive, but she
laid bare how a nun felt about the church and its global child
sex abuse crisis.
''I think it's true to say the Catholic Church is as
good as it is today because of its religious women, not because
of its religious men,'' she told the inquiry in evidence made
public on Friday. ''We have endured much, put up with much.''
In the 1980s, when child sex allegations emerged in the
US, the church had ''little regard for women in general, whom
they saw as doing the flowers in the church, washing the altar
linen, etc, etc'', she said.
Asked by counsel assisting the inquiry Warwick Hunt if
that included ''cooking the Sunday lunch roast for priests'',
Sister Baker replied: ''Yes, and never being part of any decision
making, even any kind of consultation, collaboration. I'm sure
they didn't know the meaning of the word, really, in those days,
the 1980s.
''You know, the Catholic Church is basically patriarchal
in its organisation and its systems. If you know anything about
the Catholic Church and its system, then you know that women are
still today fairly well overlooked.''
The NSW Special Commission of Inquiry, headed by
Margaret Cunneen, SC, is investigating the Catholic Church and
police handling of child sex allegations about the late priests
Denis McAlinden and James Fletcher. Its final report is due later
this month.
Sister Baker gave evidence in private at Wallsend on
April 19. She finished her five-year term as congregational
leader of the Lochinvar Josephites last month.
Asked by Mr Hunt if she had any views about systemic
obstacles in the past facing nuns or their superiors who had
knowledge or suspicions about clerics ''misbehaving with
children'', she replied: ''Yes, I do. Have you got all day?
''The major superiors that I knew in the 1980s would
have to have been extremely courageous women to have approached
the bishop. Nobody believed that a priest in such a position of
trust would act like that, act in a way that we've seen some of
them did.
''They [bishops] wouldn't have believed it, to start
with. My conjecture is that they [nuns] would have been patted on
the head and ignored.''
Sister Baker said nuns were ''even further behind the
eight ball'' than other women in the church because their vows of
chastity, obedience and poverty meant ''many clerics regarded
religious women as odd''.
She told the inquiry about a recently completed two-year
papal investigation of nuns in the US. It was ordered because of
their social justice work with the very poor and disadvantaged.
Josephite nuns in Australia did similar social justice work with
the very poor and the homeless, she said.
''We work in areas that at times make us work in
opposition to the doctrine of the church, and it's a question of
doctrine or people,'' she said. ''Women choose people over
doctrine. Happily so.''
In the 1990s nuns had become ''more enlightened and
outspoken, and I think we have claimed more and more of our