Tom Doyle Responds to Cardinal George...
By William D. Lindsey Bilgrimage February 2,
Father Thomas Doyle
Father Tom Doyle Responds to Cardinal George: "What Is
It They Did Not Know 'Then' That They Know Now?"
I received Father Thomas Doyle's outstanding rebuttal
to the claims of Chicago Cardinal Francis George about his
dioceses's handling of the abuse crisis by email from the
National Survivor Advocates Coalition several days ago. I've
been waiting to mention this document in a posting here until
after I had seen it online at
the NSAC website. Meanwhile, I see that Robert
McClory has published Tom Doyle's text at National
Catholic Reporter.
I highly recommend the entire document. To pique your
interest, here are some important passages:
The claim voiced by the Cardinal and his auxiliary,
Francis Kane, that "had they known then what they know
now they would have handled the allegations differently," has
become a mantra for bishops when they are confronted with their
disastrous actions. It's also so worn out that one would think
the conference spin-doctors would come up with a fresh excuse.
If Cardinal George read any of the numerous documents
sent by the conference and if he was awake for even part of the
lectures given at their annual meetings he would certainly have
known the serious nature of clergy sexual abuse. So what is it
they did not know "then" that they know now? It's fairly
They did not know that their duplicitous defenses and
paper-thin excuses would gain them no traction. They did not
know that the deference and unquestioned credibility they had
taken for granted had eroded. They didn't know that the victims
and their attorneys would not be intimidated or put off by the
endless legal delaying tactics. In short, they didn't know
they'd be caught! That's what they didn't know then that they
surely know now.
Attorney Jeff Anderson knows the detailed history of
the Chicago archdiocese's response better than anyone else. His
summary of why things happened the way they did applies to
Cardinal George and his predecessors: We see this as a
long-standing pattern of top officials of the archdiocese
making conscious choices to protect their reputation and to
protect the offenders," he said. "That means conscious choices
were made to imperil the children over the years."
It goes without saying that the Cardinal and the
archdiocese would have been much better served had he said
nothing. But he didn't remain silent. The McCormack fiasco was
not the result of confusing or bungled procedures, incomplete
information. It was the result of the Cardinal's arrogance, his
over-riding concern for his and the Church's image and worst of
all, his disdain for the victims. The attitude that underlies
the Cardinal's statement is not unique to him. This attitude,
painfully evident wherever clergy sexual abuse has been
reported throughout the Church, shows that the bishops in
general have a long, long way to go before their actions began
to match up with their promises.
Again: as the homily of Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, which
I discussed in my posting just prior to this one, insists, there
is a single path to healing the abuse crisis in
the Catholic church. That path is the path set forth for all
followers of Jesus in the gospels.
It requires that the pastoral leaders of the church
admit their enormous guilt in protecting pedophile priests and
ignoring the needs of children at risk. It requires that the
pastoral leaders of the church began treating survivors of abuse
as the human beings that they are--with claims on Catholic
pastoral leaders for healing and justice.
There is no other path to healing this moral sickness
at the heart of the church. And unfortunately for us who watch
and wait for this healing in our church, that gospel path runs
right through the hearts of our pastoral leaders--hearts over
which we have no control at all.