I Was
Raped by Priest in Orphanage
By Ben Borland Scottish Express February 2,
AUSTERE: Nazareth House has
been involved in multipler sexual abuse cases [MIKE GIBBONS]
A DISABLED mother-of-two has claimed she was raped by a
priest and sexually abused by a female care worker when she was
a young child in a Scottish orphanage.
Joanne Peacher said the appalling attacks took place in
the late 1970s in a Nazareth House children's home, which have
been at the centre of several previous abuse scandals.
The Sisters of Nazareth, the Roman Catholic order of
nuns which operated dozens of orphanages across Britain, recently
apologised to children who suffered in their institutions in
Northern Ireland.
That apology came at the start of a public inquiry in
the Province, the largest of its kind in UK history, yet the
Scottish Government has consistently ignored demands to set up a
similar judge-led investigation here.
Last night, Mrs Peacher and her husband Andrew said they
hoped that by coming forward with their story they could help put
pressure on Holyrood ministers to start taking the issue
They reported both incidents to the police in 2002 but
were eventually told there was not enough evidence to proceed.
Last night, Police Scotland confirmed that a new inquiry was now
Mrs Peacher was placed into the imposing, red-brick
orphanage in Cardonald, Glasgow, by social services because her
mother had drug addiction problems and couldn't cope.
She said: "When I first got to Nazareth House I thought
it was actually OK, the sisters were mostly nice and my sister
used to be allowed to come and visit me. That all changed
"I was sexually abused by one of the care staff. I was
lying in bed with German measles and not allowed out for two
weeks. I had also broken my leg so I was in a right state.
"She came in with a broom handle and a surgical mask
over her face and she abused me with the stick. She never
explained why and I never told anybody about it for a long time.
Eventually I told my husband and we got the police involved but
they couldn't do anything."
The couple believe the motive was revenge because Mrs
Peacher had complained to her mother that the woman, who was in
her late 20s or early 30s at the time, had been bullying her.
Mrs Peacher added: "I was too scared to say anything to
them about what happened and nobody knew about it, only me and
"After she did that to me one of her close friends told
me she was sorry but to keep my mouth shut."
However, within weeks of that horrific experience in the
summer of 1978 - when she was just nine years old - Mrs Peacher
claims that she and her two female room-mates were raped by a
She said: "It was night time and I was in bed, he put
the light on and jumped on top."
"He was a young man and he did it to two other girls as
well. Me and these two girls shared a bedroom. We talked about
what happened but we never reported it because we were too
"I knew he was a priest because he had the collar on.
The abuse happened on separate nights. He did it to one girl
once, another girl two times and he did it to me once.
"After this I wanted to get out of Nazareth House and
they thought I might be missing my sister, so they moved me to
another care home in Easterhouse where she was. I never saw
either of my abusers again."
However, the 45 year old - who had learning difficulties
as a child even before the alleged attacks took place - has been
left with enduring mental health problems which have scarred her
Now living in Grimsby, Lincolnshire, Mrs Peacher's two
children have been taken into care as a result of her personality
disorder - although the couple are allowed regular contact with
Mr Peacher met his wife in 1987 and they were married in
1992, but it was several years later before she was finally able
to tell him about the attacks.
He said: "Joanne has been left with mental health
problems because of what happened to her and she will have to
take some powerful drugs for the rest of her life.
"Because of this we have lost our children and it all
links back to what happened at Nazareth House. If she hadn't been
in care then she could have had a normal life."
The abuse was reported to the former Strathclyde Police
in 2001 while the couple were living in Wishaw, Lanarkshire.
However, three years later the procurator fiscal in Glasgow told
them there was not enough evidence to proceed.
Mrs Peacher, who is still terrified by the thought of
the woman in the surgical mask "coming back to get me", said she
was "really upset" and they decided not to pursue the case any
Now, however, they have decided to make another attempt
at getting some kind of justice. Mr Peacher, 47, said: "It seems
like the only way to expose what has been going on."
A spokesman for the Sisters of Nazareth said they would
help the police with their inquiry and would also launch their
own internal investigation into the claims.
He added: "While we can't comment specifically on this
case, we deplore any abuse or mistreatment of children. We would
advise Mrs Peacher to go back to the police again and also to
speak to the Archdiocese of Glasgow Safeguarding Office.
"If she also reports the matter directly to the Sisters
of Nazareth it will be dealt with appropriately and
A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: "We can confirm that
a complaint has been made and inquiries are ongoing."