Bishop Arrested in the UK
By Lance Guma Nehanda Radio February 1, 2014
Archbishop Dr Walter Masocha
seen hugging Jean Gasho in happier moments
Happier Times: Jean Gasho
with husband at a special ‘invited guests only’ Agape event
Betty Makoni
Masocha who was handcuffed and read his rights, is being
detained at Falkirk Police Station and will appear at the
Sterling Sheriff Court on Monday.
We understand several victims filed reports against him
and because of this, the exact number and nature of the charges,
will be clearer at the first hearing.
In October last year Nehanda Radio exclusively reported
how he allegedly abused a 31-year old mother, Jean Gasho.
Gasho opened up to Nehanda Radio about what she claimed
was the abuse she suffered at the hands of Archbishop Masocha and
his church.
Budding writing Gasho told us “I want my story to be
heard because people need to be made aware of the dangers of
these arising Pentecostal churches and self-styled religious
leaders and prophets who abuse people and take advantage of
vulnerable people especially women.”
Gasho says the church left her with a broken marriage
and homeless with three children after it allegedly subjected her
to cruelty, abuse and bullying. Gasho and her husband of 11 years
attended the church for two years in which she claims they became
financially ruined as the church demanded all their wages.
“At one time my husband and I gave £600 to the church
leader (Dr Masocha) on top of the other monies we were paying at
Church and as a result we ended up with bailiffs (Messengers of
Court) knocking on our door.
“Our financial situation was so serious that we could
not afford to feed our three children and social services almost
took the children from us and I attempted to take my own life and
ended up in hospital as our situation was hopeless.
“Because I tried to take my own life, I started being
bullied in the Church as the leaders said I was possessed and had
demons that needed to be cast out. I wanted to leave the church
because it was not helping me, we became worse off financially.
But my husband insisted we had to continue going there,” she
Gasho said she was often restrained by male leaders
without her consent as they said she was possessed.
“If I refused to be part of the church the leaders said
I was not normal and needed deliverance. At one point I found
myself locked in a room and pinned to the floor by two men
“praying for me,” she said.
“I told them that what they were doing was wrong and I
wanted to go and sit in the car outside and they said it was not
me talking but the demon in me.
“The final straw was when my mother in law Febbie Musuka
and my sister in law Gertrude Musuka (who is a pastor in the
church) called an ambulance for me to be sectioned in front of
the whole church saying I was mental and not capable of looking
after my children.
“They told the paramedics that I was a bad mother and
was living in poverty and my children were malnourished. The
paramedics found nothing mentally wrong with me or my children.
They refused to section me and my sister in law who is a mental
health nurse threatened to call the police.
“The police were called on the scene and they found
nothing wrong with me. It was a cruel public humiliation that led
to my husband being violent towards me and I fled my house with
my 3 children.
“The police are currently investigating another case of
sexual abuse I suffered in the church and my sister in law is
currently being investigated by the Nursing Midwifery Council
(NMC) for gross misconduct because she used her position as a
mental health nurse to abuse me.
“The step daughter of the church leader (Sandra Masocha)
also used to make me do her University School work towards her
degree exams. I was told that if I did her university work I
would get blessings from God because she was the step daughter of
the Archbishop (Prophet), the Church leader.
“I reported the case to the University (Forth Valley
College in Scotland) and they investigated her and found her
guilty of Student Dishonesty thus she will not be graduating in
her degree,” Gasho claimed.
So determined was Gasho she set up her own blog (He was Daddy) to
document her abuse at the hands of Agape for All Nations
Ministries International and Archbishop Dr Walter Masocha.
Several other victims came forward and used her blog to document
their own experiences. This led police in Scotland to act.
Girl Child Network founder Betty Makoni
told Nehanda Radio:
“Whereas the full details of the exact charges Masocha
faces have been not been made available to us we welcome the bold
steps of those who have pressed on charges.
“Meanwhile we have a platform formed on social media
which makes it possible for more victims to come forward to many
of our professional teams to open up and get help.
“So far some senior leaders of the church have reported
to us they have many victims who in the past feared to report.
“On our part we have formed a trusted volunteer
community support network and should more cases come out we will
forward them.
“Meanwhile people can sign a petition going round the
Internet so that the UK government takes the matter with the
urgency it deserves.
“Reporting sexual violence is not that easy and
especially if you come to think how brain washed some of the
victims were. On 1 March a formal event has been put together and
it is called Victim No More and the aim is to break silence and
that is why all of us stand by the victims of Masocha at this
“It is shocking what we are getting at the moment and if
true the victims maybe many. What is worrying are women and girls
subjected to this abuse and they are failed asylum seekers. They
fear that going to police may result in deportation,” Makoni
Several officials from Agape Ministries contacted by
Nehanda Radio kept up their official line that Gasho is not
mentally stable and that we should not be interviewing her. Asked
to respond to the allegations, we were initially promised a
statement but this was never issued at the time.
First we were told that Dr Masocha was away on business
in Greece and this explained the delay in them issuing their
statement. “We will have a meeting and give you a statement
later,” said the official. Later on the official made a u-turn
and said they would not be commenting on the matter.
A recent statement on the AGAPE
official website says:
“Since many of the accusations and statements posted on
the social platform could be considered libellous, the
Archbishop, Prophetess and senior leadership are receiving legal
advice on the whole matter and do not wish to comment on the
details of this at the current time.
“We want to thank and appreciate all the saints,
stewards, attaches, envoys, commissioners and Board members who
have supported each other, the vision, the ministry, and have
continued to worship and serve God during this storm.
“As a ministry we draw the lessons learnt and
accordingly we are reviewing our practices to minimise the risk
of any similar situation arising in the future and to provide
effective, timely support for those involved with such difficult
“We reiterate that nothing we say or do in Agape is
meant to direct our worship at any individual; only the Triune
God (God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy
Spirit),” the AGAPE statement read.
Meanwhile Nehanda Radio received and continues to
receive threats from different church members over the
publication of this and other stories on the church.
Contact: lance@nehandaradio.com