of Unspeakable Acts Exposed
By Annette Blackwell Illawarra Mercury
February 1, 2014
The royal commission has
revealed a catalogue of shocking, inhumane behaviour towards
children in Salvation Army boys’ homes.
The young residents of
Bexley Boys Home knew how to tow the line.
The Salvation Army has a lot of questions to answer.
For almost three decades there were alleged rapes,
floggings and punishments at their Dickensian boys' homes in NSW
and Queensland.
The evidence has been exposed at the royal commission
into child sexual abuse.
The stories are so horrific that some news operations
have steered clear of publishing full details of the acts of some
Salvation Army officers, in the 1950s, '60s and '70s.
The Salvation Army is not challenging evidence by the
string of witnesses - former residents of four homes being
examined in detail by the commission.
It is not the first time Australians have heard these
horror stories. In 1999 the Queensland Forde commission looked
into the Indooroopilly home and the Riverview Training Farm in
Queensland, both of which are on the commission's list.
In 2004 a Senate committee in its Forgotten Australians
report also considered conditions in those Queensland homes, plus
another two now being examined: the Bexley Boys Home in south
Sydney and the Gill Memorial Home in Goulburn.
Up until now, the Christian charity has been very
publicly contrite about what happened. But from Monday it will
have to start answering questions before the commission.
What did they know and do about members against whom
allegations were made? How much supervision did managers of homes
have? Did the Army simply transfer abusers or dismiss them?
Is there something in Salvation Army culture that
allowed such shocking inhumane behaviour towards children, some
as young as four?
Or did William Booth's "Christian soldiers" take the
biblical message "spare the rod, spoil the child" a little too
much to heart?
The soldiers first "opened fire" (to quote their
website) in Australia in 1880, having taken the title Salvation
Army just two years earlier.
Since then, the Salvos have been a familiar and trusted
feature on the national charity landscape, with their black
uniforms and appeal boxes with the iconic red logo.
There may be arguments next week that what happened in
those homes just reflected a general community attitude towards
corporal punishment of children in those days.
There may be denials that the Salvation Army believed in
or authorised corporal punishment.
But the commission will want to know why no action was
taken when state welfare officials, as well as parents and boys,
complained about management at the homes.
There is already evidence of a divisional commander in
NSW writing to a field secretary in February 1970 reporting
complaints about Lawrence Wilson - a man the commission has
identified as one of the most prolific abusers.
Yet in August of that year Wilson was appointed manager
of the Gill home.
Witnesses allege that Wilson, while at Gill, raped,
brutally beat and terrorised the boys, who lived in fear of his
sadistic outbursts.
From Gill, Wilson was transferred to Indooroopilly in
1973 where he continued his abusive behaviour.
Wilson died in 2008, the same year the Salvation Army
contacted police with allegations against him.
There was no investigation.
He had been acquitted in 1997 when he was tried for
buggery and indecent assault.
The commission has also heard that in 2003 the Salvation
Army made ex gratia payments - ranging from $10,000 to $125,000 -
to Wilson's victims.
Some witnesses who received payments have said they felt
coerced into signing deeds of release.
Those claims had Salvation Army senior counsel Kate
Eastman on her feet.
Ms Eastman wanted assurances the Salvation Army would be
given the chance to respond to allegations.
She was assured they would. It comes next week. AAP