Charges for St. Paul Archdiocese Leaders in Abuse Case
By Associated Press St. Cloud Times January
29, 2014
Curtis Carl Wehmeyer, the
former pastor of The Church of the Blessed Sacrament in St.
Paul, appears in this photo provided by the Minnesota
Department of Corrections. / AP
[with video]
ST. PAUL — Prosecutors in Minnesota
declined Wednesday to charge leaders of the Minneapolis-St. Paul
archdiocese over their handling of an abusive priest, but they
said the archdiocese needs to do better in its reporting of abuse
Ramsey County prosecutor John Choi said there was
insufficient evidence to show church officials failed to properly
report suspicions of abuse by the Rev. Curtis Wehmeyer, a St.
Paul priest accused in 2012 of molesting two brothers.
Still, he said, investigations into other matters
surrounding allegations of abuse by priests in the archdiocese
are ongoing.
In a separate case, Washington County prosecutors said
they would not charge another archdiocesan priest, the Rev. Jon
Shelley, who had been accused of possessing child pornography.
The Wehmeyer and Shelley cases were among several that
raised questions about the archdiocese’s handling of abuse cases
after a church insider went public with her concerns. Internal
documents showed that church leaders knew Wehmeyer had issues
with sexual misconduct, including at least two solicitations of
men for sex, before he was promoted to lead Church of the Blessed
Sacrament in 2009.
Archbishop John Nienstedt apologized last fall for his
handling of Wehmeyer, saying he didn’t suspect he was a threat to
children. Wehmeyer is now serving a five-year sentence.
In a statement Wednesday, the archdiocese said it is
grateful for the investigation, and it continues to cooperate
with authorities. The archdiocese also said it trains its
employees and volunteers that it is not their role to investigate
abuse allegations and that any suspected abuse should be reported
to authorities.
As the scandal around the archdiocese grew last fall,
Nienstedt appointed a task force to examine church policies on
abusive priests and ordered an external review of all priest
files. He has also apologized to the archdiocese’s more than
800,000 Catholics. Nienstedt himself has been accused of
improperly touching a boy while posing for a photo during a
confirmation ceremony, a claim he vehemently denied.
Despite those moves, St. Paul police earlier complained
of foot-dragging by archdiocese officials in responding to their
efforts to get information.
“I continue to be troubled by some of the church’s
reporting practices,” Choi said Wednesday. “Elaboration on that
point is for another day.”
In Washington County, prosecutor Pete Orput said
investigators found no evidence of a crime when they examined
computer files that once belonged to Shelley. St. Paul police
reopened the case last year after receiving new information,
including three computer discs that contained images from
Shelley’s old hard drive.
Orput said investigators from the Internet Crimes
Against Children Task Force, National Center for Missing and
Exploited Children, St. Paul police and his own child abuse
specialist all looked at the files and agreed they are not child
pornography. Even if they were, he says, the statute of
limitations has expired.