Cares OR: War CRIMES
Lewisblayse.net January 29, 2014
“The Homies” Promo photo –
the author is the boy in the top right hand corner of the
picture (Source: Australian Broadcasting Corporation: “Four
Corners” 2003)
The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse began its fifth “case study”
today, into four Salvation Army Boys’ Homes – Riverview, Bexley,
Gill, and Alkira. The witness list was only released minutes
before the hearing was due to begin, contrary to previous
The hearing is subject to several “Not to be Published”
orders, and the web-cast is being shut down at times for what are
described as “privacy reasons”. The author is not on the witness
list (see previous postings).
The focus will be on five Salvation Army officers who
abused the boys. These are Lawrence Wilson, Russell Walker,
Victor Bennett, John McIver, and Donald Shultz. Wilson, who
worked at all four Homes, is regarded, according to the
commission, as the worst offender. The abuses were described as “being
at the extreme end of the scale”. He died in 2008.
[First person comment: The author was abused by both
Wilson and Bennett.]
Of the 13 victim witnesses listed to appear, all but two
will be referred to by pseudonyms. One who is named is Wally
McLeod which encourages the author (see previous posting: “Why
Wally Should Be Heard”). Of these 13 men, only one who was in
the author’s old Home, “Alkira”, otherwise known as the
Indooroopilly Salvation Army Home for Boys, is listed to appear.
The enquiry today heard from Raymond Carlile, who was
among Wilson’s victims at the Riverview Home. After months of
being fed scraps of fruit and vegetables that were intended for
farm animals, Raymond’s little brother started eating grass. He
recalls that on other occasions: ”They kept a load of raw
potatoes under the building and we used to go under there and
steal them when we were hungry.”
He also said that children who had wet the bed were made
to sleep on a veranda with just a lattice frame between them and
the elements. His brother, who had a kidney removed before he was
sent to the Home, endured the punishment.
Mr Carlile who gave evidence by webcast from Gympie, in
Queensland State, broke down as he told how he was tied by his
ankles and suspended down a well because officers at the home
thought he was trying to escape – although he had just fallen
asleep in the bush after playing with other boys.
Raymond also described events after he left the Home and
was returned to his mother.
“I could never let my mother touch me or hug me
or show me any affection. I didn’t know the difference between
affection and abuse. When we got home, me mother said to us:
‘Didn’t you ever get any of them letters or Christmas cards or
birthday cards we sent you?’ We said: ‘No, we never got anything
at all. Nothing. Never seen nor heard anything’.”
“And she said: ‘You could have got one of the
Salvation Army officers to read it to you or write a letter for
you’. Of course, we were too young to write letters – and
anyway, when we told her that we never got any at all she just
walked in the room and shut the door. We knew she was crying.”
[First person comment: The pattern was that letters were
never delivered to the boys. According to the Salvation Army
officers at Alkira, when the author asked to send a letter to his
mother, the policy was that only boys who had a private “trust
account” to pay for stamps could send letters. The reality was
that no one had such a fund anyway. At the government facility,
the Diamantina Receiving Depot where the author was prior to
being sent to Alkira, it was the practice every Sunday night to
write a letter to my mother, be given a stamp and envelope, and
the letter was posted to her at the psychiatric facility where
she lived. She confirmed that she had received those letters.]
When describing Wilson, Raymond gave an account which
the author has previously described in this blog as ‘sadistic
Raymond said that: “Wilson seemed to enjoy
inflicting pain. Wilson glorified in punishment. He would froth
at the mouth … and he just had this look in his eye.” Not long
after Raymond arrived at Riverview aged eight, Wilson allegedly
dragged him from his bed at night and raped him. At other times,
it is alleged he forced the boy to have sex with other boys while
he watched and at times participated.
Afterwards, the boys were flogged and told not to tell
anyone or the punishment would be more severe.
Wilson was summarily dismissed from the Salvation Army
in 1961, just after the author left Alkira and went with his
father to tell our local Member of Parliament about the abuses,
but Wilson was accepted back in 1966 and went on to run homes in
New South Wales State. Wilson also worked as a welfare officer in
NSW, but left in 1965 following a severe reprimand for violence
against a child.
The commission also revealed that Wilson had been
sending boys to the homes of other adults to be sexually
assaulted by them. Chief Commissioner, Peter McClellan, seemed to
be finally getting the message when he stated that: ”What
the commission is learning over and over again is that a sexual
abuse very often occurs in the context of physical abuse and
Counsel Assisting told the enquiry that in the 2003
Australian Broadcasting Commission’s TV “Four Corners” program,
“The Homies”, Salvation Army media spokesman, John Dalziel,
described the violence as being “tough love” and that it
was “the best love that could be given because it allowed
the boys to experience something consistent in their lives.”
(Both Wilson and Bennett were alive at the time the
program was aired in Australia.)
Today, the Salvation Army admitted that hundreds of boys
have been abused (yet the Commission is only covering 13 of
them). Perhaps the most shocking thing revealed at today’s
hearing is that one of the alleged offenders, John McIver, is
still an officer with the Salvation Army.
[Postscript (first person comment): Several
psychiatrists have told the author that, had they gone through
his experiences, they would not have retained their sanity, or
would have resorted to substance abuse or committed crimes
against society. They always asked me what it was that kept me
from this pathway in life. I think there are two possible
One was that, in bed, I would think I could send
telepathic messages to my family, as an alternative to letters.
The other one is the more likely one.
At the previous Home, the Diamantina Receiving Depot,
and other Homes, the author used to listen to the radio and
learned many songs. I was particularly fond of folk music, and my
hero in the 1950s was Pete Seeger, an anti-war protest singer –
who died today.
The songs I knew were 'Where Have All the Flowers
Gone?', 'If I Had a Hammer' and 'We Shall Overcome'. I also knew
a funny song, dating back to the Great Depression, called 'Away,
Away With Rum, by Gum, the Song of the Salvation Army', which was
a spoof of their extremist views.
This source of comfort was removed at Alkira, because
the Salvation Army did not allow a radio there, since they
believed it to be 'evil', as it played pop music.
In bed at night at Alkira, I could sing these songs in
my head, however, until I fell asleep.
One of my greatest joys on getting out of the Home was
having a guitar and singing folk songs, aloud, long after
folk music went out of fashion. Some of them I still sing
regularly, and they continue to give me comfort. So much better
than the Salvos’ 'Onwards Christian Soldiers'!]