Army Abuse Witnesses' Accounts OR: and You Thought the Convict
Days Were Long PAST
Lewisblayse.net January 29, 2014
Image: Convict flogging
c.1800 Australia
The hearings of the Australian royal commission into
institutional responses to child sexual abuse has entered its
second day, covering the Salvation Army Boys’ Homes of Bexley,
Gill, Riverview, and Alkira. Some “Not Directions Not to Publish”
orders have been announced so that this report will be
This blog had previously called for Wally McLeod to be
heard. Wally had appeared in the 2003 Australian Broadcasting
Commission’s investigative television program, ‘Four Corners’,
entitled ‘The Homies’. Today, he was heard by the commission,
under his own name. He was Boy 36 at Riverview and Boy 13 at
He told the commission that he had been sent to the
notorious Salvation Army Riverview Training Farm in Queensland in
the 1960s after his mother died in a car accident and his father
was murdered.
“I was told I was going to the home for
psychiatric care … I don’t remember needing any and I certainly
didn’t receive any. I went there with a small bag of clothes and
a money box … Both were taken from me and I never saw them
again. I was told I wasn’t allowed any personal possessions.”
Though he did not witness the sexual abuse that the
commission has heard was rife at Riverview, Wally said he both
saw and experienced multiple physical assaults in which Salvation
Army officers used stock whips, saddle straps, split canes and
belts on their victims.
One popular form of punishment, Wally said, was public
floggings conducted in front of the officers and other boys (as
in the convict days): “You’d be told, ‘There’ll be a
parade tonight in the recreation room.’ The boys would be called
out and made to drop their trousers and underpants, bend down
and touch their toes and then they’d get flogged. I was in one
several times. I can remember seeing blood rolling down a boy’s
He said that, at one stage during his time at Riverview,
he became aware that four boys had complained to officers from
the Queensland welfare department about one of the alleged
perpetrators, referred to as ‘Captain Cowling’. He said no action
was taken by the officers and that: “when Captain Cowling
found out he had them flogged.“
Wally, who was a resident at Indooroopilly Boys Home
(Alkira) and Riverview from 1960 to 1966, said he saw one
officer, Captain Victor Bennett, grab children as young as four
and punch them and would use a cane with a split end to whip
boys, several witness have said. This was when Bennett was at
Wally said the children “cried and screamed” when
Bennett grabbed them by their shirts and struck them on the head
and shoulders. Boys were told there was going to be a parade in
the recreation room and were made to remove their pants and
underpants and be called up for a flogging, with either a strap
or cane.
When he arrived at Alkira, all his remaining possessions
were taken away. This was normal practice. Wally said that: “I
remember the day I was first placed in Indooroopilly. I went
there with a bag full of clothes, and a small money box which
was nearly full. The bag and the money box were both taken from
me on that day and I never saw them again. My grandfather had
given me a fountain pen and pencil set that I really cherished,
and that was taken from me while I was at school. I never saw
that again.”
[First person post: The author was at Alkira at that
time, but was denied permission by the chief commissioner, Peter
McClellan, to give evidence. However, I can support Wally’s
statements, here, concerning Alkira.]
Wally said that he eventually received a $20,000
compensation payment for the abuse he allegedly suffered – a
payment that he allegedly accepted “under duress.” It
included signing a form that released the Salvation Army from
further liability. These agreements should be torn up (see
previous postings).
One witness from Riverview, known only as ES, referred
to a small cell with iron bars built into the floor – known as
‘the cage’ or ‘the lock-up’ which was a place of dread. Some of
the boys who broke the rules were placed in this dark space by
the Salvation Army officers charged with their ‘care’, and kept
there for days and even weeks, ES told the enquiry.
”One day me and two other guys did something
wrong – I forget what it was – and we were put in the holding
cell, ‘It was a room like – it looked like it had a door and
iron bars on the front, just like your normal cell. The boys
were forced to sleep on the floor of the tiny room without a
pillow or even a blanket. We went to the toilet in a bucket.
After time in the cage I was raped by Bennett.”
Referring to Captain Bennett, ES said that: ”I
felt like he had a hatred for me as soon as I got to Riverview.
He took a disliking for some reason and the fact I just wouldn’t
do what they told me to do. He tried to break me.”
ES told the enquiry that: “Me and another fella
ran away. When [the police] caught us I told them what was
happening to us, but all they did was call Captain Bennett and
say, ‘Is this happening?’ and he said, ‘No,’ and they sent me
straight back.” The commission is hearing many instances where
the policy and welfare authorities failed in their duty of care
to protect the boys.
[First person post: The author recalls another Riverview
old boy saying that it was the practice to go with a Salvation
Army officer to the city fruit and vegetable markets to collect
unsold, rotten food which they had told the stall-holders was for
pig food. One day, the truck was stopped for a traffic
infringement, and the boys took the opportunity to plead with the
police to listen to their complaints about the Home. All they got
for their trouble was a flogging back at the Home. And, of
course, the food was to feed them, not pigs.]
ES also told the enquiry that: “Another time I
ran away from there, and because I soiled my trousers running
along, you know, I was so scared and when I got back to there,
he laid me on the ground and got a hose and turned it on full
bore and stuck it in me backside and filled me up with water and
all this water come rushing out and all the boys were standing
around there laughing their heads off. You know, and he was
encouraging them to laugh, you know.”
A previous posting has noted the anti-education attitude
common to all Salvation Army Children’s Homes. As prominent ABC
radio reporter, Emily Bourke, noted: “ES has told the
inquiry he received no schooling at Riverview, and to this day,
he can’t read or write.”
Another former resident recalled the staff would force
the boys to fight each other for their own entertainment: ”They
just used to think, ‘Oh, well, we’ll get the boys over and have
them beat the crap out of each other. They were cruel bastards.
If you didn’t want to fight they’d make the other boy hit you
until you got mad and started to fight for real.”’ This is yet
another example of what the author has termed, in previous
postings, as ‘sadistic arousal’, common to those Salvation Army
He told of punishments like being made to crawl around
naked holding up a dead chook and naked boys being made to run
around a maypole.
Witness ‘FP’ informed the commission that: “After
the lights went out ’round seven o’clock every night, Lieutenant
Spratt would come out of the room in the dark so no one would
see what he was doing. Whenever I heard his door open, I thought
to myself, ‘I hope he’s not coming to my bed.’ When I heard him
go into someone else’s bed I felt relieved that he had left me
alone for the night.”
“I tried to explain to the new boys, when the
Salvation Army officers were not watching me, to let them do
what they wanted to do to you, because if you don’t you’re going
to have to cop something that you don’t want.” When asked if he
ever told any of the Salvation Army officers at Riverview about
abuses, he replied: “You’d have to be kidding wouldn’t
you? Tell them officers? No way in the bloody wide world! I’d
get flogged for telling lies.”
Witness ‘EE’ referred to his brother, who was tethered
to a brick thrown in a pool: “My brother would tell me
Bennett used to push his head under the water. Well, he said he
was tied to a brick, he was thrown in…Well, Bennett threw him
into the pool. Every time he got up he was pushed under water
At Wednesday’s hearing, several witness statements were
read. A man identified as ‘GK’ wrote of the profound hate and
anger he felt and could not shake off from the time spent at
Riverview. He told of psychological, sexual and physical abuse
when he was 12.
“I feel sorry for the people who have tried to
help me at times and have been hurt by my hate against society,”
he said.
He had been told by a Salvation Army officer his parents
did not want him and later found out letters sent to him by his
parents and brothers were kept from him. He applied to get the
letters, held by the Queensland Children’s Department, under
Freedom of Information. In 2006 he told the Salvation Army
officials: “We will be getting letters from the dead. God
help me when I get them …”
Another statement from ‘FP’ read that residents at
Riverview lived in constant fear. They were beaten for talking or
laughing. When asked if he had told state welfare officers who
regularly visited the farm of floggings and sexual abuse by
officers and older boys, ‘FP’ said he had not because of: “fear
of what was going to happen to you if you opened your mouth.”
Both ‘FP’ and another witness, ‘EY’, told of being
sexually assaulted by older boys. ‘EY’ ran away when he was 16.
Police picked him up four months later, sent him back, and he was
severely flogged with a razor strap.
‘FP’ told the commission that one of the officers at
Riverview, Lieutenant Spratt, approached him and other boys while
they were naked in the showers.
“He touched my backside and I moved away because
of what other boys told me about him. I saw him touch other boys
too. I saw him touch a boy’s penis in the shower for about a
minute or two. It wasn’t a brush, he was fondling him. You had
to let the Salvation Army officers do what they wanted, if you
didn’t you would cop something you didn’t want.”
[First person post: This occurred at Alkira as well].
As reported in a previous posting, the local Ipswich
City Council had raised concerns about poor hygiene and treatment
of children in 1972. In 1973, the Queensland State government’s
Department of Children’s Services, was concerned there were: “real
worries and real dangers about sending any boys there (due to)
the lack of adequate and suitable staff…the danger of rape and
other homosexual assaults and the shambles that this whole place
looks causes obvious problems.” Indeed, at the time social
worker staff threatened a strike over the issue concerning
Riverview and Alkira.
[First person post: The author has met and spoken in the
past with one of those staff members].
As reported yesterday, one Salvation Army officer, John
McIver, who is the subject of allegations, remains an officer in
good standing with the Salvation Army. Later in the enquiry, the
commissioners will hear from Cliff and Marina Randall, who had
been employed as house parents, and were dismissed by the
Salvation Army, after making a complaint against McIver.
Meanwhile, the Australian taxpayers still give this
organization over $300 million per year to ‘care’ for the
destitute, underprivileged children and those addicted to drugs
and alcohol.