St. Paul
Police Have 7 Priest Sex Investigations, Chief Says
By Mara H. Gottfried and Emily Gurnon Pioneer Press
January 29, 2014
St. Paul Police Chief Thomas
Smith speaks during an interview about the Archdiocese of
Minneapolis-St. Paul child sex abuse case in his office at
police headquarters in St. Paul on Tuesday, Jan. 29, 2014..
(Pioneer Press: John Doman)
The Rev. Kevin McDonough,
former vicar general of the archdiocese. (Pioneer Press file
St. Paul police are investigating seven cases of alleged
sexual abuse or inappropriate sexual behavior involving priests
in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Police Chief
Thomas Smith said Wednesday.
Smith said his department has not sent additional cases
to prosecutors to review for charges.
In two other cases, prosecutors said Wednesday that they
will not file charges.
In October, police urged victims of sexual abuse by
priests to come forward. The seven reports currently under
investigation were made after that date. They include allegations
that date from 1960, 1972, 1977, 1981 and 1984, according to
police reports.
Another case is an allegation made against Archbishop
John Nienstedt; he was recently accused of inappropriately
touching a boy in 2009.
Nienstedt has denied the allegation and stepped aside
from his public ministry during the police investigation.
In an interview Wednesday, Smith discussed his
department's work, but not specifics of the active
investigations. The questions and answers were edited for space
and clarity.
Question: Are you satisfied with the Ramsey
County attorney's office decision to decline charges in the case
of whether the St. Paul archdiocese violated reporting laws in
the Curtis Wehmeyer child sex abuse case?
Answer: We presented all of the facts that we
have, and we've been working very closely with the county
attorney's office. We're fact-finders here in the police
department, and we presented the facts that our investigators
(gathered) -- and, by the way, we've had a lot of investigators,
at least three, who have worked on that case specifically and
other cases involving the archdiocese, basically on a full-time
Q: You previously said you were frustrated with
the lack of cooperation of the archdiocese and its officials in
providing information. What's the status of their cooperation at
this point?
A: The cooperation has improved with the
archdiocese. ... There have been a lot of people in the
archdiocese, including the archbishop, who have said that there
have been mistakes that have been made throughout this entire
reporting period and that they want to be transparent, and I
expect that the archdiocese continues to be transparent.
Q: One of the people you had mentioned previously
that you wanted to talk with was the Rev. Kevin McDonough,
formerly vicar general of the archdiocese. Have you talked with
A: No, we have not had the opportunity to speak
with Father McDonough.
Q: Is he declining to talk?
A: At this time period, yes.
Q: Has the focus of the investigations been on
the perpetrators or has it gone into the officials and the
potential for failing to report or obstructing justice?
A: They somewhat go hand in hand, but I want to
be very clear that victims take precedence over anything. Just
like any victim of a crime in the city of St. Paul, that is our
job to make sure to protect those individuals. ... Through those
investigations, if we find out that protocols were not followed
as far as failure to report, that becomes part of the
investigation as well.
Q: How do you address people who say police
haven't done enough with investigating officials in particular?
A: We're not going to leave any stone unturned.
We are investigating specific things that we are aware
of that occurred in the city of St. Paul.
If a crime occurred or an alleged crime occurred outside
the city of St. Paul, that law enforcement agency (in that
jurisdiction) would investigate that complaint. ... If there was
a decision made at the chancery by the hierarchy of the
archdiocese, a failure to report ... we may investigate that with
another law enforcement agency at the same time if a decision was
made here in St. Paul. ...
Whoever says we're not doing enough, they're wrong.
Q: When your department has filed search
warrants, have you searched at the chancery or at the
archdiocese's attorney's office?
A: Search warrants need detailed, corroborating
investigative information to present to a district court judge
who then is going to scrutinize what you have.
You have to have independent information. ... I've been
asked this question before, "Chief, could you just not do a
search warrant and just go search the entire chancery for all
these files?"
And there's no judge (who would grant that warrant.)
That's not due process; you have to have specific information.
That's why I go back to now that we're talking to
archdiocesan officials, we are trying to get some of those
answers and we're continuing to meet with them to hopefully get
more documents and go forward.