Carers at Salvation Army Home, 'They Were Cruel Bastards'
By Paul Bibby, Court Reporter Sydney Morning Herald
January 29, 2014
Received compensation: Wally
McLeod outside the royal commission on child sex abuse. Photo:
Janie Barrett
Some boys knew it as ''the cage'', others ''the
lock-up'' - a small cell with iron bars built into the door. And
for youngsters at the Salvation Army's Riverview Training Farm in
Queensland it was a place of dread.
Some of those who broke the rules at the institution
were placed in the dark space by the Salvation Army officers
charged with their care and kept there for days and even weeks,
the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual
Abuse heard on Wednesday.
''One day me and two other guys did something wrong - I
forget what it was - and we were put in the holding cell,'' one
former resident, known as ES, told the commission. ''It was a
room like - it looked like it had a door and iron bars on the
front, just like your normal cell.''
The man, now in his 60s, said boys were forced to sleep
on the floor of the tiny room without a pillow or even a blanket.
''We went to the toilet in a bucket.''
It was a chilling tale from a day when painful
recollections overflowed. As the commission dug deeper into the
abuse of boys who attended homes run by the Salvation Army in NSW
and Queensland, four former residents from Riverview gave
evidence of extreme sexual and physical abuse, and the alleged
failures of police and welfare agencies to intervene.
''I felt like he had a hatred for me as soon as I got to
Riverview,'' ES told the commission of the man who allegedly
ordered his confinement, Captain Victor Bennett. ''He took a
disliking for some reason and the fact I just wouldn't do what
they told me to do. He tried to break me.''
But the commission heard it was not only officers who
inflicted the abuse, but older boys at the home. ''He was about
17 or 18 years old - a big fellow and in my view he was a sick
bastard,'' ES told the inquiry.
''He made me and another little fellow do things to him
like suck his penis. Me and another fella ran away. When [the
police] caught us I told them what was happening to us, but all
they did was call Captain Bennett and say, 'Is this happening?'
and he said, 'No,' and they sent me straight back.
The commission heard this was not the only time the
authorities failed in their duty of care.
Wally McLeod said at one stage during his time at
Riverview he became aware that four boys had complained to
officers from the Queensland welfare department about one alleged
perpetrator, referred to as ''Captain Cowling''.
Mr McLeod said no action was taken by the officers and
that ''when Captain Cowling found out he had them both flogged''.
Another former resident recalled the staff would force
the boys to fight each other for their own entertainment. ''They
just used to think, 'Oh, well, we'll get the boys over and have
them beat the crap out of each other,'' he said.
''They were cruel bastards. If you didn't want to fight
they'd make the other boy hit you until you got mad and started
to fight for real.''
Mr McLeod said he received a $20,000 compensation
payment for the abuse he allegedly suffered - a payment he
allegedly accepted ''under duress''. It included signing a form
that released the institution from further liability.
The hearings continue.