| Children's Homes 'Outdated in 60s'
The Belfast Telegraph
January 14, 2014
Chairman Sir Anthony Hart at the independent Historical Institutional Abuse (HIA) Inquiry
An order of Catholic Brothers has apologised for abusing boys at its residential care home in Northern Ireland.
The De La Salle religious figures ran a property in Kircubbin, Co Down, south east of Belfast, which was supposed to provide sanctuary and education for vulnerable children. Instead they abused those under their protection, a public inquiry established to determine the extent of the abuse heard.
Kevin Rooney QC, on behalf of the order, said: "That some brothers abused boys in care was in contradiction to their vocation as De La Salle Brothers."
He added: "They accept and deeply regret that boys in their care were abused. They wish to offer their sincere and unreserved apology to all those whom they failed to protect."
The Brothers' Rubane House in Kircubbin is due to come under the spotlight during the UK's largest-ever inquiry into historical wrongs committed against children across several Catholic orders, voluntary groups and the state over seven decades.
Many young people were taken into care because their mother was not married, because their families were too poor to keep them or because they were orphans. Once inside some were physically and sexually attacked, victims claim.
Retired judge Sir Anthony Hart is chairing the probe and also heard an apology from the Sisters of Nazareth order of nuns who ran institutions in Belfast and Londonderry. Their lawyer, Turlough Montague QC, said they were shocked and appalled at some allegations.
"They apologise unreservedly for any abuse suffered by children in their care. They go forward hoping that lessons will be learned, not just by them in the provision of care but also by carers generally in society and in wider society at large."
The treatment of children in Catholic church-run residential homes will be a key concern of the investigation being held in Banbridge, Co Down.
The alleged abuse involved homes in Belfast, Londonderry and Kircubbin. Separate concerns over the notorious local-authority run Kincora boys' home in east Belfast, where details of alleged abuse of young children by loyalist paramilitaries first emerged decades ago, are to be investigated.